by leenova54 01 Nov 2012

Well, on Friday morning morning I told John I wasn't feeling well so I was going back to bed, he checked on me to make sure I was breathing a couple of times and then a bit before 7 he checked me again and tried to wake me. I was making guttural sounds and he couldn't wake me. He called 911 and the first thing I remember was bright lights and men in blue shirts yelling at me to open my eyes. I was in the hospital from Friday evening till Tuesday evening. I lost a whole day so I think I got them right here! Seems a side affect from the one pain pill I was on caused it. I think I am fine now though I borrowed my Mom's walker just to be sure. Scared the hell out of my hubby and my family! At one point during the them I told them I wanted my husband and I asked him if this was the end.


by hightechgrammy 07 Nov 2012

Oh Deb! What a terrible scare! I am so very thankful you are okay!!! Whew!

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 09 Nov 2012

Yes, scary for all of us! My Mom was freaking out as was everyone else after all the scares we have had and now my Dad's oldest brother passed away this morning after 2 strokes in a weeks time.

by oaro 07 Nov 2012

I hope you are filing better and you husband to and glad you are here hugs and many many prayers an your way Maria

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leenova54 by leenova54 09 Nov 2012

Hubby is helping a little but thankfully he did get me medical help when I really needed it!

by loosie 07 Nov 2012

So many side effects for the meds we take be sure to keep close tabs on the new perscriptions, glad you are feeling better, hugs :)

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leenova54 by leenova54 09 Nov 2012

Thank you, meds aren't helping much and leg pain is back.

by beatie58 07 Nov 2012

I thought I have put a note here but alas no! Debra hope you are feeling better and perhaps they have changed your meds. Hugs Sally

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leenova54 by leenova54 09 Nov 2012

The meds that we think caused the problems have been stopped but the only other meds they can use don't have enough strength to help much at all. Acupuncture today hoping for help.

by judybell 07 Nov 2012

Debra, I'm so thankful you are doing better now. Always have you in my prayers. Hugs, Judy

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

Thank you, I have so many people in so many countries praying for me and sending me best wishes and I do appreciate it.

by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

Sorry I didn't comment or give flowers earlier, I was getting the glitch that made it so I couldn't comment or leave flowers so I had to wait for that to get to normal. Thanks for the flowers, prayers, and good thoughts sent my way!

by janetedna 05 Nov 2012

Sorry your hubby had a scare. ( You were asleep ! although you had a rude awakening.! ) Glad you're better now. Jan

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leenova54 by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

Thank you, it was a rude awakening!

by momhome 05 Nov 2012

Oh how scary this was for you and your family. Glad you are doing better now. I'm glad you have the walker just in case you feel unsteady on your feet. I am glad you are a fighter and don't give in. I have been thinking about you a lot so I am glad you feel able to post and keep us updated on how you are dong. You will continue to be in my prayers.

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leenova54 by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

So scary you can't imagine!

by airyfairy 04 Nov 2012

Very relieved that all is well. Please don't give us shocks like that. Loads of hugs Sarah.

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leenova54 by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

I'll try Sarah, lol! It's hard not to scare me! Went to vote today and used Mom's walker.

by drro 04 Nov 2012

Wow! What a scare for everyone! Glad to know you are ok now, and I will be praying for that to continue for you:>) Hugs and Blessings!!

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leenova54 by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

Poor hubby, when I came to my parents were outside my hospital room too, hubby kept them out till he could see if I wanted them to come in.

by keeponsewing 03 Nov 2012

Debra, I'm so sorry that you had that terrible drug reaction. I to have a sensitivity to drugs and I hate it when it does crazy things to your system. So glad that you are doing better.... God bless you my friend... Chin up! Hugs,Terre

leenova54 by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

Now I am afraid to take much of anything!

keeponsewing by keeponsewing 07 Nov 2012

Are you keeping tabs of which meds you react too? Then look at their ingredients to see what the common factor is? Unfortunately process of elimination is the only way. Think of you often...

by mary51 03 Nov 2012

Scary but with a happy ending !!!!! Glad you feel better.

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leenova54 by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

Yes, I didn't know what happen during those hours or how long I was actually out of it.

by kezza2sew 03 Nov 2012

so happy you are here to tell the story, keep well my dear...

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leenova54 by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

Me too!

by clawton 03 Nov 2012

Scary! Sure do hope you are better now. I have heard about many people having complications with mixing medicines.

