by spendlove Moderator 24 May 2012

Here I am back after 4 weeks on holiday! (You might have noticed that I don't like to advertise the fact that I am away from home before I go.) We have been in North Wales, walking the hills and coasts but along the way we spent a great weekend with Caroline (asterixsew). We dranks some wine, shared some ideas and generally shot the breeze. Wish you could have joined us!


by grandmamek 25 May 2012

Welcome back, you were missed. We are so glad to see you return.

by devon 25 May 2012

Welcome home!!

by hightechgrammy 25 May 2012

I was missing you, Sue! I'm sew glad you are back and hope you had a wonderful holiday! Someday maybe you can come to Colorado :-) I know of a place you can stay for really cheap - LOL Of course you have to put up with moose, and Ben playing his qchord at 5:00 am! Hugs, Jan

by marthie 25 May 2012

Welcome back Sue. We all missed you. Perhaps i can meet you girls again in August somewhere

by cj2sew 25 May 2012

Sounds like a great vacation.

by quail 25 May 2012

Welcome back, Sue. It's great to see your avatar again. I hope your vacation was all you would have wanted it to be. It sure must be nice to be able to talk embroidery with someone. I haven't really found anyone close to me yet. But then, Cuties keeps growing, so it may happen yet.

by lenamae 25 May 2012

sounds like a lot of fun you had .

by jacquipaul 25 May 2012

That sounds wonderful. Know what you mean about not advertising when on vacation. So nice that you could have a great visit. Share some photos of Wales, if you wish. It's a beautiful place, isn't it?

by bnilla9241 25 May 2012

Sounds like you and Caroline had a great adventure! Something you can both take with you.

Welcome back!

Hugs, Bonnie

by jid53 25 May 2012

Glad that you had a great holiday

by gerryvb 25 May 2012

great you had a good time, enjoy the happy holiday memories :)Hugs,Gerry

jid53 by jid53 25 May 2012

Glad that you had a great holiday i

jid53 by jid53 25 May 2012

Didn’t have my glasses on and replied in wrong spot

by oigelcox 25 May 2012

Welcome Sue it is never wise to advertise that you are away from your home you are not likely to have anything left in your house when you return. Gone are the days that you didnt have to lock your doors. Hugs Joyce

eggyannie by eggyannie 25 May 2012

mine is never locked and if anyone wants to find anything in here then good luck to them cause i never can.

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 25 May 2012

The only room in our home that is very well organized is actually my sewing room! Don't take my sewing stuff - eeek!

by lidiad 25 May 2012

Welcome back, Sue. Glad that you had a wonderful holiday.
Hugs, Lidia

by spendlove Moderator 25 May 2012

Thanks for all of your nice comments - we start scything the grass this morning and I hope to visit my sewing machine this afternoon. (All work and no play makes Sue a dull girl!!) It has been a long time, but now I have retired from teaching it is great to be away during term time so we make the most of it!

by eggyannie 25 May 2012

Croeso aelwyd Sue.
sure have missed yuou but i hope you had a good holiday with the not too much welsh rain and mist to spoil the views.
(Translation- Welcome home)

by blueeyedblonde 25 May 2012

Glad you had a good holiday! I've never been away that long!

by gandu 24 May 2012

Welcome back to the wonderful world of cuties Brenda

by laffma1 24 May 2012

Well, I am really glad you and Hubby had had such a greeat time. But hey - no pictures of your visit with asterixsew? Huh? Ok, I guess we will just have to image for ourselves what fun you all had together! Seriously though - Glad you had the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas.

by joann13100 24 May 2012

We were all wondering what had happened to you---glad you are back!

by rsehorse 24 May 2012

Welcome back Sue.

by pldc 24 May 2012

me too! Glad that you are back! Hugs Loralye

by drro 24 May 2012

Glad to hear you had a great break! And glad to see you back here:>)

by greysewist Moderator 24 May 2012

Welcome back to the fold, Sue. I can't imagine being away from home for that long! Hope someone was attending to the garden etc for you, or you'd need a scythe to get back in.

by shirley124 24 May 2012

Welcome back Sue. Gald to hear you had a lovely holiday.

by buffy1 24 May 2012

Welcome back! Hope you had a wonderful time! School is out for summer Friday. We will be ready for a vacation before the end of the next week; lol

1 comment
pldc by pldc 24 May 2012

wow we still have more than a month to go

by cfidl 24 May 2012

We did miss you terribly. Glad you are back and all is well and you met friends! Love to hear more! Love Laugh Download Stitch!

by nonna57 24 May 2012

WELCOME HOME We missed you :)

by eyeztodiefor10 24 May 2012

I'm happy you had such a great vacation! We sure missed you here. Glad you're back!

by bumblebee 24 May 2012

Sounds like a lovely holiday.

by lyns 24 May 2012

we missed you. xx

by gerryb 24 May 2012

Welcome home! I don't talk about being on vacation either until after I'm home!! That's like saying...Hey, no one's here! Come on over & help yourself! Glad you got to visit with another cutie!

by alexgrandma 24 May 2012

Glad you had a great vacation!! Welcome Back!!

by pennifold 24 May 2012

I've missed you and am glad that you got to meet up with Caroline. Love and blessings Chris

by sqdancer 24 May 2012

Welcome back Sue glad you enjoyed your holiday and got to meetup with the way thanks so much for making those very adorable trucks to go along with my quilts to Uganda...they were sooo perfect...Hugs Glenda x0x0x0x

by claudenicolas 24 May 2012

It is nice to see you again, and more nice to think that you had good holidays
Hugs Claude

by amarulli 24 May 2012

great to see you are back again :-) .... hope you had a great time !!
creative greetings


by kttyhwk4 24 May 2012

Good to have you back again. You've been missed.

by shirlener88 24 May 2012

So happy you are home again - we did miss you dear. It must have been wonderful to meet up with Caroline (asterixsew)in person.

by michemb 24 May 2012

nice to see you back Sue and glad you enjoyed your holiday,

by dilceia 24 May 2012

Welcome, my dear Sue!

by dino 24 May 2012

So glad you had a good holiday. Welcome home!!

by asterixsew Moderator 24 May 2012

Welcome back Sue. It was great to see you Mike and Meg, sorry there were not other Cuties nearby. It was great fun talking about sewing with someone who has a embroidery machine too. They are a rarity in my bit of the UK. Sue we are covered in sea mist today so the views have gone.