by pennifold ( edited 22 Jun 2016 ) 22 Jun 2016

I can't believe after making IN THE HOOP designs for ages - and I love them, that I missed a step of cutting off the front from the stabiliser. Mind you I did the back!!!!!

Anyway the Pot Holder was a free project from I sew for Free website. The Santa Claus is from Amazing Embroidery designs sister site. I'll use it for my ladies luncheon in December. Love Chris

1. This is the front of the pot holder. With the Santa I just omitted the outer circle that is in the design - you can see I didn't cut the fabric away from the stabiliser and you can just see some of the red fabric through the black satin stitching.
2. This is the back - looks much better! I used the same thread in the bobbin as in the top so it would be reversible! You see I had the right idea, just stuffed up the sequencing! Oh! well, back to something else. Love Chris


by lbrow 25 Jun 2016

Like you Chris, I love Christmas. This is a dandy pot holder and a great gift/Lillian

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 25 Jun 2016

Thanks Miss Lillian, me too. I just love anything to do with Christmas. Most wonderful time of the year! Love Chris

by aussiequilter 24 Jun 2016

They look fantastic Chris

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jun 2016

Thanks so much Monika, love Chris

by jrob Moderator 24 Jun 2016

I think it's great. Don't be so critical of your wonderful self.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 24 Jun 2016

Thanks so much Jerrilyn, love Chris

by dollygk 23 Jun 2016

WAS free, now they are charging... great job!!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold edited 23 Jun 2016

Thanks Dolly, that is a pity. Love Chris

by sewtired 23 Jun 2016

Looks great, but if you are unhappy, maybe Kim can tell you how she melts away edges on her coasters and things. She gets lovely crisp sharp edges.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 23 Jun 2016

Yes, Kim's told me how what she uses to clean up the edges. I haven't got one of those tools, but I'm off to the Sydney Quilt and Craft show tomorrow with Meganne and if they've got some I'll get one. Love Chris

by peafarm 22 Jun 2016

I am with the others Chris, love the green suit of Santa on the red fabric. Brilliant of you to think about using same colors in bobbin for reverse.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thank you Patti, it just looked better to me. Love Chris

by joann1 22 Jun 2016

very nice, love your Santa and your colors. hugs JoAnn

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks so much JoAnn, love Chris

by dailylaundry 22 Jun 2016

Such a cute Santa!! Turned out great!! Hugs, Laura*

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks so much Laura, I thought so too. I've used him a few times over the years. Love Chris

by sonjapotgieter 22 Jun 2016

Awesome design and work!!!Well done...Gorgeous Santa

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks so much Sonja. Love Chris

by sjbrower 22 Jun 2016

I like this a lot! You did a great job with the embroidery.... I originally thought that you had done two, facing in opposite directions. Then I realized that the second pic is the back! Santa looks good in green.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thank you so much. I appreciate it Sharon. Love Chris

by Ossineu 22 Jun 2016

I really like your Santa. We should not be always so critical with ourself😊

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pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Yes Angelika, I know! Love Chris

by noah 22 Jun 2016

Great job Chris Hugs From Canada

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks Carolyn. I hope you are having a wonderful time "Glamping" he he he! Love Chris

by toogie 22 Jun 2016

He finally changed his clothes!-lol-I think he looks festive and no one but us, with our trained eye in sewing, would ever 'see' or notice. The back looks almost as good as the front, I can just barely see the black quilting through the white. You were smart to use the same threads in the bobbins. I think you've done well and your luncheon will be the talk of the town!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks so much Toogie. I hope they go down well. Love Chris

by dragonflyer 22 Jun 2016

Looks good despite your forgetting to cut away the front fabric...been there...done that, too!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks Kim, glad to see I'm not the only one! Love Chris

by harleysville 22 Jun 2016

I think it is lovely. I also think, as the other Cuties, that the green Santa is a delightful change. Great job.

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pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks to you too. Love Chris

by designgirl 22 Jun 2016

These are great, Love the green suit. A nice change for red.Looks festive on the red instead. Love and Hugs Lynn. ,

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks so much Lynn, love Chris

by baydreamer 22 Jun 2016

looks good!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks very much, love Chris

by gwillmann 22 Jun 2016

I think it looks great. If it really bothers you, color the pokies with a black permanent marker.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Now that's a great idea! Love Chris

by michemb 22 Jun 2016

they look great Chris,
they will be treasured,

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks Michelle, I hope so. Love Chris

by lidiad 22 Jun 2016

That's beautiful, Chris, love your Santa dressed in green!
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks Lidia. Love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 22 Jun 2016

It still looks fabulous. And I think we have all done the same thing. I know I have forgotten to cut away the fabric too. So welcome to the club.

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pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks Karen, it's so easy to do! Love Chris

by laffma1 22 Jun 2016

He looks fabulous in green!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks so much. Love Chris

by spendlove Moderator 22 Jun 2016

Beautiful finished product though! Why do we admit to our mistakes? No-one would know if we didn't!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks Sue and I suppose I like to show the newer Cuties, that no matter how long I've been sewing I still do silly things! Love Chris

by Smokey12 22 Jun 2016

It is beautiful. I would have never thought of putting had a lot of bobbin changes to do this front and back. Most excellent work.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks so much Smokey, there weren't that many. Love Chris

P.S. This was done on the Brother machine not my normal one (Husqvarna).

by carolpountney 22 Jun 2016

Very nice I cant see your mistake

pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Carol, if you click on the image and then click again you enlarge the picture to double its size. I just didn't cut off the fabric before the satin stitching! I'm annoyed with myself for missing such an important step. Love Chris

carolpountney by carolpountney 22 Jun 2016

Ok now I see I can understand the annoyance you sound like me but I make lots of mistakes more than most because im so impatient love your work

by bejoscha 22 Jun 2016

But, its looks great and stitch out beautifully!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks Bejoscha, yes, the stitchout is beautiful. I just changed the colours to suit me. As I had the red background and Santa in the original design is dressed in red, it wouldn't show up as much on the red backing, so hence the green Santa! Love Chris

by sandralane 22 Jun 2016

We learn from our slight mistakes, Chris it is a great design and you did stitch it beautifully anyways. It still looks good to me. Sandra.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 22 Jun 2016

Thanks Sandra, you are too kind, love Chris