by lidiad 11 Jun 2023

I am making an embroidery layout in my software and when I want to save the file, a little window comes up saying: "Confirmation - There are 43 zero-length stitches in this design. Do you want to delete them?" .

Do you know what these stitches are? Should I click on OK? What happens if I click on No?
Thank you Cuties.
Hugs, Lidia


by lidiad 12 Jun 2023

Those stitches were tie offs. Thank you Cuties. I didn't know which stitches the program was referring to until I changed one colour to be the same as the following one and I expected the two of them to become one single color. The program changed the colour but didn't join them e when I was saving the file, a little screen was saying that they were now 44 zero-length stitches instead of 43. At this point I understood what the problem was: I had mirrored one design and sorted all the colours in the layout by hand so that I had two of the same colour left and right , then the following two colours right and left, then two colours left and right, etc. In this way I have created a lot of stitch offs, without realising it. The program didn't join them automatically. I have searched my software (Embird) and found a function that said (more or less) "delete the low length stitches" and this (I think) was the function I needed and then it activated the joining same-colour stitches. Oh my, at this point I felt tired (it was late last night) but happy ....:: -)) Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
cfidl by cfidl 28 Jun 2023

Yeah You!

by Tu2ml 11 Jun 2023

Which software program do you use? It is possible that those might be tie offs. However stitches with 0 length, that aren’t tie offs, put repeat holes and extra thread in your project that you probably don’t want.
You may be able to take a closer look at exactly which stitches the program has identified. Some software has the ability to list each “object” in the design with the # of stitches it contains. Isolate and inspect the object to determine what it is and whether it is truly necessary.
That said, in my own experience, I have been able to eliminate those excess stitches without any consequence to the design.
If you are still unsure, then make a copy of your design first, as is, and then proceed with only one of them to see what happens. Good luck.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 12 Jun 2023

They were tie offs. Thank you for your help.
Hugs, Lidia

by mrskiki 11 Jun 2023

Sounds like tie-offs. I would test the design as is and then decide. Hugs. Nan

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 12 Jun 2023

You are correct, thank you.
Hugs, Lidia

by asterixsew Moderator 11 Jun 2023

Lidia please can you let us know what softwear you are using?

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad edited 12 Jun 2023

I use Embird
Hugs, Lidia