by danababes 20 Jan 2014

I think it was about a month ago I was googling free bag patterns and I remember visiting a site that had a long zip up bag, may have been for knitting needles, I don't remember. The bag was interesting because the zipper runs along the length of the bag and then around one end. A continuous zipper was used during construction, I remember that however when I googled again for it last night I couldn't find the same bag.

Does anyone else remember visiting the site? I may have also followed a link from here for one of the sites that leads you to other sewing tutorials for bags/pouches/pencil cases.

I was sure I bookmarked the site, but of course I cannot find it. When I do I'll rename my bookmark so I can find it lol. I spent hours and hours looking for it last night because it would make a brilliant pencil case as the bag opens up all along the length including one end (great for long rulers to be in the bag too). I'm slowly going through my browser history too but like I said, I'm hoping someone else may have visitied the same site and remembers it .. and I'm asking here because it may be faster than rummaging my history lol. :) xXx


by narellep 21 Jan 2014

I have one called a zipper pencil case from Craft Passion, I hope it is the one that you were looking for.

narellep by narellep edited 21 Jan 2014

The link and picture have not downloaded. The link is

danababes by danababes 21 Jan 2014

That's the "Wide Open Bag" that I was considering as another option, yes :)
The tutorial I was looking for is similar to this one: except that the zip goes around the curved end and the down one long side, so I'll modify this one (and not fold it over lol) Thanks for your help :) xXx

by elemausi 20 Jan 2014

Do you meen this?
Must translate, a click of HIER shows you the Pattern

1 comment
danababes by danababes 20 Jan 2014

No, but that's really interesting, thanks! :)

I think I'll go with the "wide open bag" and make it longer as I still haven't found what I'm looking for. xXx

by pennifold 20 Jan 2014

Don't know that I can remember that, but someone else might. Good luck, love Chris

1 comment
danababes by danababes 20 Jan 2014

I hope so, thanks :) xXx