by twee 19 May 2014

This has been a very sad week. A week ago Wednesday my daughter's mother-in-law fell down a flight of stairs in the night, probably going to the bathroom. She fractured her skull, broke her neck, her back and several ribs. Her husband heard the commotion and went and helped her walk back up the stairs to bed. He had no clue how hurt she was. A bit later she began having seizures and the paramedics were called and she was rushed to the hospital. She was able to communicate the next day with a thumbs up to yes and no questions.

Swelling on the brain started and they had to put a bolt into the skull and monitor the swelling. As the swelling increased she lost ability to communicate and became non-responsive. A day or so later they removed a large portion of her skull to relieve the pressure from the swelling. When they did she was able to open her eyes, but remained unresponsive.

She never regained consciousness and last Wednesday they declared her brain dead. She has four adult children and six grandchildren. The family is in a state of shock. It just does not seem possible. On Friday they turned off the machines and she passed in less than an hour.

She was vibrant, feisty, and full of fun. I am so sad that the grandchildren will not have her around for many more years.

We never know what hand life is going to deal us. Thanks for being a listening ear.


by katydid 20 May 2014

So sorry! What a sad story!. Kay

by jid53 20 May 2014

That is so sad sorry to hear

by haleymax 20 May 2014

I am so sorry for the loss.

by grandmamek 20 May 2014

My sincere condolences to your daughter and son-in-law and their family. May God provide the family with comfort during their time of loss and grieving. Hugs, Mary

by pldc 20 May 2014

My prayers and thoughts are with you & the family. She is in God's Hands now. ~hugs Loralye~

by etui22 20 May 2014

my sincere condolences to you and your family.

by susiesembroidery 20 May 2014

Deepest sympathies to you and all your family.

by sdrise 20 May 2014

My sympathies to you and the family and I will pray for you all Suzanne

by arlene 20 May 2014

How very sad. Will keep her family in my prayers.

by shozo1271 20 May 2014

what a terrible tragedy.... My sincere condolences to the whole family.

by lidiad 20 May 2014

Very sad. My condolences to the family.
Hugs, Lidia

by asterixsew Moderator 20 May 2014

Teri thinking of the family and their loss

by camylow 20 May 2014

I am sorry to hear this....Please send my regards to the family...Blessings to you all...deanna

by gdsteliga 19 May 2014

What a tragedy. My prayers are with the family and friends.
God comfort all.


by Leaha 19 May 2014

So very sorry to hear of this loss. Bless the families, both immediate and extends. Prayers going out for all, in this tragic time. Leaha

by gerryb 19 May 2014

So sorry to hear of your loss. But the "cutie's" ears are always here for you! Prayers for your family.

by graceandham 19 May 2014

Praying for your family now and during this terrible loss. Bless you.

by anssmile 19 May 2014

Oh how awful. My prayers are with you and your family. May God give you the strength to cope with this tragedy.

by debswebster 19 May 2014

OH what a terrible tragedy for the family. Sounds like an awful nightmare. My sympathy goes out to the whole family.

by cfidl 19 May 2014

My sympathies to the family. I agree with everything you said, and know first hand the emptiness of life when family has passed. God Bless.

by jerrib 19 May 2014

My prayers and thoughts are with the family. This is such a tragedy and shock. It just shows we should live each day as if it is our last...we just never know.

by noah 19 May 2014

Will pray :):)hugs

by tilde01 19 May 2014

My condolences to all who loved your MIL. She will always be with you through your lovely memories.

by anangel 19 May 2014

Such a tragedy and loss. I am so sorry for all of you and her family, sending my deepest sympathy. Things can happen so quickly, beyond our control. May the Lord the strength and comfort needed during this difficult time.
Hugs, Angel

by avalon 19 May 2014

True we never know what is around the corner for any of us, we must treat each day as our last on this earth, love one another as He would have us to do. So very sorry for you all. Hugs

by rmj8939 19 May 2014

Oh, I am so sorry for you and your Daughter in laws family.

by crafter2243 Moderator 19 May 2014

I am so sorry for your loss. My thought and prayers are with your family.

by dragonflyer 19 May 2014

Soooo very sorry to hear this, prayers and condolences to your family...sooo very sad...

by jrob Moderator 19 May 2014

Oh, Terri, how awful for everyone involved with this tragedy. I'm so sorry to hear this and please tell your daughter that she has prayers being said over her and her extended family at this sad time.

by meganne 19 May 2014

Terri I am so sorry for your families' loss. This is so terribly sad.
Please pass on my sincere condolences to your daughter and son in law.

by gerryvb 19 May 2014

oh how sad this is, and how hard for the family to accept, in special for the husband, who didn't realize how serious she was hurt. He must feel so sorry..... my prayers for the family, they all need eachother now more than ever. wish them all strength.

by manami 19 May 2014

Dear Terri, I'm so sorry to read this. My prayers to the family.

by pennifold 19 May 2014

My dear Terri, I'm so sorry to read this post. What an absolute tragedy, that poor family must be devastated! I will certainly keep you and your family in my prayers. How sad that those dear grandchildren have lost a dear grandmother. My heart goes out to you and them. Love Chris

by juanitadenney 19 May 2014

So sad to hear this and my prayers go out to the family.

by christracey 19 May 2014

Not good to hear of this sad news. Things can change in an instant. At least they didn't let her linger on just by machines...I don't think she would have liked that idea by the way you describe her. You all just have to remember the good times. Sending up prayers for all the family during this sad time.

twee by twee 21 May 2014

She wouldn't but it was terribly difficult for the daughters to let her go. They were grasping at straws to keep their mother, the mother they loved. It took a few days for them to come to terms that she wasn't there anymore. It was so sad to watch them struggle. My heart broke for them. The funeral is tomorrow

christracey by christracey 21 May 2014

Yes it is hard to let go of someone you love but in the end it is for the best for the loved one....Will say extra prayers for everyone to cope with her send off tomorrow. It should be a celebration of her life.