by baldacchino 23 Feb 2015

Hi All Cuties I am going in to hospital to have my lift shoulder reconstituted on the 25 Feb, once its done I will be able to do all my sewing and play Golf which I haven't played since last April 2014 and may be take that Cruise my John wants to take me on , will be on line in a week's time L Sherene X


by baldacchino 24 Feb 2015

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, the well wishes L Sherene X

by cfidl 24 Feb 2015

Wishing you perfect healing!

by zoefzoef 24 Feb 2015

Good luck with the shoulder ! Will it be done by surgery ?

by gerryvb 24 Feb 2015

hope and pray everything goes well, and you can do all things you like soon !

by dragonflyer 24 Feb 2015

Sherene...Hoping all goes well and you are back in the "swing" soon...

by pennifold 24 Feb 2015

Dear Sherene, my prayer for you is to have complete peace when you go into surgery tomorrow. Also for a quick recovery - just make sure you do whatever the physio tells you to do. Love and blessings Chris

by marianb 24 Feb 2015

Everything will be great after the opp and rehab, and a cruise seem to be the best medicine for heeling better..

by lidiad 23 Feb 2015

My best wishes for your operation tomorrow, Sherene!
Hugs, Lidia

by airyfairy 23 Feb 2015

I am sure you will feel like a new person when you have healed. Thinking of you today. Hugs Sarah

by noah 23 Feb 2015

Will pray for you had mine done a few years ago and its as good as new hugs Carolyn

by sebsews 23 Feb 2015

hoping for a sucessful surgery and recovery. Yes retired and have fun fun fun!

by graceandham 23 Feb 2015

Praying it all goes smoothly with great results so you can again do everything you want to.

by jrob Moderator 23 Feb 2015

I'm praying for you for this to be a success and the rehab to be a breeze. At least for it to breeze through quickly. ;)

by lbrow 23 Feb 2015

My very best to you and prayers for a speedy recovery/Lillian

by mi30kaja 23 Feb 2015

Best wishes for your Shoulder Op and the Cruise sounds like a great way to get better. That is something to look forward to. Wish I was going.

1 comment
baldacchino by baldacchino 23 Feb 2015

Thank you , just came back from Cairns lovely holiday, to take my mind of the shoulder, we are retired now so life begins we are all ways busy don't know what we did when we were both working with our time we know what to do with it now Have FUN FUN FUN L Sherene X