by granniebea 25 Dec 2011

To all the wonderful Cuties who have given their designs so freely through the year, thank you.It has been wonderful being part of this community. As a newbie to M/E I have learnt so much from all of you. I have laughed and cried along with all of you.I hope that 2012 will be kind to you and you will have a happy year.Cuties you are one of the most generous and caring commuties I have ever belonged to. Thank you.

In Oz


by meganne 26 Dec 2011

Merry Christmas hugs and love to your family and you.
May the good will of Christmas last all year through.
Meg, Ray and the fur babies

by drro 25 Dec 2011

I agree with you! God Bless you today on His son's birthday, and always!

by shirlener88 25 Dec 2011

Merry Christmas Anne dear, I agree with you - this is a wonderful CUTE family and website, too.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 26 Dec 2011

Yes, it was a hot one here yesterday. :-)

by lidiad 25 Dec 2011

I agree! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you too!
Hugs, Lidia

by devon 25 Dec 2011

Amen.....This group rocks.... DeVon