by toogie 14 Apr 2016

Hello Cuties! Here is another little diaper set I made, with matching burp cloth. The Darling Dino was, and still is a Free Design, at fivestarfonts. It stitched superbly. I used the deco stitched outline, as it comes in satin too, and in 3 sizes each. Used my Kam Snaps on the shirt and the dino fabric was from Walmart, dinosaur ages ago-lol-Hope you like this set.-Toogie


by sewdeb 17 Apr 2016

This is adorable! All your sets are so well done!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 18 Apr 2016

Thank you, I'm glad you like them. Thank you for your list-Toogie

by anangel 16 Apr 2016

Another really cute set, Toogie! You inspire me! I need to get to stitching! Seems too many other demands get in the way of my creativity!!
Hugs, Angel

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Apr 2016

I have my times like that too, Angel. Just stitch when you can. Thanks for looking!-Toogie

by RockyB 16 Apr 2016


1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Apr 2016

Thank you

by liliana1 15 Apr 2016

Very sweet set, looks adorable

1 comment
toogie by toogie 16 Apr 2016

Thanks for looking!-Toogie

by sonjapotgieter 15 Apr 2016

So cute...Awesome work and design!!!Gorgeous

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

Thanks Sonja..go pick up the design while its still free. Someone is always having a baby...friends, family, church, etc.

by sjbrower 15 Apr 2016

Simply adorable! It's probably fun to do some "boy" sewing!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

It is but sometimes hard to find 'boy' fabrics! thanks

by dragonflyer 15 Apr 2016

Another Adorable Set!!! You are truly on a roll...Gus will be the best dressed baby for sure!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

Well, I'm not sure if this one is his or a green one I made and will post later. I just got hubby to do the snaps....thanks

by Ossineu 15 Apr 2016

This is such a lovely set. Well done. Love the Dino fabric too:-)

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

Thank you, it was fun putting it together.

by lilylady 15 Apr 2016

These are sew great, love all this one!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

Thank you for looking!

by bejoscha 15 Apr 2016

So cute!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016


by baydreamer 15 Apr 2016

Just love these Little Man sets!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016


by spendlove Moderator 15 Apr 2016

Super cute all round!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

Thank you Sue

by lidiad 15 Apr 2016

That's an adorable set, well done! You are a professional!
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

Thank you Lidia. The only thing I ever said I was professional at was in jest. I used to cut & perm my MIL's hair, cut my moms, sister-in-law, hubby's and sons hair. I always joked and said I was an unlicensed professional hairdresser!-lol-

by basketkase 15 Apr 2016

Oh, Toogie, this is so adorable........

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

Thanks Vicki...

by pennifold 15 Apr 2016

Another beautiful outfit Toogie, you are so good at these. Love the Kamp Snaps as they are so easy to do up and undo. Your choise of fabric with this one is wonderful, very professional looking. Love Chris

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

Thanks Chris. Ashley picked green for her contrast and now I think she likes this one...I told her she can't have both! When I need a gift, I'm always left with having to do a rush project!!-lol

by aussiequilter 15 Apr 2016

awwwe Toogie this is adorable

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

Thanks Monika

by lbrow 14 Apr 2016

Adorable and well done/Lillian

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

Thank you Lillian

by pldc 14 Apr 2016


1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016


by katydid 14 Apr 2016

Precious ! You did a wonderful job!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

Thank you Kay!

by bevintex 14 Apr 2016

Your little Dino set is perfect for a baby boy,how has Nora adjusted to the new baby?

1 comment
toogie by toogie 15 Apr 2016

She loves him dearly. It's funny before he was born, she said she was getting a baby brother and momma was getting a she says he's HER baby!

by laffma1 14 Apr 2016

Wow, Toogie - this is another terrific set. So professional looking! Is this also for Gus? He will be the best dressed little boy in town. Nicely done.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 14 Apr 2016

Mom picked the green fabric (will post it soon) for little Gus. I told her 'No' on this one too. They leave me empty handed when I need a gift-lol

by noah 14 Apr 2016

Sew very cute toggie hugs

1 comment
toogie by toogie 14 Apr 2016

Thank you sew very much!-Toogie

by cj2sew 14 Apr 2016

Absolutely adorable. I love the print fabric too. Fantastic job.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 14 Apr 2016

Thanks, I knew I was saving it for something/someone special-

by Smokey12 14 Apr 2016

Really cute. You make such cute and useful things. I would have loved these when mine was little. It is what started my love for sewing.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 14 Apr 2016

I too love sewing and especially baby clothing. I am making several off this pattern with just a little variation. Thanks for looking-Toogie

by jeanfoz 14 Apr 2016

That is so cute, love it, Jean xx

1 comment
toogie by toogie 14 Apr 2016

Thank you Jean