by leenova54 29 Dec 2012

12/28/2012 Quilt Surprise!!!

Well, I already wrote this but my Kodak site decided not to let me load pics on here and erased this post all the way! Yesterday I got a box in the mail with no return address and thought it had to be from a cutie, well to my surprise there was a beautiful quilt inside the box! It is beautiful and my husband and I decided that the Cuties must be the most loving group of ladies (with a man scattered here and there)! You have led me to believe that long ago but John said he has never seen a more caring and thoughtful group of people and that I was very lucky to have found myself on this website. I do not go to any other sites, I am strictly a Cutie girl. I love you all so much, I will cherish this quilt! Butterflies and Bible verses. If I can ever get my pics to load onto the site again I will show the pics. I used to be able to put pics on but suddenly one day it wouldn't work and hasn't since.Hugs to my gang from around the world! Debra


by bnilla9241 03 Jan 2013

Debra, what a wonderful surprise ! Whomever sent this to you did a great job on it.
I wish you peace and health this year, and next, and next,.....

Healing hugs, Bonnie

by castelyn 02 Jan 2013

Debra, what a lovely quilt you received. Bettina thanks for loading the pictures so we could see. HUgs Yvonne

by dilceia 01 Jan 2013

Pretty its quilt! You deserves. Happy 2013!

by raels011 01 Jan 2013

I wish I had been involved but those who were have done a wonderful job
Love and prayers for you
hugs Raelene

by jrob Moderator 01 Jan 2013

Debra, someone kept a big secret. I am with Meganne, I hope they will contact me via PM and as for you, Debra,

by buffy1 01 Jan 2013

Wow! what a wonderful surprise. The quilt is beautiful. Know lots of love and hugs went into each and every stitch.

by rsehorse 01 Jan 2013

How precious and wonderful for you and John. I agree Cuties are very, very special people. May God bless them one and all. Hhpe the new year will bring you better health and much happiness. Hugs, Susan

by lenamae 01 Jan 2013

the quilt is beautiful This is one I did not know about or I would have helped with it.hugs Lenamae

by leenova54 01 Jan 2013

Thank you all, I have left you flowers. It just turned 2013 a little bit ago and I have been feeling bad all week, pain pills are not working and I haven't spent more than 1/4 of a day out of bed and I am not eating enough, the pounds are dropping off to the point that I wish I was this thin before! Hugs and love to you all. Doesn't matter if you participated in the quilt or not, your hearts are with me!

shirlener88 by shirlener88 01 Jan 2013

Happy New Year Debra - I have been praying for you - I hope that something happens so that you stablize and can eat better soon.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 01 Jan 2013

The pictures of your quilt are stunning - lucky girl.

aleene by aleene 01 Jan 2013

That quilt sure is pretty, I can feel the love for you that went into the making of it! Now the people that made it must be so happy knowing how much it means to you.. May God be with you this new year 2013.

by momhome 31 Dec 2012

I think of you often and wonder how you are doing. I am glad John is seeing how many wonderful friends you have from all over the world. The pictures of your quilt that Ansalu downloaded for you are great. Your quilt is beautiful. I wish I had been able to be a part of it, but know that my thoughts are with you always. Hope your 2013 is a very good year for you and John.

by beatie58 30 Dec 2012

Hi Debra, what a gorgeous surprise from cuties, the quilt will keep you lovely and warm. I would have loved to have contributed but did not know of this project. Happy New Year! Huge hugs Sally

by oaro 30 Dec 2012

What warm thoughtful gift you have receive wrap you self and enjoy the love from the cute family ------------WISHING YOU HAPPY HEALTHY NEW YEAR --------------------

by grandmamek 30 Dec 2012

What a wonderful gift for you. I too wish I had known about this project. I would have loved to have helped with it. Enjoy you quilt and wrap yourself up with all the love from it. Hugs, Mary

by emily16838 30 Dec 2012

You are in all our thoughts

by gerryvb 30 Dec 2012

it's beautiful, a wonderful gift.

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by sdrise edited 30 Dec 2012

Such A nice surprise for a wonderful Gal!! Suzanne

by christief 30 Dec 2012

What a wonderful surprise! The quilt is beautiful and the thought behind it is so special. Cute is the most caring and loving group of "family"!

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by ansalu edited 30 Dec 2012

Here are the pics of Debra' quilt. She asked me to add them to her post. Make them larger with click on them and you see more details of this really wonderful gift :o)
Greetings, Bettina

babsie by babsie 30 Dec 2012

It sure is a lovely gift and made with love by your Cute family. It truly is a masterpiece. Enjoy it. Hugs.

lflanders by lflanders 30 Dec 2012

This is a wonderful gift of love! I did not know about the project or I would have loved to have helped. I hope you use it and enjoy it and remember that whoever was involved, it was made with love and caring.

leenova54 by leenova54 01 Jan 2013

Thank you Bettina, finally I found an hour to be up and about over the last few days. I feel awful and pain pills are not helping. It just turned 2013 a bit ago, had a sip of wine (YUCK) and a kiss from hubby and heading back to bed.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 01 Jan 2013

