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by elemausi ( edited 29 Aug 2014 ) 29 Aug 2014

Do you know this fruit?

It is a very healthy fruit, that contains many vitamins and together with raspberrys it makes a delicious jam. I got from my small 3 years old tree 16 jars with jam.


by cfidl 30 Aug 2014

Your recipe sounds wonderful! I do not think a tree would live here in Denver, however I need another tree. I did not get cherries this year due to a late freeze.

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 30 Aug 2014

This tree is in blossoms after the last freeze late in the spring and needs no special temperatur. It is not the primitive form, so it grows under other trees and dont need a lot of water.

by grossfamilie 30 Aug 2014

Ist das der Aronia-Strauch? Habe einen kleinen, der erstmals dieses Jahr getragen hat, d.h. er ist fast zusammengebrochen unter den Früchten. Liebe Grüsse Maria

elemausi by elemausi 30 Aug 2014

Ja das sind Aroniafrüchte, fast 4 kg von einem kleinen Baum, den wir vor 3 Jahren gepflanzt haben. Was macht ihr damit? Da ich ungern viel Zucker verwende, mische ich die Aronia immer mit (gefrosteten) Himbeeren oder mit Banane und verwende dann 2:1 Gelierzucker, um Marmelade draus zu machen.

stachel by stachel 30 Aug 2014

Ich babe sie mit Brombeeren gemischt schmeckt auch gut als gelee.
Saft hatte ich mal gekauft der war sündhaft teuer.

by chenille 30 Aug 2014

These look like chokecherries. We have a tree and it is full this year. They have a large seed so we make jelly with them. The birds also love them.
Hugs, Nadyne

elemausi by elemausi 30 Aug 2014

Our birds like this fruits too, so we make a net over the tree.

elemausi by elemausi 30 Aug 2014

You can see, that there ara no large seeds, they are smaller than the raspberry seeds

by meganne 30 Aug 2014

There is more information available on Wikipedia, I have added the link below for you. hugs n roses, Meganne

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 30 Aug 2014

Scroll down and read the preliminary research too.
Thank you for the link, I got only one in german.

by lbrow 30 Aug 2014

I do not know but they look delish!/Lillian

by manami 30 Aug 2014

I've never seen these before, they look yummy! :)

by stachel 30 Aug 2014

Aronia in anderen Sprachen
Doch wie fragen wir nach Aronia? Mit dem botanischen Begriff konnte uns kaum einer im Ausland verstehen. Wir erweiterten unser Vokabular und freundeten uns mit einigen neuen Begriffen an: "Black chokeberry" (englisch), "Appelbes" (niederländisch), "Chernoplodnaja skorusha" (bulgarisch), "Aronia czarna" (polnisch) oder "Rjabina chernoplodnaja" (russisch).

elemausi by elemausi 30 Aug 2014


grossfamilie by grossfamilie 30 Aug 2014

Ah, Stachel ist Expertin. Danke ebenfalls!

by stachel 30 Aug 2014

Hier habe ich mal was zur
Ihren Ursprung hat die Pflanze im östlichen Nordamerika an der heutigen amerikanisch-kanadischen Grenze und wuchs dort in endlosen Gebieten auf den verschiedensten Böden. Die Indianer kannten diese Pflanze und sagten Ihr damals schon große Heilwirkung zu. Der berühmte russische Botaniker und Weltreisende Mitschurin entdeckte die Aronia in Amerika und brachte Sie zu Zuchtzwecken mit nach Russland. Mit Unterstützung des Sowjetregimes unter Lenin und Stalin züchtete er frostresistente Sorten, so unter anderem die Aronia melanocarpa.

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 30 Aug 2014

Toll, was Du alles rausgesucht hast.
The plant came from the east part of North America and was taken from the russian biologe Mitchurin to Europe ( Russia) and from there to East Europe and Sweden. Aronia is very healthy, but has alone a not so sweet taste. So I use they together with another fruits. A lot of people make juice from it and sell it high expensive as medicine.

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by crafter2243 Moderator edited 29 Aug 2014

I don't know, but can't wait to find out.

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 29 Aug 2014

Ah. In English it is Chokeberry according to my translater and I had never heard of it before.

by stachel 29 Aug 2014

in Deutschland heisst es Apfelbeere oder Aronia.
Habe sie selber im Garten.


1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 29 Aug 2014

Muss was neues sein. Zu meiner Kindheit gab es das noch nicht. Interresant.

by rachap 29 Aug 2014

Are they those gogi or acie (not sure of the spelling) berries that you read so much about? I have never seen either so haven't a clue/they do look nice and juicy.

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 29 Aug 2014

No, but they are healthy as those.

by designgirl 29 Aug 2014

They look a bit like elderberries.

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 29 Aug 2014

This is not right, elderberries are not so big.

by suelyn7 29 Aug 2014

I am sure these are black currants Here in the uk they are used in jams, pies cakes and are supposed to be very high I. Vitamin c. Suelyn

elemausi by elemausi 29 Aug 2014

No, this are no currants.

madeare2 by madeare2 29 Aug 2014

Are these berries on a vine? Are they growing in the South of the USA. I would love some seeds to plant.

elemausi by elemausi 30 Aug 2014

The plants are bushes ore small trees and came from the South of Northern Amerika . A russian biologe made they more frost ressistant. I dont know if they grow in the South of the USA.