by toogie 06 Sep 2012

Today, the 6th, is my husbands birthday.All 3 of our children, along with their children are coming for the evening meal, and friends are come by after the meal, for b-day cake/refreshments.This is how my day started.When I got home from my morning route, I was starting to cook for tonight and our water was out.Public water, they were working on lines.I had a kettle full of water and some water in my fridge to cook with.I cooked a roast,some fresh peas with bacon and made a cole slaw. I wanted to cook more but ran out of water.Good thing the cake is made.haha I may do more later but right now I am going back on the bus for this HOT afternoon route.Hope hubby has a good day....Oh, I got a friend to call and wish him happy birthday. She used to work with him, b/4 he retired.I told her to call him early, as he was suppose to work washing down the outside of the house today.When I got back this morning, he told me some lady called, wished him a happy birthday and said she was sending him a gift, a 25 year old girl to help him wash down the house.haha He wasn't sure who she was, but thought he reconized the voice.But he said how did she know I was cleaning the house?I played dumb.haha Sometimes it is fun to let him try to figure it out.-Toogie


by leenova54 07 Sep 2012

Well, I hope the evening turned out great! Too bad the water went out. When that 25 year old is done send her to my house, the walls and windows need washed desperately, lol!!

by cfidl 07 Sep 2012

Will he figure it out? Sounds like a fun day! Live Laugh Download Stitch!

by airyfairy 07 Sep 2012

Hope your hubby has a wonderful birthday.

by lidiad 07 Sep 2012

He he he..... Thanks for the laugh!
Hugs, Lidia

by 02kar Moderator 06 Sep 2012

Sounds like a fun day. Hehe. Wish a happy birthday from the Cuties.

by jrob Moderator 06 Sep 2012

You are a stinker. ;)
I guess he got out of the house washing today.