by christracey 30 Jan 2014

Could I please ask for prayers for my husband & family as we are to bury his mother tomorrow after her suffering a massive stroke. His dad is still alive & is 91. They would have been married 70 years in August.



by christracey 31 Jan 2014

Thank you to all who have said prayers for our family. It was a nice service....the minister said he can tell if it was a good service by the funeral attenders - they all shed a tear too!

I know God now has her in his keeping & we all have her in our hearts.

Thank you once again & flowers to all.

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by pldc edited 31 Jan 2014

You got it!

by graceandham 31 Jan 2014

I've had another thought. Be sure to make the anniversary date in August special in some way. Take out the wedding pics or your photos through the year and give him a chance to remember. When my parents hit the 50 year mark, Daddy asked Mother don't we have a wedding album somewhere? They got it down and went slowly through the pictures together. When they were done, he said you're just as beautiful to me today as on that day. (And believe me, she wasn't to the rest of us.)

1 comment
christracey by christracey 31 Jan 2014

Yes we will do something special for my FIL. Actually yesterday he gave their big framed wedding photo - that hung above their bed - to my step-daughter. She wanted him to keep it but he insisted that she have it.

by mommajo 30 Jan 2014

Sorry for your loss but it sounds like they had a wonderful life. 70 years married is such a gift. Take joy in the good life you have had with her and all the memory's that she has given to you. She is now in Gods hands.

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by devon edited 30 Jan 2014

Sending out prayers your way.

by jrob Moderator 30 Jan 2014

I'm so very sorry. I add my prayers for all of your family at this sad time.

by aussiequilter 30 Jan 2014

So sad to hear Tracey ,I pray you will both find the strength to get through the day ,take care

by debswebster 30 Jan 2014

Condolences to you and your family.

by theduchess 30 Jan 2014

So very sorry for your prayers are with you.Stella

by crafter2243 Moderator 30 Jan 2014

I will pray for you and your family. May you find the strength to deal with all that is coming your way.
Hugs Angie

by highlandermom 30 Jan 2014

Will be uplifting you and family in my prayers with heartfelt concerns.

by dragonflyer 30 Jan 2014

So very sorry for our loss...strength and prayers be with you...

by meganne 30 Jan 2014

I am so very sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

by graceandham 30 Jan 2014

Prying for all of you in the days ahead. He may surprise you with his depth and inner strength through this.

by gerryvb 30 Jan 2014

my prayers and condoleances for husband, you and family.

by cfidl 30 Jan 2014

My condolences and prayers for the family. They had a long life together and I am sure the blessings of family will always be with them.

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by crazystitcher edited 30 Jan 2014

Sincere sympathy to you and your husband and family. May God walk with you all as you make your way through your grief and may you all find strength to stand by your husband's dad who will probably be needing much support in order to cope with his deep sorrow. For their marriage to have endured for 69 years, they must have had a very special bond of love, respect and understanding: that is quite an achievement.

by sewilso 30 Jan 2014

I am so sorry for your loss, it won't be easy I know. I lost my mom at age 88, and Dad lived another year and a half. He was lost without her, you have my deepest sympathy. Sharon

by lidiad 30 Jan 2014

Prayers for your husband and family. It's hard to lose a family member, no matter how old the person was.
Hugs, Lidia

by pennifold 30 Jan 2014

Prayers for you and your family as you grieve the loss of your MIL. I pray that you feel the love of everyone surrounding you and may God hold you all in the palm of His hands. Love Chris

by grandmamek 30 Jan 2014

My sincere condolences to you and your husband and family. May God provide you with comfort during this difficult time. Hugs, Mary

by airyfairy 30 Jan 2014

Thinking of you and your family at this sad time. Hugs Sarah.