by leenova54 09 Dec 2013

Hello to all my dear friends! Last week I had new scans on my chest and brain AND got the results today, all but one spot has gotten SMALLER!!!! This is the first time I have had news like this! I am elated and feel so happy, my Mom (if one more person asks if she is my sister I will smack them, lol) was so happy and when she told my Dad he was all smiles! He was not a good man to me when I was growing up or even well after that but since cancer entered my life I got more hugs (that I forced) and nicer words, no love ones yet. My youngest brother begs me for things he can do for me. I am down to 81.4 pounds now but she is giving me a pill that should make me hungry, she has offered to give me a prescription for marijuana but I keep telling her it is not legal in our state, lol. Mom and I didn't even plan the color we had on and Dad is hesitant to even put his arm around me but he is coming around. Anyway, just wanted to pass on my GOOD news for a change! HUGS to you all! This pic has my youngest brother in it too.


by ssampsel 29 Dec 2013

so good to hear from you. i have looked for posts from you but somehow i missed this one. hope that new pill is working. praying for strength & peace for you.

by theduchess 29 Dec 2013

How wonderful to see you! Thanks for sharing the picture. till ptaying. Stella

1 comment
theduchess by theduchess 29 Dec 2013

My eyes are gone! Meant still praying for you.

by susiesembroidery 29 Dec 2013

I am so grateful to our dear Lord for making you better. We trust that all the spots will get smaller again and again and disappear altogether. I wish you well and healthy in this coming New Year. May God bless you and all your loved ones.

by zoefzoef 29 Dec 2013

Super great news to end this year and to start the new year !!!!
About your wait...should I send over some Belgium chocolates ???
Hugs Linda

by capoodle 28 Dec 2013

What a wonderful way to start the new year off with this encouraging news. What ever your doing it is working.

by katydid 28 Dec 2013

So good to hear from you and i pray for you often. Hope you gain weight with the new pills. Eat lots of pasta!!! Love, Kay

by pennifold 28 Dec 2013

So sorry I didn't see this post - was away when it was posted. So glad to hear some positive news. You are a fighter that's for sure. So pleased you are all together, you are always in my prayers Deb. I hope the new pills will increase your appetite. Love and blessings Chris

by keeponsewing 28 Dec 2013

Deb, it is soooo good to see you. I think about you often, even though I don't reside here much. LOL.... PTL for the good news. You are truly a fighter if ever there was one. Blessings to you my friend... Hugs.... Terre

by dilceia 16 Dec 2013

Dear Debra, prayers and hugs. Keep its faith!

by mranderson 16 Dec 2013

Think of you often Debra. Very pleased to hear the GOOD news. You are such an inspiration to so many of us. Keep on "keeping on". Hugs Marg

by renske 15 Dec 2013

What a great news Debra! It's nice to see your smile!
Prayers and thoughts for you.
Love and hugs, Renske from the Netherlands

by chenille 15 Dec 2013

This is wonderful news! Proof that prayers do work!
Take care and know that you are loved!
Hugs, Nadyne

by camylow 15 Dec 2013

So very Glad GOOD NEWS was many Cuties praying for you....

by drro 12 Dec 2013

Dear Debra, THIS IS WONDERFUL! I keep looking to see how God is answering our prayers and this is such a wonderful post to readI Hugs and I will keep praying!! ( I am all smiles as I read your words!!:>)

by gerryvb 11 Dec 2013

well that's a good news. prayers and hugs, Gerry :)

by almag 11 Dec 2013

Dear Debra - your news about the lesions shrinking is wonderful and I do so hope that they disappear for you. You continue to give me inspiration and hope as I need to give DHDon all the positives I can before he begins his chemo tomorrow.
Much love to you - Alma.

by manami 11 Dec 2013

What a great news Debra! It's nice to see your smile! Prayers and thoughts for you. Love and hugs, Yoriko

by graceandham 10 Dec 2013

Hurrah! This is great news that we look to continue... Bask in the glow awhile!

by irie2510 10 Dec 2013

Wishing you all the best on your recovery.

by gerryb 10 Dec 2013

Answered prayer. Have a Merry Christmas with your family!!