This is a lovely quilt - I love these designs and the colors are so stunning - my colors, too. What a true blessing for you to have this beautiful gift of LOVE - get feeling better.

leenova54 by leenova54 04 Jan 2013

Thank you all! Today I need to get an appointment with radiation therapy and see what they think and after that maybe pain management to see what they could do and I have an acupuncture appt this afternoon. Stop PAIN!!

marjialexa by marjialexa 04 Jan 2013

Thanks, Bettina, so good of you to let us see this gorgeous quilt!!! Debra, hope you are out of some of the pain very soon, I know how awful it can be. Hugs, Marji

by shirlener88 30 Dec 2012

Debra, what a wonderful surprise - I wished I had been contacted and been able to work on this project - it would have been a honor to have partcipated. I know you will wrap yourself up and feel the love that was intended for you in the making of it. I do hope you can get the pictures to upload. HUGS

by pennifold 30 Dec 2012

Dear Debra, how wonderful that you have received a quilt. I wish that I knew of this venture as I for certain would have made something for you. God bless you and I know that you will cherish it. Love and blessings Chris

by juanitadenney 30 Dec 2012

What a wonderful surprise. I had no knowledge of this but think it is wonderful for some of the Cuties to have made this for you. I have always said this is the best site there is and I am lucky to be a member of such a site. Always thinking and sending prayers your way. Juanita in Missouri

by meganne 30 Dec 2012

Debra, if you can email your pics to me I will put them up here for you, so everyone can see your lovely quilt.
BTW. congratulations on receiving this beautiful gift, it could not be more well deserved.
Hugs and love, Meg
EMAD: melide_menschen @ (remove spaces)

1 comment
meganne by meganne 30 Dec 2012

PS, I would appreciate it if the organiser of this lovely gift would contact me via PM or email. Thank you, Meg

by lilylady 30 Dec 2012

how wonderful, I hope you can wrap yourself in it and feel all the love and all your troubles will go away. God Bless you for the new year and always! sandy

by nonna57 30 Dec 2012

Debra what a lovely suprise. So glad you were the lucky one to recieve, Yes Cute is the best, because we are family :) Pauline Australia :))

by anangel 29 Dec 2012

I'm so HAPPY for YOU, Debra!! Now, you can feel loved every moment by just touching a quilt that was given with so much LOVE and thoughtfulness!! May you and John have a wonderful NEW YEAR ahead, and find blessings each new day! My prayers for you are constant!
Hugs to YOU!

by cfidl 29 Dec 2012

You received a wonderful gift! I am happy for you and hope to see it soon. Blessings, Christine

by katydid 29 Dec 2012

I am happy for you. i did not know of this undertaking or I would have helped. Kay

by lidiad 29 Dec 2012

That's wonderful, Debra, I'm happy for you! Hope that you can find a way to upload a picture of the quilt.
Happy New Year to you, your Hubby and your family.
Hugs, Lidia

by barba 29 Dec 2012

What a wonderful surprise! It will wrap you with love. I feel we are very blessed to have become a part of such a caring extended family that we have here on cute. Hope you are feeling better.
Hugs, Barba

by aussiequilter 29 Dec 2012

what a lovely surprise Debra, I aggree with you , cutties are the best

by vickiannette 29 Dec 2012

Hi Debra, hope that you are feeling okay. Getting quilts in the mail would give you a boost, that's for sure. xx

by haleymax 29 Dec 2012

Prehaps you might e-mail it to someone and they could upload it for you.

by zoefzoef 29 Dec 2012

What a nice surprise ! It is nice to have good friends.

by holly12 29 Dec 2012

That was such a beautiful surprise, esp. at this time of year. It sounds beautiful. I will keep you in my prayers and also love this site. Arlene

by capoodle 29 Dec 2012

What a lovely surprise to receive. Your description of the quilt sounds beautiful. If your camera is digital can you upload them right into your computer? Or can you give us a link to the picture on the Kodak site?

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 29 Dec 2012

They are on the Kodak site but I never understood it all the way to setting so someone else can see the pics. It use to let me put pics up but after the last time I changed my profile pic it stopped letting me put pics on at all.

by manami 29 Dec 2012

Dear Debra, I think I know what you feel. I also received a quilt from Cuties and I love and cherish it. There is no other place like cute, so many beautiful friends caring about you. You are one of this beautiful friend Debra. I'm so glad I've met you here. I wish you a Happy New Year, and I pray for you everyday. Love and hugs, Yoriko

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 29 Dec 2012

Yes Yoriko, you do understand, I was thrilled when I saw they made the one for you when you were at a low point in your life too and I think of you daily and hope things are going well for you too!

by manami 29 Dec 2012

Dear Debra, I think I know what you feel. I also received a quilt from Cuties and I love and cherish it. There is no other place like cute, so many beautiful friends caring about you. You are one of this beautiful friend Debra. I'm so glad I've met you here. I wish you a Happy New Year, and I pray for you everyday. Love and hugs, Yoriko

by spendlove Moderator 29 Dec 2012

What a lovely surprise for you! I;m not sure I understand the problem with the pictures - can we help?

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 29 Dec 2012

I think the problem is in my Kodak camera site, not with The quilt is beautiful with my favorite colors and butterflies!