by leenova54 13 Mar 2014

I am doing OK, just had a chest scan that came back as stable so I'm good for 3 more months but still getting chemo every Friday except when I need blood transfusion like last week.

DEVON, girl, you better email me so I know what is going on, emailed you last week!!!
ARLENE, you didn't tell me your user name in the card you sent me so I couldn't PM you to you something back so I couldn't privately thank you for the angel you sent me!
Gotta hop in the shower, it's almost midnight and I have the doctor and chemo in the morning earlier than usual! HUGS to you all.


by pldc 24 Mar 2014

It is lovely to "see" you Deb, as always in my prayers. ~hugs Loralye~

by twee 24 Mar 2014

you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs

by shirlener88 21 Mar 2014

I am praying for you my dear friend - so happy to see that you are checking in here - more often than me - these days.

by oaro 16 Mar 2014

so happy to hear from you thinking and praying for you .Maria

by dilceia 16 Mar 2014

You are always in my thoughts and prayers , dear Debra ! kisses

by mary51 16 Mar 2014

So glad to hear from you!!!!!! I always keep you in my prayers.

by drro 14 Mar 2014

Hi Debra! It is wonderful to see you writing to us! It is even better to read that you are getting favorable reports from the doctors! Yippee!!
Hugs and God Bless! I think of you and pray for you every time I sign into Cute!!!! ro

by devon 14 Mar 2014

I will email you when I get home okay love ya sis

by susiesembroidery 14 Mar 2014

Dear Debra, I keep on praying for you and your recovery. May God keep His heeling Hands over you and your doctors and nurses. Have a lovely rest and good luck for tomorrow.XOXOXO

by gerryb 14 Mar 2014

Deb, you are one strong lady! Glad the scan was good. Still praying! Hugs to you from Tenn!!

by hightechgrammy 14 Mar 2014

Hi Deb, I wish I could attach the theme to Rocky here! You are such an inspiration to me, and I'll singing your song! Our God is an Awesome God is an even better!

by jrob Moderator 14 Mar 2014

So happy to see you! Do you like ice cream? When I was much, much younger and much, much thinner, I had a weight problem and started eating ice cream every night. (Why did I not leave well enough alone?). Maybe that would work for you, anyway.
Everytime I see this in my folder, I think of you and your courage.

by sdrise 14 Mar 2014

Great to see you here!!! Great news on the scan too! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. thoughts will be with you tomorrow at Chemo! Take care!! Suzanne

by crafter2243 Moderator 14 Mar 2014

So great to see your post with good news. Hugs back to you

by noah 14 Mar 2014

Oh so blessed to hear from you Be Good Ah!!!!Hugs Carolyn From Canada!!xx

by laffma1 14 Mar 2014

So nice to see you on-line - and especially with such wonderful news about your scan!!!!!! Hope things continue to improve quickly for you. You are a real inspiration Deb!!

by michemb 14 Mar 2014

What a lovely way to start my day, seeing you here. You are always in my prayers and it is so nice to see you up and about. Ii so admire your strength and courage, you are an inspiration dear Deb,

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 14 Mar 2014

Thanks Michelle. I look terrible, only on here this morn to buy something on QVC (tv shopping) so I thought I'd look in quick before my parents show up to take me to chemo. They are such a help and I know they are hurting every day about losing me.

by lidiad 14 Mar 2014

Good news, Deb! Thank you for the update.
Love and hugs, Lidia

by grandmamek 14 Mar 2014

Deb, it is so good to hear from you. I am happy to hear that your scan came back as stable. Keep fighting and we will keep praying for you. Hugs, Mary.

by dragonflyer 14 Mar 2014

Glad to hear the good news! Hope you are feeling strong! Hugs & Smiles...Kim

by meganne 14 Mar 2014

You are always in my thoughts and prayers Deb, you go girl!!!
hugs n love, Meg

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 14 Mar 2014

Back at ya Meg!

by sewilso 14 Mar 2014

That is good news, I hope and pray for continued success.

by toet 14 Mar 2014

Hi it is Heather, So pleased your chest scan is stable, I know the apprehension before the three month scans, I had mine a couple of weeks ago I know for you eating is a problem, I try to go out for lunch at least once a week that way I enjoy eating that day especially if family, friend or DH can accompany me. The hospital that I attend gives you morning and afternoon tea and a great lunch. Hope you get spoilt also. I will be thinking of you tomorrow, best wishes

leenova54 by leenova54 14 Mar 2014

On Tuesday my youngest son comes now and brings me food from what fast food I want and on Thursday my youngest brother does the same. I eat good food but not gaining weight! 84 pounds!! Too low, I need 20 more pounds to feel good I think!

muffy by muffy 14 Mar 2014

Can you drink Ensure or other high calorie/or high vitamin drink? I imagine your tummy is shrunk from not eating and that makes it harder to eat as much as you need to put on go girl!!! This old world isn't ready for you to go yet!!!

leenova54 by leenova54 16 Mar 2014

I do drink Ensure and I don't eat much when I am hungry so yeah, the stomach has shrunk.

by ansalu 14 Mar 2014

It's great to hear such good news from you. Hope you had a nice sleep this night.
Hugs to you, Bettina

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 14 Mar 2014

Miss you Bettina, don't email much but love to hear how you are doing. Still in business? How are Anna and Felix doing in school this year?

by spendlove Moderator 14 Mar 2014

Nice to hear your good news. Those angels must be working!

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 14 Mar 2014

I think, hope and pray they are! Got a new angel yesterday in a card with only the name, no user ID so I could PM a thank you.

by toogie 14 Mar 2014

Haven't got a chance to phone, but great about the scan! That spring is coming, and you better have your sunglasses ready, for your driving! Love you girl,Toogie your eating is better,gotta have enough strength,to the press that brake pedal, for all those fool drivers on the road!-lol

leenova54 by leenova54 14 Mar 2014

Don't feel bad, I hate the phone, I jump every time it rings, lol! Trying to eat enough!

toogie by toogie 16 Mar 2014

I know,take care-T

by cfidl 14 Mar 2014

It is so good to see you! You are amazing and you sound so good.

by pennifold 14 Mar 2014

That is such encouraging news Deb. I continue to pray for you and your family. Hope your chemo doesn't knock you about too much tomorrow. Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 14 Mar 2014

Not too much, the say chemo day and blood transfusion days you feel real well after but not me, I feel sick and tired.

by airyfairy 14 Mar 2014

So good to see you here Debs. You sound in great form. Sending you much love and hugs. Sarah

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by graceandham edited 13 Mar 2014

That's encouraging. Great to see you pop up tonight and hope chemo goes well tomorrow. We continue to pray for you, dear.

by rescuer Moderator 13 Mar 2014

Hugs and blessings to you dear Deb! Thanks so much for checking in with us and for the update.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 14 Mar 2014

Thank you, must run and brush my teeth, chemo is in less than an hour!