by mi30kaja 08 Jun 2018

Wonder if someone can help please. I am looking for an Applique which in in the shape of a drinking Mug. Have a feeling it was a Freebie and thought it was from Kreative Kiwi but have looked at what I have bought from them and in their site but not to be found. Any suggestions?


by raels011 21 Jul 2018

try this mug from Kreative Kiwi

raels011 by raels011 21 Jul 2018

it is in members freebies

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 08 Aug 2018

Thank You. I did eventually find it.

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by babash edited 07 Jul 2018

I just downloaded a free Mug from Bunnycup from The Cup collection.

Have a look at that one.

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 16 Jul 2018

Thank You. I will have a look.

by carolpountney 02 Jul 2018

The beer mug from Kreative is a coaster but I have used it as an applique . It is in the freebies members only section. Hope this helps.

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 02 Jul 2018

Thanks. I have a feeling that this is the one I remember but I really don't want it to be beer as my friends don't drink. I should write to Kreative Kiwi.

Smokey12 by Smokey12 21 Jul 2018

A friend of mine used it and the foam was ice cream and the mug was coke and used letters to write Coke Float on it. That may help

by babash 02 Jul 2018

Go to Etsy and type in applique mug in the search bar. Heaps of them there. Not free of course some about $5 Aust.

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 02 Jul 2018

Thank You.

meganne by meganne 07 Jul 2018

I would add that you need to beware when buying designs on Etsy as many, (not all), are illegal copies of other people's work.
There are some reputable digitisers but quite a lot of them have no idea about copyright laws, let alone intellectual property protections.
If you report them to the management it falls on deaf ears. Just saying......

by sewpam 01 Jul 2018

If you have not found the drinking mug applique you are looking for, try Happy Applique site click on Food and cooking. It is not free but very reasonably priced.

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 01 Jul 2018

Thank You. I will go and have a look.

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 01 Jul 2018

Thanks but not the one I was looking for.

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by maggiecal edited 10 Jun 2018

Sweet Pea had a free appliqué coffee mug ages ago and a few free mug rugs more recently than that. The file was just named Sweet Pea coffee mugrug if you search your computer for that. Picture on her Freebies page

1 comment
maggiecal by maggiecal 10 Jun 2018

I'll add, if you do Facebook and follow her links from her free page (I MUST get that Dragon done, love it every time I see it but haven't stitched it yet), she has MORE freebies on her German group than the U.S. group and there are different freebies on each country's page. DO both.

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by pennyhal2 edited 10 Jun 2018

Are you thinking of the embossed one at EL? Oops, not applique.

by jgwatchorn 10 Jun 2018

Is it this one from E & O Applique ?

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 10 Jun 2018

No, But Thank You anyway. I will have a look through this site as I have not seen it before.

by marianb 09 Jun 2018

Here is the one from Kreative Kiwi in the members only freebies, is it what you are looking for.

by killiecrankie 09 Jun 2018

I think it is still there ,just look under members freebies

killiecrankie by killiecrankie 09 Jun 2018

Log in first.

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 09 Jun 2018

hanks but not the one I was thinking of.