by elemausi 31 Mar 2014

There are some tips how to clean a sewingmaschine, may be for some new cuties it will be helpful


by mops Moderator 31 Mar 2014

Every user manuel will tell you exactly how to do it as it differs frm brand to brand.
Nowadays you usually don't have to oil often or at all, my first Elna had 11 points that had to be oiled once a month, 4 of them weekly. And as I still use that machine now and again I stll do that. My 4-needle needs an occasinal drop at each needle, as does my serger at 3 points, and my Ruby should not be oiled. So hurray for manuals that take the guessing out of it.

by dailylaundry 31 Mar 2014

Thanks for posting - especially good for those who are new to stitching!! Hugs, Laura*