by airyfairy 05 Jan 2014

Just thought I would ask fellow Cuties. I have been sewing for virtually all my life but have never sewn an invisible zip before. I have DL some instructions from the internet but wondered if anyone could give me a few tips. I do not want to buy a special foot as I will probably never use it again. Thank you in advance. Sarah.


by elemausi 26 Jan 2014

There is a free craftsy-class.

1 comment
airyfairy by airyfairy 26 Jan 2014

Thank you for this but it is all done and I have posted the dress in projects.

by airyfairy 09 Jan 2014

I have been in touch with Bernina South Africa and they are sending me a metal foot - should take about a week to reach me!! Thank you all for your responses. Sarah

by barba 06 Jan 2014

This is a good video. I searched youtube for invisible zipper tutorial. Hugs, Barba

1 comment
airyfairy by airyfairy 07 Jan 2014

Thank you Barba - I cannot get into your Youtube video but I have now seen some others.

by haleymax 06 Jan 2014

Try Wal-Mart(if you are in that area) for the plastic feet that dragonflyer was speaking of. They come in several different shank sizes. I love how the invisible zippers look.

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airyfairy by airyfairy 07 Jan 2014

Thank you for your advice but I live in South Africa - wish we had Wal-Mart!!!!

by airyfairy 06 Jan 2014

Thank you all for your help. To show you how behind the times we are in our town. I went to the local sewing shop this morning to ask about a foot for my machine. The lady had never even heard of an invisible zip let alone an invisible zip foot!!! I have now been on the internet and am waiting for a response from Bernina South Africa.

by capoodle 05 Jan 2014

This is a pretty good tutorial and I also like to iron the zipper open. Be careful as you could melt the teeth. I have both feet and either one works fine.

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airyfairy by airyfairy 06 Jan 2014

Thank you Anita - I have printed it out - also found one for inserting a zip with the old zipper foot.

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by laffma1 edited 05 Jan 2014

Sarah - do a google search for "how to insert an invisible zipper". There are several nice youtube videos that show step-by-step instructions using the normal zipper foot. Sometimes (for me, anyway), it is easier to watch someone else do it before trying it yourself for the first time. However, the instructions given by Chris and dragonflyer are also quite easy to follow. Goodluck!

1 comment
airyfairy by airyfairy 06 Jan 2014

Thank you.

by dragonflyer 05 Jan 2014

I have put in Invisible Zippers before, but they are a bit different from the normal instructions have you iron zipper twill away from the nylon teeth...on both sides..then sew the left side (looking at your fabric) first...beginning about 1/4" from the top and sew down to about 1/4" from the bottom of the teeth...then take the right side fabric and do the same...the benefit of the invisible zipper foot, it that it has a groove that the nylon teeth run inside of...this helps you get the stitching right next to the teeth without bugaring them up...when you get both sides with the zipper them together and then finish off the bottom starting where you stopped stitching on the left side going to the bottom, pivot sew cross, pivot, and them come up to the stitching on the right side where you stopped. When you are all finished, looking at the fabrics from the front actually looks like a seam rather than a zipper...I have not done this without the invisible zipper foot, so I am not sure how close you could actually get to the nylon teeth...I purchased a Plastic Invisible foot with all of the different machine shanks at first...then I loved them so much, I got the metal foot for my wasn't very expensive...go to e-bay...they are there...sorry I have not tried it without the invisible zipper foot...hope this helps!

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airyfairy by airyfairy 06 Jan 2014

Thank you for your super instructions.

by asterixsew Moderator 05 Jan 2014

Have fun, its ages since I have sewn one. Chris has given you a good picture but think I might go and see if there is anything on youtube to see. I don't have a special foot but use my zipper foot,I do remember starting from the top of the zip and sewing down. Let us know how you get on

1 comment
airyfairy by airyfairy 06 Jan 2014

Thank you Caroline for your help.

by jrob Moderator 05 Jan 2014

Sarah, I learned in home economics class to baste the zipper closing shut. Just start from the spot you stopped sewing normal stitches and go to the longest stitch your machine will do. Lay your project open and face down and pin your zipper being careful to line up the closed zipper teeth with the basted line. Sew it in, un-baste and there it is!

1 comment
airyfairy by airyfairy 06 Jan 2014

Thank you Jerrilyn. I have also always sewn a zip in as you suggest but I know that it is a little different with an invisable zip.

by gillemmerson 05 Jan 2014

Try using a zipper foot although the proper foot works very well.

1 comment
airyfairy by airyfairy 06 Jan 2014

I am phoning Bernina this morning to see how much a foot is.

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by pennifold edited 05 Jan 2014

Hi Sarah, I love putting in zips - it's one of my favourite things to do. Other than buying the special invisible zipper foot which is fantastic, the way I do it with a normal zipper foot is similar to that technique.

I have my fabric right side up facing me. First I do the right hand side of the back of my dress, trousers, etc. I put the zipper face down on the fabric and use my zipper foot with the cut out area closest to the plastic lugs on the zip and sew almost down to the end of the zip. I start about 1/4 inch from the top. Then I do the exact same thing on the other side but use the opposite side of the zipper foot cut out area. That sounds as clear as mud, but after a few times you'll understand what I mean. Good luck with it all. Love Chris

This is a picture from the internet, my zipper foot has two notches - one either side.

airyfairy by airyfairy 06 Jan 2014

Thank you Chris. I have been putting in ordinary nylon zips for years but the invisable one is new for me to try. I have printed out two very good tutorials. The only thing that worries me is ironing the zip to stop it curling as being nylon I have visions of it melting. Charlotte bought material while I was with her. I will have to send you a picture. It is just beautiful. If I cannot get the zip to work I will have to use an ordinary one or buttons!!! Love Sarah.

marjialexa by marjialexa 06 Jan 2014

I always just used my regular zipper foot, or the regular sewing foot if I was too lazy to change it, even on the invisible zippers. The ones we used to get when I was younger, you had to watch the teeth, could melt them with your iron. I would certainly hope with all the new materials out there that they use something iron-proof now. Still, if your gal at the store didn't even know what it was, maybe you'd best be careful. Those things have been around for dogs years, came out when I was like in college, I think, and I'm 65. Best of luck, let us know how it turn out for you! Hugs, Marji