getEdited - SELECT
by toogie ( edited 23 Oct 2023 ) 21 Oct 2023


RD passed from this world yesterday.

Faye will go to a rehab facility maybe tomorrow.
Faye’s granddaughter Meesha had a car crash Friday night and had surgery yesterday late- she is in 11 grade, just got license- on an unfamiliar road at night taking a couple girlfriends home- she missed a curve and they hit a tree- thankfully the others were not injured and that they all survived. Surgeon said he had to put plates and screws to repair Meesha’s ankle and a year recovery.

Thank you all for prayers for family. I may not be able to answer each and everyone at this time but know I will read and appreciate each and everyone of you.❤️

Adding a picture of 3 of the siblings. Only 5 of them left now. One other sister Nelda couldn’t be here as her husband has cancer and he needs her and Quince in nursing home.
I took this picture when we went to other hospital after we left RD’s hospital. We also stayed with Brenda and Melanie, Meesha’s grandmother and mom during Meesha’s surgery. It was a long 2 days with an hour of sleep.
My husband 75
Faye 97
Nita 80

RD was 87
Quince is 95 and
Nelda is 78
All up in age

Hi Cuties, this is what sometimes happens when you have a large family.
As I stated in my last post, we decided to come back from our trip Wednesday night, although they wanted us to stay another night and leave Thursday morning. It’s a good thing we came home when we did.
Our niece called Thursday today her dad which is my husband’s brother was having a massive heart attack. He had gone into the hospital the day before bc of shortness of breath when he tried to walk. The dr had just been in his room and was in the hall when he coded. They had to shock him twice and he is now in ICU.
He has 2 blockages one is 90%..unable to repair at this time due to his heart being very weak…. He is in ICU sedated, intubated, and machine beating for him right now because his heart is so weak they are giving his heart a break and hopes are that at some point they can go in and put stents in.
R.D. is critical but stable… he did well through the night… they adjusted some medications and added some lines to monitor real time vitals in his heart… they are not going to do the stents today…. The doctor believes that he is stable with the interventions they have right now and he wants his heart to rest as much as possible to have the best chance.. they eased up on the sedation for a little while last night to see if he could respond and he did.. the nurse reported that he was able to follow commands and nod his head which is good… but bumped sedation back up to keep him calm.

His heart is only functioning at 15% and it’s not a good survival chance to do the surgery until his heart improves. RD is 87 but has been very active his entire life.
Also, when the above niece Starla called, I was on the phone with another niece Brenda. Brenda’s mom Faye is my husband’s oldest sister age 97. Brenda had to call the ambulance bc Faye fell at her home. She has a swollen ankle that could possibly be broken but too swollen to tell. She also has a UTI so she was admitted in a different hospital than RD although they are in the same town.
Last week the oldest brother Quince age 95 had a stroke. It has affected his left side.
There were 12 siblings but there are only half still living. Half of those are these three.
Quince is able to feed himself with his right hand. His dementia…well you know how that goes so now he in a nursing home.
Faye will need rehab therapy so Brenda is hoping to get her into a nursing home as well, when she is released from hospital.
RD is another matter. His chances aren’t favorable but we know if God chooses to heal him, He can, no matter what chances the drs give him. RD also has had 4th stage kidney disease for a good while. The dye they have to use could further damage his kidneys. IF he survives it will be God’s will and a miracle witnessed. We ask His will be done and also want to say…. we believe in miracles.


by teddybear117 29 Oct 2023

Sorry for your loss.

by lidiad 24 Oct 2023

Dear Toogie, what you have written made me cry. Sorry for your loss!
Prayers and hugs for all of you.

by dlonnahawkins 24 Oct 2023

Toogie - I am so sorry to read all that you are going through right now. It is so hard when loved ones are ill, or injured, and nothing that you can really do for them.
Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
Cyber Hugs.

by 02kar Moderator 23 Oct 2023

I am so looking forward to meeting you and your family in Heaven. RD sounds like he gave so much to his country, family, friends and neighbors. And God used him mightily. My prayers go up for Meesha for pain control, peace and a full recovery. Now please try to rest.

by maleah 23 Oct 2023

Toogie, sending prayers for you and your famiy....

by sdrise 23 Oct 2023

My sympathies on your loss... Prayers are going out to you and the family.... Suzanne

by pennifold 23 Oct 2023

Hi Toogie, it’s midnight here in Australia as I write this post Monday 23rd. I’ve just seen this post snd am sorry to read of RD’s passing. Please be assured of my prayers for you and your family. God’s called another Saint home to be with him in paradise. Love Chris

by jrob Moderator 23 Oct 2023

Hadn't stopped to post as it's been crazy around here, but know that you and your darling hubby are in my prayers, as are all of your family, at this sad time.

by toogie 22 Oct 2023

Picture from RD’s obituary- this was taken about 30 years ago-lol- at one of the kid’s wedding they think- They said it was the best picture they had of him and since the only thing that changed was the darkness of his hair, they used this pic. His hair was lighter with gray, but not as gray as my husband, who is 12 years younger.
RD proudly served his country in the Army. He worked for 36 years as a construction supervisor for the telephone company. He was a great gardener and sold the most beautiful tomatoes to one of the local supermarkets in his town. He loved hunting fishing and sports. He was married to his wife Earlene for 64 years and they had 5 children.
My husband said before RD married, when he would get his payday, he would bring a bag of Candy to the younger children. My husband said RD would buy 100 pieces of penny candy for them every time he got paid! We did a lot with him and his family over the years and he was a great brother in law to me. They live about an hour and a half away but he would come down and stay a few nights at the old homestead. He would come at night to our house for supper and then they would watch a ballgame on TV. He always asked and wanted to see what I had been sewing. I made little things for him or sent things home to Earlene. He was genuinely interested in your life. Everyone always speaks highly of him. He leaves behind a great legacy, but most importantly he is a child of the King. Rest in peace brother.

1 comment
shirley124 by shirley124 23 Oct 2023

Sending prayers to you all. Hugs

by loriziegler 22 Oct 2023

Sending prayers from PA!

by dragonflyer 22 Oct 2023

Sending love and light to you and your sad to hear of RD's passing...

by sebsews 22 Oct 2023

Sorry to hear of your loss. I just emailed you and was not aware of RD passing. Sending sincere condolences to you and your family. Suzanna

by graceandham 22 Oct 2023

So sorry for the loss of RD. My experience of big family baptisms, weddings, and funerals is truly that the joys are multiplied and the sorrows divided because there is so much love in a big family. I hope it continues to be this way for ya'll. You are in my prayers.

by shirley124 21 Oct 2023

Toogie I am sending prayers for all your family. Hugs

by 02kar Moderator 21 Oct 2023

My heart grieves for you and your family. You have so much to pray about, but you are so right. We need to accept God’s will. I am trying to keep the vision of our reunion in Heaven with our loved ones first and foremost.

by zoefzoef 21 Oct 2023

not an easy way of "coming home"
I hope all the best for your family

by sebsews 21 Oct 2023

Oh, my goodness. Sorry to hear about your family's health problems. I will be praying for you and your family.

by asterixsew Moderator 21 Oct 2023

Toogie just to say I am thinking of you all in such a difficult time