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leenova54 by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

It was scary, I lost so many hours that I of memory.

by eyeztodiefor10 03 Nov 2012

Wow! What a scary thing to go through. I'm glad you're ok now. I hope they took you off that pain medicine and gave you something with less side effects. I'll keep you in my prayers.

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leenova54 by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

I am feeling so much better, my sugar level is coming down and my vision is getting better.

by einon 03 Nov 2012

Hi, don't know the date of this last message and still finding my way around Cuties. Did not know you could do all these things. Sorry, I did not know about the messages and when I finally did know guess you were not interested anymore. Ok. Getting things ready for a craft show in the Retirement Village the end of Nov. Hope things are going better for you now.

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leenova54 by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

I added the date in another post on here, it was recent. Hope you have a great sell!

by lenamae 03 Nov 2012

Deb I am so sorry you had this happen to you.Thank God you have a good caring husband there with you. I am so glad you are back with us.take care of your self and don't take any more of those pills. we all want you well we love you
Hugs Lenamae

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leenova54 by leenova54 07 Nov 2012

Thank you, yes I do!

by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

I didn't put the date at the beginning of this, sorry, to avoid this being brought up years from now, the date of this post was Nov 2, 2012.

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cfidl by cfidl 03 Nov 2012

You are an amazing and strong woman. Many thought and prayers for you.

by olly 03 Nov 2012

Deb I think of you every day. Love and prayers to you special lady.

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

Thank you so much, the cute "family" has given me so much love and I do appreciate it very much!

by holly12 02 Nov 2012

I am so glad your husband found you. Your angels were surely with you. I hope things will continue to get better. I pray for you every night. Love & Hugs. Arlene

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

Thank you so much.

by mranderson 02 Nov 2012

Debra take care. Sure glad John was there to check on you. Reactions to some medications can be very scary. Hope all continues to go well for you. Best wishes and hugs Marg

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

Thank you Marg, he is literally my life saver.

by buffy1 02 Nov 2012

sorry to hear that you have been ill; glad you are back!

by gerryvb 02 Nov 2012

reading your story it sure is so good to see you are here now. Take care and hugs.

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

Thanks, I check in a couple of times a day. I still don't have much strength and it is a chore just to walk to this room.

by susiesembroidery 02 Nov 2012

So sorry to hear that you were unwell, but I am happy that you are now back with us again. That was a close call. My God keep you in His loving hands and may He send his angels to guard you safely. Take care dear Friend. I am praying for you and you family's wellbeing.*****Lovies and hugs.

by debswebster 02 Nov 2012

Glad you're back safe and sound. We're rooting for you! Love n Hugs, Debbie

by jrob Moderator 02 Nov 2012

Well, you certainly keep everyone on the edge of their seats! Whew, glad that this tale ended in a good way. Love ya, girl! ;)

by ssampsel 02 Nov 2012

sorry about your scary experience. good thing John was home with you! prayers, susan

by ksgram1 02 Nov 2012

Praising God that you are still with us! Please give your family a special hug for me, and I am sending an even bigger one to you. My prayers continue on your behalf. Sendng much love. ~ Marjorie

by michemb 02 Nov 2012

Glad to hear you are o.k. now Debra,
What a horrible experience for your family to live through. Take care and hang in there.

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

Very scary, when I asked him if this was the end I truly meant it and didn't get an answer because of all the things going on around me.

by theduchess 02 Nov 2012

Glad to hear you are doing better now, Keep that medication name on your list of DO NOT TAKE / ALLERGIES. You'd be surprised how many mistakes hospitals make.Please take care. Stella

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

So very true! I couldn't find this on the list of things that could happen but I'll take that doctor's opinion.

by askmcv 02 Nov 2012

What a frightening day for you all! I am happy all ended well

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

Thanks for the pretty angel.

by sdrise 02 Nov 2012

Oh my.. What a terrible thing to happen. I hate taking any kind of pain pills. Hope the doctors watch you more closely for side effects. Gald you are OK.. Suzanne

by grandmamek 02 Nov 2012

Oh my goodness, what a horrible experience for you and your family to go through. Medicine reactions can be a dreadful thing.
I presume you are now back home. I hope your Dr. is able to prescribe something for your pain without the awlful side effects. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Mary

by lidiad 02 Nov 2012

I had goose bumps while reading your story. It must have been really frightening for everybody. Glad that they found out what caused it so that it won't happen again.
Love and hugs, Lidia

