by meganne 19 Dec 2012

Can anyone believe that it was four years ago today, 19th December, that I had my double mastectomy?

When I realised what the date was I could hardly believe how quickly the last four years have passed.
So please, everyone remember, "life is what happens while you're busy making other plans"
Make the most of every day, be kind to yourself first, because if YOU are happy it will rub off on those around you and make them the bearers of happiness to others.
Smile when you are out and about, smile at strangers, smile at shop assistants, smile at everyone.....
A smile is not only contagious it makes you look more attractive and if nothing else, it will make people wonder what you are smiling about. hehehehehe!!!!
Yes, I am one of those people who always talks to strangers when I am out shopping.....
sometimes they are so shocked they are speechless, but most times people respond and often it leads to full-on conversations.
I always come home feeling great and hoping that I helped brighten someone's day.

So thank-you cancer, you didn't kill me, you made me a more thoughtful person than the person life had made me become before I faced you.

Hugs and blessings everyone, be happy, Meg


by lholdsw 22 Dec 2012

I thank God too for having had the experience of cancer - not fun but I am a different person because of it! Congrats on being a four year survivor!

by drro 21 Dec 2012

Your words are wonderful and so is the anniversary of your healing! Hugs on such a wonderful day and God Bless and keep you for many more:>)

by kryztyna 21 Dec 2012

You are a wonderful person and I wish you every joy and happiness. God Bless you. Hugs Christine, Johannesburg

by hayjude 20 Dec 2012

That is the most beautiful message I have read I like you I smile to all people as I go bye and talk to strangers. Merry Christmas and the best New Year Judy

by manami 20 Dec 2012

Surely time does fly, unbelievable it has been 4 years since then! I'm so happy to have you here, my friend! You are such an inspiration for all of us! Have a lovely Christmas e a Happy New Year! Love and hugs, Yoriko

by berny 20 Dec 2012

Smile and the world smiles with you,

by nonna57 20 Dec 2012

Helloooo BFF.. Sorry i forgot your "Anniversary"... My how time does fly. I remember sitting in your Hosp room listening to you Talk....... Congrats on a big achievement

by debswebster 20 Dec 2012

CONGRATULATIONS to you Meganne for beating the "beast" and walking proud every day. You are amazing!!! Luv n Hugs, Debbie

by gerryvb 20 Dec 2012

thank you Meganne, You know I talk to strange people too and most of the time people react nice. So perhaps we wilkl meet one day and we start talking to eachother..... Sorry we live to far apart to realize this dream. but it's great to meet you here. Thank you for being a Cute friend !
Thank you for being you !

by airyfairy 19 Dec 2012

Thank you Meg for this. May you have a joyous Christmas and a happy and healthy year ahead. Hugs Sarah.

by jussyc 19 Dec 2012

Gosh Meg, having only been a Cutie for nearly 2 years, I had NO idea you had survived such a traumatic event/experience. Having supported my friend recently I have total admiration for your strength, wit and beautiful outlook. You didn't just face it in my opinion, you kicked ITS ass black and blue. Congrats on your 4th year Free, may it always continue. Hugs (Hope this isn't to personal) Jussy

by raels011 19 Dec 2012

Thank you for being you. I have never met you but feel honoured to be able to call you a friend. Take care and I wish you all the best for the coming year
Luv and hugs Raelene

by minicow 19 Dec 2012

Love you, my not met you yet, Cutie friend. We met here on CUTE and have joined together to help the fight to find a cure and I thankyou for giving HOPE and smiles to perfect strangers.

1 comment
minicow by minicow 19 Dec 2012

Hugs and Sparkles from Denise aka minicow

by jrob Moderator 19 Dec 2012

Congratulations on another year of being the champion. Thanks for the reminder to smile, besides, smiling gives you an instant FREE facelift!

by dec716 19 Dec 2012

congratulations on this anniversary--because your here.
I just passed my 14th anniversary cancer free. It's been long enough now I don't think of it too much unless someone else mentions it.

by 02kar Moderator 19 Dec 2012

Love the survivor attitude. Thank you for the testimony. Wish more people would do this.

by michemb 19 Dec 2012

So nice that that chapter is over for you. They say everything happens for a reason and cancer is a doosey. They also say "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and that dear Meganne is you, strong, energetic, caring, poetic and a fun loving gal to boot.
May your christmas be filled with loads of love, buckets of laughter and everything that makes you happy. May 2013 be healthy, healthy
and healthy.
Big hugs

by basketkase 19 Dec 2012

Wow, Meg, you have such a way with words......what a beautiful sentiment, as always!! My Christmas wish for you is to have health & happiness for you & Ray......Merry Christmas to you.......Loving hugs..

by toogie 19 Dec 2012

HI Meg, First of all,I am thankful for you and for you telling us about your cancer. Girls, get those check-ups. So many people neglect going for check-ups, becuse they are "afraid" it might be.Isn't it better knowing early and doing something about it? So thanks Meg, for proving you can survive. Second, I speak to people too.What kind of world would it be, if no one spoke? Oh, I gotta go to work,shoot I had more to say.LOL Well Meg, I hope you and your family have a very nice Christmas and a very good new year-Toogie

by lidiad 19 Dec 2012

Thank you, Meganne! When I go to the shopping centre, I smile to old ladies like me, especially when they look a bit sad, and usually they smile back to me. It's a nice feeling. Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year together with your Hubby, family and friends.
Hugs, Lidia

by jerrib 19 Dec 2012

Dear Meganne: Beautiful words like the person that wrote them. I too smile and talk to strangers and like you sometimes, get some funny looks, but mostly get a smile and a head nod in return.
Thank you for everything you have done for me and always been there to help me with my wacky ideas. Without your help, they would still be ideas.
May you have a wonderful Christmas and 2013 is one of the best years to all.
Hugs Jerri.

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by pennifold edited 19 Dec 2012

Amen to that my dear friend. Hope that you have a wonderful, blessed family and fun-filled Christmas day.

May 2013 bring you and Ray peace, health and happiness.

God bless you, love and blessings Chris