by sewmadau 14 Jun 2023

I love FSL and found a set of FSL doily's at Stitch Emporium, never having purchased from them before, wonder if anyone can tell me if their FSL stitch's out perfectly.

I would not be happy to stitch out a design that takes over 2 hours only to find that it does not hold together. This has happened too many times in the past. Normally I only buy from places that I have used before and found the FSL just great.
Places like Sue Box, Advanced Embroidery, S Embroidery .


by dragonflyer 14 Jun 2023

Just another thought for great FSL designers... Embroidery by TM has exquisite FSL designs that are impeccably digitized.

by rescuer Moderator 14 Jun 2023

Thank you all for not adding the link.
Stitch Emporium has multiple Trademark violations.
It is sad because they have cute designs.

by sharonleekesner 14 Jun 2023

I have purchased from all three. The digitizing is super.

getEdited - SELECT
by lidiad edited 14 Jun 2023

I love FSL too and have stitched out many doilies from those three digitisers (especially from the first digitiser) and loved them all. I have just enlarged and examined the photos of the FSL doilies that you mentioned and have this advise for you: stick with those three digitisers that you mentioned. If you need more information send me a message through the Inbox on top of this page.
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
sewmadau by sewmadau 14 Jun 2023

Thanks Lidia, I am also a fan of Zundt, right now I am trying to find a FSL edge that I started just before the painters came in. Things are in boxes and I cannot find so many items. The only items that I can find are my embroidery machines, a Brother and my very much loved little Janome. I do lots of FSL on it, only one problem it does not let one know that it is running out of bobbin thread, many a time I have come back to find it has finished stitching out the design. Then I have to back track and find out just where it ran out. LOL