by leenova54 09 Feb 2013

Thank you for the card you sent me, I have forgotten how to put out messages since I have been away from the computer for so long, lol!


by shirlener88 13 Feb 2013

My dear Debra - so glad to see your smiling face - I know that times are hard and you will have bad days - but just remember - on those days - you have us praying for you - I do hope htis next set of treatments will help. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.

by ssampsel 11 Feb 2013

good to hear from you! i think of you everyday when i am checking out cutie!! i miss you & wonder how you are doing. prayer for strength & courage!

by oaro 11 Feb 2013

Debra so good to hear from you I pray for you and think of you allot Wishing you good health love Maria

by drro 11 Feb 2013

It is wonderful to see you on here again! I am praying for you!!God Bless!!

by pennifold 11 Feb 2013

Dear Debra, so lovely to see your smiling face up on here again. You are constantly in my prayers and thoughts. I hope you have lots of help around you. Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 12 Feb 2013

I wish that smile was always there, it seldom is. Radiation is finished and did no good. Next Monday 2/18 it's back to the oncologist to see what it next.

by manami 11 Feb 2013

Dear Debra, it is so good to see you here! You are always in my thoughts. You are in my prayers too. Love and hugs, Yoriko

by noah 10 Feb 2013

May God be with you Deb hugs and prayers carolyn

by mary51 10 Feb 2013

I am glad to hear from you!!!! I was away too, so I did not know about your DH, my sincere sympathy I know how you must feel, I am in my 21 month and still miss my DH so much. You are a very brave woman, my prayers are for you. God will give you the comfort you need. I am subscribed to a site just for widows and it has helped me tremendously. WHEN YOUR HUSBAND DIE, A SURVIVAL GUIDE. I like that site because it has helped realize I am not crazy or insane, we shared so many feelings!!!! I am so so sorry for your loss.

by cfidl 10 Feb 2013

Sending you prayers and best wishes.

by aleene 10 Feb 2013

Good to see you back, I think of you each day. Stay strong

by lidiad 10 Feb 2013

So sorry for the loss of your husband. I have been in Italy for the last few weeks and am still away from my computer. It must be hard for you. Sending you love and hugs. Lidia

by anangel 10 Feb 2013

So GREAT to see you posting again, Debra!! My prayers for healing and strength will continue for you! I think of you often, and with such admiration, my dear friend! Hang tough, knowing you have quite a loving caring cheering Cutie Team backing YOU!!
Hugs, Angel

by michemb 10 Feb 2013

So happy to see you here today, you have been in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Hope you are coping O.K. This is not easy, how are you coping?

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 12 Feb 2013

Not well, have not yet gone into the grieving phase.

by jerrib 10 Feb 2013

Dear Debra:
You and in my thoughts and prayers daily. I hope you are keeping your spirits as high as you can. Your attitude amazes me.
Warmest of hugs

by zoefzoef 10 Feb 2013

Deb, i'm happy you received it finally. To mee it seems that it took ages before it reached you. Don't know why. Take care

getEdited - SELECT
by ansalu edited 10 Feb 2013

Sweetie good to see you are online!
Hope you feeling better and you have nice visitors this weekend. Wish you a very sunny sunday :o)
Hugs, Bettina

noah by noah 10 Feb 2013

very cute wee guy lol

leenova54 by leenova54 12 Feb 2013

Thank you sweets, have not hit the grieving phase yet. I have been getting rid of his clothes except for 2 items I could not bring myself to let go of. He had some collectable knives that I gave to our sons and my Dad, I knew my Dad would appreciate, he is grieving in his own way also.

by beatie58 10 Feb 2013

Debra so pleased to see your post. Think of you always. Hugs Sally

by asterixsew Moderator 10 Feb 2013

Debra good to see you here. You are in many peoples thoughts around the world

by hightechgrammy 10 Feb 2013

Debra, I'm so glad you checked in with us. We have been praying for you, and feel so bad about all you have been through lately. Did you have a service for your husband? How are you holding up with all the treatments? Hugs, Jan

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 12 Feb 2013

We had a small service, mostly from my side of the family and then had him cremated and got 2 small brass containers with ashes for our sons. My radiation is done but didn't help much if any at all.

by spendlove Moderator 10 Feb 2013

Good to see you back!

by juanitadenney 10 Feb 2013

Debra, we are so glad to see you back with us and hope to see much more of you on the computer. Hope you are doing fine. Juanita

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 12 Feb 2013

I spend most days in bed watching TV.

by airyfairy 10 Feb 2013

Great to see you Debra - You are in my thought so much, wondering how you are doing. Hugs Sarah.

by capoodle 10 Feb 2013

I'm sure you received the card because you were on someones thoughts. When a cutie goes missing for any length of time you can be assured their presents are missed. Hugs. ~A~