by leenova54 16 Apr 2013

Just a quick note, I won't be looking in to comment on posts till there is something new after this. On April 29th I will be starting chemo again. It will be a split dose with one dose that day, another 2 weeks later and then 3 weeks off if I understand correctly. Hoping not to get nauseated but I won't mind if the hair falls out again, I won't be dying it this time, I learned my lesson and hated the color, the white was so pretty. If only I had my husband beside me this time. It's hard on my parents and it will take 3 hours each time, grrr. Still don't know if my machine works, haven't had the desire to start it up and see but eventually I will try the small angels again for the other patients. Hugs to you all till then. Deb


by maleah 18 Apr 2013

Prayers are with you

by rgotter 18 Apr 2013

I'm so sorry for what you have been through and for what you are going through. I have read your past posts and find that you must be a very strong lady. You will be in my prayers. And yes, Gray is the new Blonde. My sister at 58 is totally grey and quit dying her hair too.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 23 Apr 2013

My cousin had totally white hair before she was 30 and it is beautiful. I am going to be 59 Saturday and mine isn't even 50% yet but if it falls out from chemo again it will come back in white for a while.

by drro 18 Apr 2013

Dear Debra, while you are absent from this site, you will be present on my mind and in my prayers for your healing, super strength and support from our Dear Lord in all your needs! hugs, ro

by holly12 18 Apr 2013

Hi Debra, I haven't been on here much, have alot going on in my life right now. Saw this post & just want to wish you the best & let you know you are always in my prayers. Waiting to hearing from you . Hugs Arlene

by stork 18 Apr 2013

You are in my prayers as you start another round of treatment. We all pray that you will be well real soon. I will say a special prayer for your parents also. God Bless

by haleymax 17 Apr 2013

Dear Debra, My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I know somewhat of which you speak, it is hard on those taking you to the chemo sessions, because we do not like that you have to go through the treatments. Now we take "Uno" cards, and other types to each session. As my sister receives her chemo, we play cards. It keeps the time from passing so slow. We have tried many different things to do, but as we sit there spending the time together, we laugh at each other as we play. This times means so much to me, as I'm sure your parents feel the same.
Keep your chin up and know that God is with you.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 23 Apr 2013

There isn't enough room in the cubicles here to play cards but we will pass the time with Mom and daughter chat.

by gerryvb 17 Apr 2013

My prayers, thoughts and hugs for you Debra. I admire how brave you are. Hugs/love for you.

by susiesembroidery 17 Apr 2013

My dear Friend, Debra, I pray that God will command His angels to carry your through this period and that you will come out well and fit when it is over. May His blessings be upon you. Lovies and best wishes, as always, your friend, Susie.(Durban, South Africa).

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 23 Apr 2013

Thank you for the kind words!

by oaro 17 Apr 2013

Always in my prayers wishing you all the best for you and your love ones .hugs Good Bless you .Maria

by ssampsel 17 Apr 2013

i think of you each day when i go to the cutie site. you have always been such a blessing & i miss you very much! you are in my daily prayers.

by buanlester 17 Apr 2013

You don't know me but I'm wondering how you doing. I seldom give my comment but just want to say will be praying for you . I know you'll get through with this. God Bless you.

by anangel 17 Apr 2013

Thanks for keeping us updated! And, you try to take each day as it comes, without worrying, and pull in all these positive vibes we are sending your way!! Remember you are never truly alone, cause we are with you at a distance, throughout this horrific journey you are on. My prayers are constant for you, and hope you can feel the warmth of all these cyber hugs!!

by twee 17 Apr 2013

God, bless you. I'll keep you in my prayers.

by sdrise 17 Apr 2013

Always in my prayers! Suzanne

by airyfairy 17 Apr 2013

You are such an amazing, brave woman Debra. My thoughts will be with you as you start more treatment. All love and hugs to you. Sarah.

by castor 17 Apr 2013

wishing you all the best,you are included in my prayers.

by lidiad 17 Apr 2013

Thank you for letting us know what you re doing. We are with you in spirit, praying and hugging you.

by manami 17 Apr 2013

Dear Debra, you are often in my thoughts, and you are also in my prayers. Do not lose your beautiful smile, and your faith. God is holding your hands, I am so sure about this. Love and hugs, Yoriko

by lucypiwow 17 Apr 2013

i pray you will tolerate kemo.nastey stuff kemo is...i will have you in my prayers..sorry your life is so heard..thank god for parents....lucy

by jrob Moderator 16 Apr 2013

Debra, know that you are being prayed over and loved every day. You are never alone, I pray that the Lord helps you to rest in the assurance that you are not alone, but in His capable hands. Rest and let the rest take care of itself. Hugs!

