by elemausi 22 Oct 2014

Need your help, found a fox scarf (link) and decided to make one for all my 5GD. But I maked it from fleece. Now I think, I have to change some things.

1. The head must be smaller (the scarf too) for a child.
2. I will leave an opening behind the head to put the tail through, so it allways shows the right side.
If these problems are fixed, I will try a cat too.
What do you think?


by anitapatch 23 Oct 2014

Love what you have done

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Thank you

by bemara 23 Oct 2014

Dein Fuchs ist ja schön geworden und liegt sehr gut u den Hals, früher habe ich mir öfters einen Fuchs-Schal gestrickt, wobei der Schal/Schwanz dürch das halboffene Maul gezogen wird . ., ein Fuchs ist doch immer wieder schön ;-)

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Ja so etwas hatte ich auch gesehen aber keine Lust das 5mal zu stricken. Nähen geht schneller;-)

by marianb 23 Oct 2014


1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Thank you

by lidiad 23 Oct 2014

It looks great to me!
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Thank you

by spell 23 Oct 2014

Oh, dieser Fuchs-Schal ist ja großartig geworden!!!
Hast du dafür ein Schnittmuster? Der würde mir nicht nur für meine Enkeltochter gefallen, den würde ich auch selbst gerne tragen!
Liebe Grüße

elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Bis jetzt habe ich nur die Länge eines vorhandene Schals gemessen, hinten für den Schwanz spitz zugeschnitten und vorne ein schmales langes U ausgeschnitten, damit die Beine entstehen. Schwanz und Pfoten sind appliziert. Den Kopf habe ich gezeichnet und dann digitalisiert. Er wird mit der Stickmaschine gestickt mit Vlies gefüllt und zwischen den Ohren, die vorher extra angefertigt werden, und entlang der weißen Applikation an den Wangen auf dem Schal festgesteppt.
Vielleicht befestige ich für den nächsten auch den Kopf nur oben und unten, so dass man das andere Ende durch die Öffnung ziehen kann.

spell by spell 24 Oct 2014

Vielen Dank für deine Beschreibung, vielleicht geh ich da am Wochenende mal dran . . . Ich glaube jetzt kann man bald einen kuscheligen Schal brauchen.

by airyfairy 23 Oct 2014

I think he is incredible. What a fantastic job you have done. My GD would love this

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Thank you I am working it to make better fit for children.

by pacmp 23 Oct 2014

Foxes are so very popular with the "What does the Fox say" videos just check you tube if you have not seen them all! anyway I Love what you have already done and just don't go too small as these will be worn for many, many years by your GD's and anyone else lucky enough to get the pattern!.
If you are thinking of stuffing or padding it in any way, then I would recommend at the tail end where the colors change to make it where the extra length could be tucked into a pocket and let out as the child grows, if that would not make it too thick. I look forward to see just what you decide and I am sure the Grands will absolutely love them!

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Thank you

by lbrow 22 Oct 2014

Very talented you are. This is terrific. A Superfragelisticexpealidoecious job/Lillian

airyfairy by airyfairy 23 Oct 2014

Your spelling is brilliant Lillian!!!

elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Thank you for your kind words.

by fontmomma 22 Oct 2014

Found some to knit and crochet. Various animals including a snake, pig lion, etc
Not free but cost only $6 Need to sign in

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Thank you

by loosie 22 Oct 2014

what fun, i can't wait to see the cat :)

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Thank you, first I will work to make the scarf better fit for children.

by sewilso 22 Oct 2014

Very cute scarf!!!

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Thank you

by pennifold 22 Oct 2014

BRILLIANT! I love it, good idea too about other animals. Love Chris

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Thank you

by crafter2243 Moderator 22 Oct 2014

Amazing how you changed the crochet pattern using fleece. Good idea and it turned out great. True if for children you will have to do it a bit smaller. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Ich habe an Kindern meiner Freunde probiert, meine Enkel wohnen alle weit weg, und werde den Kopf tatsächlich etwas kleiner machen, die Länge lasse ich so, da kann der Schal auch mehrmals umgeschlungen werden, ein Katzenkopf ist gerade in Arbeit.
Danke für den Kommentar, ich hoffe Du hattest einen wunderschönen Geburtstag.

by noah 22 Oct 2014

Looks awesome to me .We learn lots after we do the first one for sure hugs

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Thanks for looking
Hugs Bärbel

by mops Moderator 22 Oct 2014

Super cute!!

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 23 Oct 2014

Thank you

by shilly 22 Oct 2014

Great idea, it reminds me of a backpack so, maybe a pocket could be put in the head to place things...alternatively,opening could be where the mouth is, like the big bad wolf...or, even the paws could hold tiny items. Have fun with it and show us the results,please.

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 22 Oct 2014

Thanks for looking.

by graceandham 22 Oct 2014

Cute with this size head. Would you like to lightly fill the front paws for the child version? Such a cute face!

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 22 Oct 2014

I am not sure, but I think it will be to thick, if I fill the head or the paws, but will try it.

by jrob Moderator 22 Oct 2014

Over the top cute!

by Leaha 22 Oct 2014

This is just too much, how cute! :-)

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 22 Oct 2014

Thank you

by cj2sew 22 Oct 2014

Oh this is just the cutest ever. Some people have such creative minds. I know that when I ever want to down size or go up I use graph paper. I know that sounds old fashioned but, it works for me. I can't wait to see what you come up with. You know there may be a market for animal scarfs. Think about all the local school sports teams out their with animals.

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 22 Oct 2014

Thank you

by toogie 22 Oct 2014

I can't see any problem with it, I think it looks great! Show us the cat, when you get it made,too. You did a great job with it.

toogie by toogie 22 Oct 2014

I just went to the link. It was for a crochet scarf. Did you design this fox for your scarf? If so, you really did a GREAT job! You need to do a tutorial for it.

elemausi by elemausi 22 Oct 2014

Yes, I made my own pattern and did the head ITH.

toogie by toogie 22 Oct 2014

You are good!

by pldc 22 Oct 2014

this is just adorable! I love it! ~hugs~

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 22 Oct 2014


by highlandermom 22 Oct 2014

This is cute and sounds like good idea.

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 22 Oct 2014

Thank you