by icana 09 Oct 2009

The new computer has a 64 bit operating system and I know that is a problem. I have done all they suggested on the faqs. I was using another computer with vista which was a 32 bit. I am running it in xp with sp2 compatibility.


by mops Moderator 10 Oct 2009

I had a few hiccups as well when I installed Embird on my new computer. I now open it by Right-Clicking on the icon and then open as administrator. That works for me.
I know Embird has a new upgrade tested - it's still a beta version, so it may be a while - that will be OK on 64 bit OS apart from other inprovements.

by dollygk 10 Oct 2009

Hi Icana, I had this happen too but got around it by opening any design in Embird, then Editor. Delete the design from the hoop then go into Studio then open the .jpg you want and work. REMEMBER to watch how you save, will you overwrite an exixting pattern, check the 'save as" and a new name.

by nanniesara 09 Oct 2009

Other than going to the embird website and checking for updates and trying to download them. Send Embird a text message and see if they can help. If you used the same disk for windows xp that you used for Vista that could be the problem. If not contact tech support and ask them for assistance. Maybe call by phone and ask for support if possible. If not this I am not sure maybe someone else has a better idea. Sorry but that is all I know. Sara Good Luck.