by juaninethompson 12 Jul 2012

Hi Cuties. I am devastated. I lost my little minature maltese baby after her being at my side for the last 15 years. Her name was Axel and she was my baby, my life, my all. I miss her dearly and have not been able to sleep in my bed as she was my bed warmer all her little life, she licked my tears when I cried and even tried to chase baddies. I was wondering if there is anybody out there who can do a one colour outline of her from a photo. I have been medically boarded so don't have much cash. Please e-mail me : Thank you for this absolutely fab site. Whenever I need a specific design I know exactly on which web site to look - CUTE EMBROIDERY. Love you all


by drro 14 Jul 2012

Your loss saddens me so! I know the feeling of an animal friend and pet bed is so comforting. I will be praying for you to feel the comfort of our dear Lord, and that you will know your dear pet is safe in His arms. God bless, and I hope one of our darling cuties will be able to help you out!!!

by jerrib 13 Jul 2012

So sorry to hear of your loss. My kids keep bugging me to get a pet and this is one of the reasons why I keep saying no. I had to find a new home for our dog when I moved and it broke my heart. Then I had to find homes for my daughter's two cats and that upset me also, so no more pets for me. Plus I can't afford to keep one.

by blueeyedblonde 13 Jul 2012

Sorry to hear of your loss. It's not easy to lose a fur baby, they have become so close.

by tonilee 13 Jul 2012

I'm so sorry i have 4 dog children and love them more anything only my husband rates higher i could lose anything but not my children, years ago after losing a dear fur friend, after two cancer operations, as i was always in tears, my husband new how badly i was hurting said i should see a dr, i went two times so i could handle it, this might not be for you, but at least think about it. it helped me.

by jaddas 13 Jul 2012

I am so sorry for your loss of your love.

by zoefzoef 13 Jul 2012

Sorry to read this sad news. Sending you a big hug. I can help you with an outline, but I'm sure someone here can.

by kitty2011 13 Jul 2012

Oh this is so sad. I hope someone can help with the design.
sending you heaps of hugs for your loss...

by lidiad 13 Jul 2012

I am sorry for the loss of your furbaby. We had a few dogs over the years and loved all of them. They have been part of our family and have been sadly missed. When they become old, they suffer and it's hard to watch them suffer. It's a consolation knowing that they don't suffer anymore. May be you can get another one later on.
Hugs, Lidia

by rmj8939 13 Jul 2012

I am so sorry for your loss of your love.

by airyfairy 13 Jul 2012

I am just so very sorry to hear the loss of your furbaby. I look at my little pekingese who is now 10 and wonder what I will do when it is his time to leave me. My thoughts are with you. Hugs Sarah.

by christracey 13 Jul 2012

Sorry to hear of your sad news. You will meet again at Rainbow Bridge. God bless.

by capoodle 12 Jul 2012

To loose a true friend is never easy...They leave a paw print on our hearts forever... So sorry for your loss.

1 comment
marjialexa by marjialexa 13 Jul 2012

What a lovely picture, I've not seen this before. It's like I imagine the Rainbow Bridge to be. Aw, now I'm crying again, we miss them so much, don't we. M

by katydid 12 Jul 2012

Yes, I have lost my dogs also. I had to have the last two put down with tears in my eyes. I now have two stray cats. One is wild and the other is here for me to take care of her. It is now her home and I am her care taker. Wait a while and get another pet. I know you are sad. Kay

by moyed 12 Jul 2012

Juanine, I have sent you an email.
hugs Helen

by greytgirl 12 Jul 2012

I so feel your pain. We lost our beautiful 10 1/2 year old greyhound, Scarlett Candy, to bone cancer 2 weeks ago. There is definitely a hollow place in my heart. I don't digitize but I am sure someone on Cuties can help you with your request. This is such a caring, giving group.

by rescuer Moderator 12 Jul 2012

Praying that you will be comforted. I hope someone can help you with your request.

by bikermomfl 12 Jul 2012

I am in tears for you. It brings back all to clear my loss of my Amunra, Zorro and Pogo. 3 of my babies within 3 weeks. I hope your pain will ease soon. Maybe a new baby to fill the hole in your heart. Nothing can ever take the place but sometimes a new baby that needs you as much as you need them can help to put a bandaid on the hurt. My prayers are with you.......

by kezza2sew 12 Jul 2012

I can feel your pain, our pets sure are our life. just remember all the loving 15 years you had with her, and know she would of loved you back the same...hugs Kezza

by marjialexa Moderator 12 Jul 2012

Juanine, I am so sorry about the loss of Axel, I know how hurt your heart is right now. I've lost too many fur babies of my own, so I know that pain. I do hope one of the Cuties can digitize the photo you mentioned, that would be great. Could I caution you about putting your e-mail address in a post, though? It's just that this is a public forum, and even people who are not members can read the posts. Sometimes 'the baddies' search on-line forums for addresses to send countless junk mails to, there are people who get paid to 'mine' this type of forum. Just want you to stay safe, ok? Maybe you could post a photo of dear little Axel, so our digitizers could get an idea of how difficult the work might be. Big hugs from my heart to yours, Marji

by noah 12 Jul 2012

Well i am sure they have dogs in heaven so you will get to see your baby one day again Iwill pray comfprt for you hugs

by susiesembroidery 12 Jul 2012

I am so sorry for the loss of your little darling companion and baby. I hope that your memories will be able to sustain the love you have for her. May your little Axel rest in peace. God bless.****

by diamondfowler 12 Jul 2012

I am sew sorry for your lost I have a small pek and she is 12 years old, they are our children
Prayers for you Diamond

by dailylaundry 12 Jul 2012

I am sorry - how hard it is when we lose a pet. You need to know that she is comfortable now with no aches or pains! Hugs, Laura*

by pldc 12 Jul 2012

I am sew sorry to hear of your beloved Axel's passing they are far more then just a pet to us they are part of our family! I hope that a fellow cutie can help you out!Hugs Loralye