by leenova54 07 Sep 2013

Just got on here after ages, nothing interests me and my computer and embroidery machine won't work together so I can't even download all the great designs you are posting. Have been having lots of depression lately along with not feeling like eating, down to about 75 pounds now though I try to eat. Sending love and angels to you all. Had 5 techs working with me to the 2 months that the insurance paid for. I looked at all your tips and will try to eat, the orange sherbet sounds good so I'll have my Mom pick me up some. Hugs and angels to you, how have I stayed alive all this time? Hoping to see this Christmas, If you had asked me 2 days ago I'd have said I wouldn't be here then. Hoping my boys will come down and decorate my angel tree again this year!


by camylow 23 Sep 2013

LOVE HEARING FROM YOU...GOD is with you and hears your every desire..for whatever reason, GOD has a plan and you were meant to be hear to share with your friends....YOU ARE SO LOVED and we all are here with you at all times....How is the orange sherbert....its one of my favorites also....

by susiesembroidery 23 Sep 2013

It is so nice to hear from you again. My prayers are with you daily and God's blessings are always covering you. May His Grace and Goodwill be surrounding you always. Lovies. Susie.

by jmweller 23 Sep 2013

Many prayers and good wishes sent your way.

by dilceia 23 Sep 2013

Hello, sweet friend! I am happy in see you for here. I feel yearnings...
God protects her, always.

by juanitadenney 22 Sep 2013

It's always so nice when you get on the computer and visit with us. I will continue to keep you in my prayers and always thinking of you. Juanita

by askmcv 22 Sep 2013

Remember to thank God every day for all your blessings, and I do hope you will climb out of that black hole soon.

by drro 21 Sep 2013

Prayers for you daily and checking her to see how you are! Hugs and God keep you and your appetite up!

by gjemptynester 10 Sep 2013

Glad to see you're online! We're all here for you!

by ssampsel 10 Sep 2013

dearest good to hear from you because i miss you very much. you have taught me so many things during your visits here. your have strength & courage that i admire. you also have shown me patience & also that speaking your mind is not always a bad thing! i really don't have any advise or words of wisdom for you, just prayers for comfort & peace. even tho we have never met face to face, you have had an impact on my life! thank you.

by abbie 10 Sep 2013

When I can't eat, I drink one of those powdered shakes that can be mixed with milk or soy milk. Carnation makes them here in the States. They are called "Instant Breakfast" and can be a meal replacement. Maybe you have something like that where you are. Try to keep thinking positive thoughts. We're all there with you.
Abbie in New Jersey

by ajmmjs 10 Sep 2013

have just read all your support!! you have a wonderful grouyp of friends here supporting you from all over the country.when i get depressed i tell myself "there will be no changes made today if i don't make them".then i do at least ! thing,whether eating or laundry or diswashing,ect. i have a huge family history of mental illness in my family on both mom n dads side. so i have to be watchful of falling into the well and not coming probs are not as severe as yours but just trying to add to the group support.try eating tapioca and rice and chocalate puddings. good tast with lots of calories! sincerely,lynne

by almag 10 Sep 2013

Walking the rocky road with you, Debra, and sending Aussie Hugs from deep Downunder.
Much Love - Alma.

by debswebster 10 Sep 2013

Sending you hugs across the miles. You are in my prayers, please be strong. xxxxx

by chenille 10 Sep 2013

It is so good to hear from you ! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Many hugs, Nadyne

by mary51 10 Sep 2013

I am so so happy to read you post!!!!! hang in there Debra we know you could do it, have you try the noni juice? I know people cancer free after taken it, One of them is my friend's sister in law she buys it at a place in Hawaii by gallon shipped to Miami every 3 months she began drinking 3 x a day now she only drinks it 0ne a day, this is a combination of noni, melassa and honey. Keep you in my prayers.

