by basketkase 20 Oct 2016

I had a customer come to pick up an embroidery order and she saw the poncho on my womankin and bought it, so I got another one done to replace it....this one is a little bit different in color but can be worn multiple ways......The lady bought it to wear at a January wedding......


by hightechgrammy 21 Oct 2016

I bet these would sell like hotcakes at your show! especially with some of those yarns that are unique!

by greysewist Moderator 21 Oct 2016

On your womankin -lol

by Smokey12 20 Oct 2016

Wow, that tells you that you have made a great product. Congrats. I can't believe you already made another. I won't see my machines till the weekend.

by graceandham 20 Oct 2016

Yes, make a few more, just find out the bride's name, so you don't sell to the same wedding several times! Love this color.

by 02kar Moderator 20 Oct 2016

It is lovely in any color. I guess you need make several more of these now.