by basketkase 06 Dec 2011

Quick Graycie update...when vet came in this AM, Grayce had eaten all her food I brought that they left in her cage, she used the litter pan for pee & pooh and bilirubin is down from 3 to .3 ..she may come home tomorrow!! She really responded to me today!!


by cfidl 07 Dec 2011

Great News! I am so happy for you!

by tilde01 07 Dec 2011

I'm so happy for you and Graycie. Couldn't be better news.

by jacquipaul 07 Dec 2011

Wonderful news; glad she'll be home soon.

by sewfrenzie 07 Dec 2011

Thats Fantastic! SO glad she'll be home soon and things will soon be back to normal.

by pennifold 07 Dec 2011

Another answer to prayer. Love Chris

by rmj8939 07 Dec 2011

Best news yet!!!!

by lidiad 07 Dec 2011

Wonderful news!!!!!!! I'm happy for you and for her!!!
Hugs to both of you! Lidia

by christracey 07 Dec 2011

Oh my that is great to hear. She'll be getting even more TLC when she does get home again. Give her a hug from me too.

by sadp 07 Dec 2011

Yeah, better and better. hugs S*

by drro 06 Dec 2011

Praise the Lord oh my Soul, Praise His Holy Name!! This is wonderful! Prayer works! You will have a miracle cat--God's miracle cat!! Thanks for sharing your touching story. This is the time of year for miracles!! Let's pray for many more miracles for many more loving Cuties who are asking for them for themselves, their family and friends! God Bless U & * 4 all!

1 comment
drro by drro 06 Dec 2011

Grayce is well named for God's grace by which we are all forgiven and saved & through which miracles are ours for the asking! You have a testimony about your precious kitty now! Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere!

by airyfairy 06 Dec 2011

Graycie knows that her mum wants her home so the quicker she eats - the quicker she will be home. I have to take Mushu to the vet today. I think there might be something wrong with his kidneys. I am dreading it. Hugs to you and Graycie.

by capoodle 06 Dec 2011

Great progress. Just needed a little doctoring and you.

by sqdancer 06 Dec 2011

Great News and a wonderful early Christmas Gift...she was probably so freightened and lonely and now knows her mom has found her and giving her lots of hugs and love...enjoy x0x0x

by jussyc 06 Dec 2011

Fab news. :) *

by joann13100 06 Dec 2011

So glad she is better and can come home soon. What a relief to have her back and on the mend.

by marcellelewis 06 Dec 2011

Great to hear that she is better. I truly hope she never wanders away again.


by snowbird42 06 Dec 2011

bet you cant wait to start the tlc....soozie

by fannyfurkin 06 Dec 2011

This is great news Vicki, I hope she comes home tomorrow. has she gained any weight?

by devon 06 Dec 2011

That is so great. Hope she goes home too. Hugs DeVon

1 comment
snowbird42 by snowbird42 06 Dec 2011

devon love th pic...soozie made me laugh

by noah 06 Dec 2011

excellent hugs

by bumblebee 06 Dec 2011


by greysewist Moderator 06 Dec 2011

That is excellent. Must be giving her quite a lift having you go in to her. You'll be so pleased to have her back on home turf.

by castelyn 06 Dec 2011

That is great news. Hugs Yvonne

by janetedna 06 Dec 2011

Good news. Hope she goes from strength to strength. Jan.

by aleene 06 Dec 2011

Great news!

by ansalu 06 Dec 2011

Fantastic news :o) Looks like she wanna come home to you as soon as possible...
Greetings, Bettina

by leenova54 06 Dec 2011

Oh my gosh, how wonderful! She knows mommy is back so she is responding. She may have been depressed before! Hugs to her and you!

by gerryb 06 Dec 2011

FANTASTIC!! Hope you'll have her home soon!!!

by blueeyedblonde 06 Dec 2011

Wonderful news!!!

by hightechgrammy 06 Dec 2011

Vicki, this is just such wonderful news! Hallelujah! I am just happy beyond words for you. Isn't it going to be nice to have her home and napping on you? Has she gained any weight back? The liver function is really encouraging, isn't it! Oh My! I have tears of joy :-) love you both, Jan

1 comment
drro by drro 06 Dec 2011

Ditto 4 me!

by debswebster 06 Dec 2011

Good news indeed, your heart must be glowing!!

by gerryvb 06 Dec 2011

I'm so happy for the both of you!! it's a wonderful early Xmas presenT. hugs for you both !

1 comment
greysewist by greysewist 06 Dec 2011

No wonder this puss is smiling so happily, LOL.