by anangel 09 Sep 2013

Hi, Debra! So good to hear from you, knowing that you truly aren't up to chatting! I think about you each day, praying for good days for you, and more strength for you, while getting there. YOU are still and always will be my heroine and inspiration; never could I be as strong and tough as you have been!! Remember we are on this journey with you, sending vibes of hugs, love, and better days to you!
Hugs, Angel

by toet 09 Sep 2013

I have been thinking about you all day, I went out for coffee with a friend after my bloods this morning, she finished her Chemo not long ago. It felt very comfortable to chat to someone that new my fears and understood without saying a word. We caught up on friends, who's doing what and of course embroidery. Just wanted you to know that you are not alone. big hugs Heather

by jrob Moderator 08 Sep 2013

Hello, sweet friend! It is such a blessing to me to come here and see your smiling face. Don't wait for Christmas to decorate that tree! Get those boys to do it now. You deserve to enjoy it all of the time, not just for Christmas. I hope that the link I am attaching will make you smile. I find this comedian hysterical. If the link doesn't work, go to and type the top search bar: left brain comedian. Her name is Jeanne Robertson. Look it up and enjoy yourself.
I remember to whisper your name daily and send you love and all of the light I can bind together! Hugs girlfriend!

jrob by jrob 08 Sep 2013

It didn't work try copy/paste

pennifold by pennifold 08 Sep 2013

I love that woman!

Last Sunday (Father's Day here in Australia) Mum and I also watched Peter Sellers, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore and we just kept watching all the comedians we could find on YOUTUBE. It's so good to laugh, it gives you great endorphins! Love Chris

by jillian 08 Sep 2013

So sorry to hear that it is not well with you. As you can see there are many Cuties supporting you. Set yourself a little task each day - something you used to enjoy. Even if you mess up - you have tried and tomorrow may be better.

by anitapatch 08 Sep 2013

Try to do things you like, not only once, several times. Thinking about you. Try to look forward, plan something you like and do it. Lots of hugs Anita

by lidiad 08 Sep 2013

Thank you for letting us know how you are, dear Debra. You are always in my thoughts. Wish you all the best and to be still with us this Christmas and the next, etc. Sending you love and big hugs, Lidia

by airyfairy 08 Sep 2013

You just hang in there Debra. You know that we are all behind you here at Cute. Thank you so much for letting us know how you are doing. I am sorry that your appetite is not so good. Thinking about you so much. Huge hugs Sarah.

by pennifold 08 Sep 2013

Oh! Deb how wonderful of you to come on here and let us know how you are feeling when you are obviously not well. I am in awe of you and your fight for life, you are one very strong, brave woman. I cannot imagine being down to 34kgs (75lbs) and I am so sorry that nothing seems to invigorate your taste buds and that your machines are playing up.

If you want to get some good belly laughs have a look on YouTube at any of the old comedians. Mum and I watched Tommy Cooper, Lucille Ball, Billy Connelly and a myriad of others last Sunday after we had lunch. We laughed till our sides ached and it's always good to have a laugh. I agree with the others on here about food, eat anything you like. My vote is for chocolate too and I love sherbert as well.

I've been praying for you and for the rest of your time here on earth to be pain free and for you to be filled with peace, love - and for God's grace to be poured on you.

Our reading today was all about the Potter's wheel and us being like clay molded in the master Potter's hands. God has it all under control and he knows each one of us and has so since we were in our mother's wombs. It's such a comforting image (as a Christian) to know that we will be with Him and all the angels.

I do hope your sons will be with you soon and that you will be able to decorate your Angel tree together.

My love, thoughts and prayers are with you every day. Sending you big cyber cuddles and kisses. Love and blessings Chris.

by toet 08 Sep 2013

You can do it, where is that big smile, come on I know it is there. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Big hugs

by beatie58 08 Sep 2013

Debra, Hug cyber hugs, lovely to see your smiling face on here. You have fought very hard to beat this thinking of you. I agree with hightechgrammy eat all the choc and don't forget the strawberries and real cream. Sally

by graceandham 07 Sep 2013

Debra, THANKS for the visit and update. Wish I could bring you lots of juicy, fattening, high fat food and watch you eat it! I continue to pray for your healing, even the ultimate healing! I'm in on that group hug. Be blessed.