by noah 16 Apr 2013

Will pray for u Deb May God Hold Your Hand
Deb i had an operation a while back and i was really scared , no one was with me and i prayed God i am scared and theirs no one to hold my hand so will u please do it .
Amazing i felt a hand cover mine and peace flood my very being from the top of my head to the tips of my toes .It was sooo wonderful
So pray He is there for you hugs your friend Carolyn

by gerryb 16 Apr 2013

Deb, will be praying for you and your wonderful parents who are helping you. I wish some of us cuties lived near you so we could give you some moral support as well as being there for you!

by sukira 16 Apr 2013

Dear Debra. So glad to hear from you and letting us know how you are doing. Times are tough, but you are tougher. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your parents. Be sure to ask the Dr for nausia pills. They really help. My honey went for chemo at 7:00 AM this morning and came back home at 6:00 PM. It takes time. Take care, be strong, and be patient. Hugs and blessing, Rachel

by beatie58 16 Apr 2013

Debra, good luck with this latest round of chemo. always thinking of you hugs Sally

by rescuer Moderator 16 Apr 2013

Please check back in with us. I wish you all the best and will include you and your family in my prayers. I hope you feel peace and comfort instead of the nausea and pain (one can hope -- right?). May the Lord bless you in your times of need. Be strong and know that we care.

by jbtuck 16 Apr 2013

I pray you will not get nauseated also, I pray that God will strengthen you through all you have to go through. May God comfort you as only he can do. Love and prayers, Jeanette

by nonna57 16 Apr 2013

Debra, Across the many miles of land and sea, We are with you in spirit. Hope all goes well. Cyber hugs. Pauline Australia :)

by grandmamek 16 Apr 2013

I too think of you everyday. I hope your chemo does not make you nauseated, I hope your treatment will be a huge sucess. Let us know how you are doing. Hugs, Mary

by pennifold 16 Apr 2013

Dear Deb, My thought, prayers and love are being sent across the miles (kilometres) for your next bout of treatment. I also pray that you don't become too nauseated. Don't you know bald is in? It's very trendy and you wear it well. I'll also keep your parents in my prayers as they must be finding it hard too! May God bless you mightily as you go through this next journey. I never stop praying for you! Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 23 Apr 2013

Thank you Chris, I know you are all out there any time day or night if I need to cheer or complain!

by crafter2243 Moderator 16 Apr 2013

Take it easy, Take care of yourself. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

by capoodle 16 Apr 2013

My prayers and encouragement are with you. There will be a few cuties around whenever you want to give us an update.

by cfidl 16 Apr 2013

Thank you for telling us. I will be praying for you, and hope for you hear the sound of your machine stitching, Blessed Be.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 23 Apr 2013

I'll keep in touch.

by olly 16 Apr 2013

Hi Deb. I think of you daily. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Know that a lot of people love you and wish they could be closer to you to help you (myself included). I hope you can "feel" my cyber hug. Love Coral

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 23 Apr 2013

Thank you!

by graceandham 16 Apr 2013

I don't know where to get the fancy graphics and I don't know how to upload, but I second that bright cheery yellow HUG! You will be temporarily "gone, but not forgotten." Betsey

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 23 Apr 2013

Fancy graphics are cute but I have so little time that it doesn't matter, lol!

by debswebster 16 Apr 2013

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. You are a strong lady - Don't give up!! Hope the mausea doesn't get to you. Love and Hugs, Debbie

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 23 Apr 2013

Now that's a big hug! Thank you and I am sending everyone hugs through you!

by rsehorse 16 Apr 2013

Hugs for Debra and the very best of wishes that all goes well for you. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Susan

getEdited - SELECT
by asterixsew Moderator edited 16 Apr 2013

Debra as ever its great to hear from you. So much has happened to you in the past months that your embroidery machine is the least of your worries, its probably where ever you left it. Take care, positive thoughts and a huge cyber hug on the way to you and all the best for this lot of treatment

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 23 Apr 2013

For some reason it had decided it didn't want to work but now when I did a test of little angels to hand out at chemo it is working (miracles!). I managed to get 12 done and have more Vilene and thread on the way.

by 02kar Moderator 16 Apr 2013

Best wishes for successful treatment with no nausea. You are on my prayer list. But please let us know how you are doing.

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 23 Apr 2013

I'll do my best.