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

There were 7 emergency workers in my house that night and hubby couldn't find the cat for quite a while!

by manami 02 Nov 2012

Dear Debra, what a scare you gave to your family! I'm glad you are back, and know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of you. Love and hugs, Yoriko

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

It's times like this that I regret asking everyone to stop sending me angels and gifts, I sit in my chair and look at the angels and other gifts and see and feel the love of the cuties.

by katmug 02 Nov 2012

OH MY GOSH! That would've been a horrible thing for you all to go through. My heart was pounding when I was reading it. SO SO SOOOOOOOO GLAD you are doing ok now! :) You're in my thoughts. TAKE CARE!!!

leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

My parents were frantic! They stayed in the hallway and waited till my hubby told them they could come in. Mom with tears in her eyes of course!

katmug by katmug 04 Nov 2012

We are all GLAD you're doing well now! :)

by juanitadenney 02 Nov 2012

So glad to hear that you are doing alright and hope this never happens again. My prayers are with you and your family. God Bless!! Juanita

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

Oh, me too!

by kryztyna 02 Nov 2012

Lordy Debs, Welcome back out of the funny lights! So glad you are ok. Hope the doctors will be able to find a way to ease your pain. We love having you here with us! Hugs Christine Johannesburg

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

They had to resort back to Vicodin, it's not as strong but it eases it a bit.

by ansalu 01 Nov 2012

Sweetie I can hardly imagine how scared John and your family were. What a pity that using that special "kind of pain medicine" was not allowed in the USA. I'm sure you would prefer look like a pin cushion but you cannot get accupuncture whenever you need a pain killer. So I hope they will find another sort of pills for you without that side effects,
Take care and let them spoil you :o)
Hugs to you my dear

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

Spoiling me isn't something that will happen in this house any more than it would in yours, you know the feeling!

by anangel 01 Nov 2012

Debra, I am so glad you are past this terrible fright from a a drug side effect! You still amaze me with all you go through, and keep your stamina, as well as your good spirits! Hang in there, and know my prayers are ongoing for the Lord to bless you with healing, and strength to carry you through each day until then!
Hugs and love,

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

Thank you, if you can't laugh at yourself someone else will so I do too, lol! We all get by in our own way.

by chenille 01 Nov 2012

It is so good to know that this was a drug reaction.I am glad that you are ok.Reactions can be so scary...but at least if you know what it was that caused a reaction it eases the mind games. Take care.
Hugs & ***, Nadyne

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

At first they said it was a stroke but I didn't have some of the symptoms of that so another doctor was testing my memory and he asked me to tell him what pills I take and as soon as I said dilaudid he said to stop, that drug had this as a side affect.

by crafter2243 Moderator 01 Nov 2012

I am just so glad you are back home.

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

Thank you!

by sukira 01 Nov 2012

Oh Debbie, so glad you are OK. I know what you went through. I saw those bright lights too with funny people yelling at me. Some of those meds can interact with others and work against you. Keep well. Hugs and blessings, Rachel

by mysew1325 01 Nov 2012

wow... drug reactions are awful.. you were close.. god be with you and stop taking that drug..

by katydid 01 Nov 2012

I assume you are home or they brought you a lap top to the hospital. You are communicating with us so it is a good thing!! We all care! Kay

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

I am home. Went into the hospital Oct 29 and came home Nov 1st. I have a tablet but it doesn't work in the hospital rooms.

by capoodle 01 Nov 2012

So glad that John was there to get you help and your doctors got it sorted out for you. Guess you are going to keep that pill on your do not take list.

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

For sure!

by pennifold 01 Nov 2012

Wow! Debbie, you take it easy and I hope they can find something else to help you instead of whatever that pain pill was. It is always a concern when you have to take medication for something and it counteracts with other prescribed drugs you might be on. Mum told me the other night she had to take an Endone and within minutes the pain in her foot was gone. She doesn't like taking them, but she said some nights she just needs something to ease her aches etc. Thinking of you and praying that you are o.k. now. Love and blessings Chris

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

Thanks Chris. I hate taking pills too but sometimes you just have to.

by fannyfurkin 01 Nov 2012

Goodness Deb, so glad you are ok. Are they able to give you a different type of medication to swap for the one that caused this effect? Take care or you.

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leenova54 by leenova54 03 Nov 2012

They put me on Vicodin for now, it isn't nearly strong enough but I am going to try to tough it out after this!