by leenova54 19 Oct 2013

I have read all your posts and they fill my heart with with love. Today would have been our 37th anniversary. I can't be too sad with so much love sent my way. You ladies think I inspire you but truly, you all inspire me! The angels so many of you sent me still hang still hang in my living room so I see them every day and feel the love. How we can love people that we have never met is an inspiration to me as it was to John before he passed on. One day I decide to stop chemo and let go but the next day I feel I can keep going. I love you all!


by marjialexa Moderator 23 Oct 2013

Deb, it's good to see you posting! We love you, care for you, pray for you. I know this anniversary is hard for you. They always are. Just know this, Deb, when I think my own life is too hard and want to quit, I look up to you as my hero. I have no idea where you get the strength and will to go on, except from God. Thank you for being my inspiration for a long time now. Hugs, Marji

by keeponsewing 23 Oct 2013

Deb, It's so good to see your post and I'm glad that you are taking it one day at a time and not worrying about tomorrow. I don't come on very often, b/c busy with home. Elderly parents, mom just diagnosed with Parkinson, but I wanted to take time to check up on you and to let you know that I think of you often.... Love and Hugs... Terre (Keep on Sewing)

by manami 23 Oct 2013

Dear Debra, It is so good to see your post, you are a remarkable lady, keep strong. You are often in my thoughts and I pray for you every day.
I love you too, Yoriko

by toogie 21 Oct 2013

Hi Deb, Glad to see you got your pc fixed and can get on Cute. Hope to talk to you again soon-Toogie

by mary51 21 Oct 2013

Debra, so glad to read your post, every night before going to sleep I pray for you, Keep fighting, do not give up please.

by anangel 21 Oct 2013

Oh, Debra, I just got on Cute a minute ago, and to see a message from you just MADE my day!! You have my prayers for each new day to find you with more strength, more good days than bad, and a continued determination! Hang in there, and feel these cyber hugs!!

by haleymax 21 Oct 2013

So very glad to see your e-mail. I know that the road is hard and there seems to be no end to the troubles, but our precious Lord is right there beside you. As you have read the poem "Footprints in the Sand", know that He is right there beside you and sometimes there are only one set of footprints as he picks you up and carries you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

by jrob Moderator 20 Oct 2013

Deb, you have guardian angels watching over you. I know where your strength comes from. I pray for you as I pray for my other sisters. I know your journey has been a hard one, but I'm waiting for a shining ending and a tale to repeat for many years. Love, hugs and blessings poured all over you! ;)

by eyeztodiefor10 20 Oct 2013

Thank you for posting and letting us know how you are. You're so strong and you are so loved here at Cuties. You inspire us with your strength and courage and try not to be sad. You've had what some of us never will. You are blessed and we are blessed to have you in our family. Prayers for you every day,

by ssampsel 20 Oct 2013

debra, you are always in my thoughts when i visit cuties. you have always been such a big part of it for me, every since i started visiting here. praying for courage & comfort. susan

by askmcv 20 Oct 2013

Thinking of you and sending prayers to comfort you.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 20 Oct 2013


by lidiad 20 Oct 2013

Dear Deb, thank you for letting us know how you are.
Glad that you still have all those angels, they remind you that we are all sending our love to you every day.
Hugs, Lidia

by juanitadenney 20 Oct 2013

Hang in there Debra, even though I have never met you I feel like you are my friend and I am always including you in my prayers. Juanita

by airyfairy 20 Oct 2013

And we love you dear Deborah. Thank you for posting. Great to hear that you still have our angels watching you. All love and hugs Sarah.

by capoodle 19 Oct 2013

Hang in there Debra, will be praying and thinking of you.

by vickiannette 19 Oct 2013

Hi Debra, sending a big hug.xx

by camylow 19 Oct 2013

i very touched by you also ..You have such strength and loving heart..
Anyone that has come in contact with you via person or internet can tell wht a beautiful person yu are...Hug and Love sent your way...deanna

by cfidl 19 Oct 2013

I am so glad you came by and have those fighting days! You are so loved and admired. Blessings to you.

by graceandham 19 Oct 2013

Debra, wonderful to see you pop in. You are so strong, truly an inspiration to us wimps! Today IS your 37th anniversary. Congratulations of so many years of love, even transcending loss! Praying for you always, friend.

by hightechgrammy 19 Oct 2013

Thank you, Debra, for letting us hear from you. You really are the inspiration for us! We love you! Jan

by aleene 19 Oct 2013

I hope that we all inspire you to keep fighting. So good to read something from you. Keeping you in my prayers. XOXO

by drro 19 Oct 2013

Love you too! And.... I am keeping up to prayers to our great friend Jesus! Hugs!!

by oaro 19 Oct 2013

So happy to see you Praying for you Love Maria

by beatie58 19 Oct 2013

So good to see you on here today, hang in there you are such an inspiration to all. So glad your angels inspire you they were all sent with prayers and love. Love and hugs Sally

by noah 19 Oct 2013

Praise God For Life ,praying for you Carolyn xo
If you get there before i do please tell all my friends that i,m coming to !!

by almag 19 Oct 2013

Hang in there, Debra. The world needs people like you.
We are all there with you, backing you, sending thoughts for strength and comfort, wishing we could all give you real time help and hugs.
Well, here's another big cyber-hug from way DownUnder.......
Much love - AlmaG.

by grandmamek 19 Oct 2013

Deb My thoughts and prayers are with you as they have been every day. Come back and visit us as you are able to do so. We all love you also. Hugs, Mary

by dino 19 Oct 2013

Our prayers are with you at this stressful time. Take care of yourself and know that the Lord is with you always.

by gerryvb 19 Oct 2013

Debra so good to see you here on this special day. John would be so proud of you, how you go on, you are a strong lady. My hugs and prayers for you to help you in the sad moments. we love you too :)

getEdited - SELECT
by pennifold edited 19 Oct 2013

Dear Debra, so good of you to come on here today on what would have been your 37th anniversary. I, too, like many of the others on here am amazed at your courage, strength and determination. I pray that God will continue to be with you and carry you through this ordeal. Many prayers and blessings being sent to you from "down under". Love Chris, Newcastle, Australia.

by holly12 19 Oct 2013

Debra, it is so good to hear from you. You are one of the strongest people I know. Please keep up the good work. Prayers are coming your way always. Love & prayers. Arlene

by jerrib 19 Oct 2013

Dear Debra
I think and prayer for you always. You are one strong lady. As you know you are loved by the members on this site.
We all love you too!!!
Hugs Jerri

1 comment
jerrib by jerrib 19 Oct 2013

Oops should have said pray for you always...

by pldc 19 Oct 2013

My thoughts & prayers are with you Debra & I hope that you know we are all sending love & strength via the air waves to help you with your journey. Hugs & Prayers Loralye

by ansalu 19 Oct 2013

Debra I'm thinking on you every day. Hope you can cherish this special day although John can not be with you. You still sound like a fighter even with some days when you are tired and wanna let it go.
Wish you all the strength to go on your way. If you need a shouder or a cyber hug - you know we are always here for you :o)
Hugs to you my dear

by debswebster 19 Oct 2013

Sending loads of encouragement your way, with a great big hug (())
Take care of yourself. Love, Debbie

by rescuer Moderator 19 Oct 2013

Many hugs and prayers for you and a flower for your garden too!

by stork 19 Oct 2013

Thoughts and prayers with you my friend!