by lidiad 10 Dec 2013

Wonderful news, dear Debra! Thank you for letting us know and posting another great picture.
Hugs, Lidia

by mariahail 10 Dec 2013


by beatie58 10 Dec 2013

such great news doing the happy dance. hugs Sally

by mary51 10 Dec 2013

Such a great news!!!!! Praise the Lord! the power of prayer is wonderful!! so so so happy :)

by crafter2243 Moderator 10 Dec 2013

I am doing the happy dance celebrating with you.
Hugs Angie

by anangel 10 Dec 2013

Debra, I am so happy you have gotten some good news for a change! Our prayers will be ongoing for our Lord to eradicate this disease from your body and rebuild your strength! Speaking of your dad, my father could never say, "I love you", but I knew as I was growing up, he did. It was small things he did, and the look in his eyes. He was a very stern, strict father, that somehow felt it was not "manly" to show affection. Perhaps his own upbringing, and hardships made him that way. He could not even say, "thank you", as if it would indicate a weakness in him. I know he loved me, and I miss him very much. The picture of your dad smiling with his arms around you, was one of definite love for you, regardless of any discomfort he may have in in expressing affection!!
This is a great picture, too, with your brother and mom! Your family love you dearly, including your dad, cause all their expressions say "LOVE" so loudly! Just listen, my dear! Love surrounds you, love is cheering for you, and even from all us Cuties!!
Hugs, Angel

by dragonflyer 10 Dec 2013

Congratulations...awesome news...this should help make your holidays even more special and your New Year bright!

by jerrib 10 Dec 2013

Dear Deb: Awesome news. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Merry Christmas and may 2014 be a year for you to regain your health and hopefully your Dad will show you how he feels, but too afraid to. I also have a father like yours, so I know how you feel.

by jrob Moderator 10 Dec 2013

Yay, Deb!!! I just got up and did a little happy dance around my chair. Now go eat some pie.

by darlingwife 10 Dec 2013

Awesome news!

by sboo 10 Dec 2013

Glad to hear that you had some good news; prayers sent your way.

by snowbird42 10 Dec 2013

that news is pure magic....sooize in australia

by meganne 10 Dec 2013

FANTASTIC news Deb. Still pulling for you GF so keep on fighting.
Hugs and blessings, Meg

by michemb 10 Dec 2013

So happy for your good news. It is nice to know that prayers and determination are a force to be reckoned with.
Big hug and hope your father comes around and you spend a wonderful Christmas.

by rmj8939 10 Dec 2013

Great news. I hope that it just keeps getting better!

by juanitadenney 10 Dec 2013

It is always wonderful to get good news. And we want more so you continue getting better so we can have more wonderful news from you. Keep us posted so we know how you are doing.

by grandmamek 10 Dec 2013

That is fantastic news. Daily prayers are continuing for you. Hugs, Mary

by justsew 10 Dec 2013

Wow, Thank you for telling us your good news, I pray it will continue for you and your family.
Hugs pam.

by katmug 10 Dec 2013

Dear Deb great to see you. I had tears of joy in my eyes. I am SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Happy for you too!!!!! GREAT NEWS!!!! Keep in going !!!

by aussiequilter 10 Dec 2013

happy news Deb ,I pray thing will continue to improve

by cfidl 10 Dec 2013

Fantastic news, all the way around. I am so happy to hear it. Bless your heart.

by airyfairy 09 Dec 2013

BEST NEWS EVER. Dear Debra I am so very happy for you. You really deserve some good news. I just love seeing all your family pictures and they go straight into my 'CUTE' picture file.
Some men find it very difficult to show love and affection but he obviously wants to try to mend broken bridges. All love and masses of hugs. Sarah.

by toogie 09 Dec 2013

I am elated! How happy I am, for you and your family.I finally get to put a face to the sweet brother, that provides at least one meal a week, after work.He is nice looking and tall like your dad. Maybe your appetite will improve along with your good news!God bless you-Toogie

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by noah edited 09 Dec 2013

So very happy to hear your good news big hugs from Canada !!!Carolyn xoxo

by holly12 09 Dec 2013

I am so happy to hear this. Keep up the good work. The prayers are coming your way & the angels are watching over you. Arlene

by haleymax 09 Dec 2013

Blessed news. Keep laughing and know that you are loved. Prayers and hugs. Max

by oaro 09 Dec 2013

beautiful picture and more the that very good news so happy for you and I will pray for you Hugs Maria

by rescuer Moderator 09 Dec 2013

Wonderful news! My prayers will continue. Hugs