by hightechgrammy 07 Sep 2013

Oh Deb, I feel like I am writing this to an angel, because you are getting closer and closer to Heaven. You have fought this battle so long, and you have fought the battle so well. I am excited for you because soon you will be seeing your darling husband again, and YOU will be singing with Angels before our LORD and Savior. How precious this time you have left is, and you thought of us. How sweet you are to include us. Here is an angel for you, and a picture of the City of Gold. May God Bless you, and hold you in his arms and let you enjoy all the beautiful days here with the people you love, Jan PS Maybe you and your mom could watch I Love Lucy and eat all the chocolate you want and strawberries with real cream!

1 comment
noah by noah 07 Sep 2013

oh my you just wrote what i was thinking .Thank-you and be happy Deb hugs Carolyn

by gerryb 07 Sep 2013

Praying for you, gal. Ask your boys to come do your angel tree! Sometimes kids (esp boys) just don't see what you need! May surprise you! Ask your Mom to give you a huge hug from all the cuties! We are scattered all around the world, so prayers are from everywhere!

by twee 07 Sep 2013

So glad to hear from you. Now is the time of your life that you can eat all that you want of whatever you want. If it were me I'd be eating chocolate.

You are in my prayers. So glad you have your mom near. I'm sure she is cherishing every moment she has with you.

Hugs and prayers

by oaro 07 Sep 2013

Glad to hear from you love and prayers for you thinking about you Hugs Maria

by manami 07 Sep 2013

Dear Debra, I think about you so often, and pray for you. Please stay positive, and try to eat. I'm sending my prayers and thoughts to you.
Love, Yoriko

by holly12 07 Sep 2013

I am so glad to hear from you. I know when my mother was having a problem with losing weight I got her some Hershey milk shakes, she loved them. Vanilla, Choc.& Strawberry. It's worth a try. My daughter said they also have yougurt smoothies that are good. Anything is worth a try. Good luck & my prayers are with you daily. Arlene

by ansalu 07 Sep 2013

Oh sweetie good to read a note from you. What a pity that your boys could not fix your computer.
Is there something very appetizing for you? Maybe something to drink with a lot of calories? A friend of mine gained a lot of weight back after surgery and chemo with malt beer. It's worth the try :o)
You are always in my thoughts...
A lot of hugs to you

by gerryvb 07 Sep 2013

Debra it's so good to see your face here at Cute again. Angelhugs are coming your way.

by camylow 07 Sep 2013

GOOD MORNING DEB...BEST MEDICINE IS FRIENDS....we do stupid things...some make you laugh so hard, some make you cry...Some will build you up, and some will let you down on occasion...They are there to pray for you. Friends can be weeds in your garden, big, tough to pull out and get rid of, sometimes rather beautiful, sometimes a nuisance, sometimes in the way, but always around....I sure wish you would find a friend close by that could be there to be a weed in your garden...So much love to send your way...
orange sherbert sounds like a good beginning to stripping away the depression....loves and hugs deanna

by cfidl 07 Sep 2013

Best wishes to you Deb, I think the only thing besides excercise that fights depression is comedy. Watch funny movies or dumb TV! Have you seen some of the "dumbest". The celebrity guests really take it over the top!

by pldc 07 Sep 2013

You have been missed Debra. I have been thinking about you & keeping you in my prayers! Keep the faith it will help see you through those sad days. Hugs & Blessings are wished for you! Hugs &*** Loralye

by jerrib 07 Sep 2013

You are a tower of strength, my prayers are with you.
Hugs Jerri

by laffma1 07 Sep 2013

Glad to see you getting on-line today. Sending well wishes you way - you have been so strong through all this. Keep up your faith, and try to find something to laugh about each day. It's the best medicine going!

by rescuer Moderator 07 Sep 2013

You remain -- in my prayers.
If I lived near you I would come visit you and fix your computer issues too!
Try to hold on to hope. I am so thankful your mom will shop for you.