by nonna57 24 Feb 2016

Took the plunge, and we are on the move.... Big decision Put the house on the market. BAM... sold in 2 weeks, Moving to Qld in April, Was so hard to ring my BBF Meg and break the news, Spent the phone call crying both ends, Sad to leave but excited as we will be so close to our 3 daughters and 11 of the 18 grands, God has truely Blessed us .


by Patricia109 25 Feb 2016

Take care. Sounds lovely, can I come too? I have relies in the region too. I am over living in Sydney.
The person I would miss the most is my sewing machine service man and my sewing friends.
When we moved a lot with the Army, I always joined a local community service club. Great way to meet the locals and get involved.
Oh my goodness - You will have to change your wardrobe!! My sister in Bundi only ever wears 3/4 leg pants and a tShirt for winter.

by irenewayne 25 Feb 2016

Hey Pauline
Good luck with the move & enjoy your new life up there. At least you will be near family again. Good news about selling so quickly. Keep in touch

by giddygoat 25 Feb 2016

Where exactly in the Sth Burnett? I guess it wouldn't be too far from Hervey Bay? It is a big decision to move but being with family makes it worthwhile. Good luck with the move. Viv

1 comment
kezza2sew by kezza2sew 25 Feb 2016

North West of Brisbane and yes a few hours drive from Hervey Bay...about just over an hours drive from Toowoomba. Half an hour or so from Kingaroy also.
We are truely in a lovely position here in the south burnett as it is not too far from a lot of great places.

by pldc 25 Feb 2016

wow that sounds like really wonderful news, I am very happy for you. Sadden that you will be further away from friends Meg) but you can call anytime to stay close & just think now she can come vacation @ your house. ~hugs~

by crafter2243 Moderator 25 Feb 2016

This is a major change in your life but I believe it will be a good one. Being closer to family is always good. Hopefully you and Meganne can visit each other. I am sure you will be talking each others ear off on the phone or Skype.
Good luck.

by dragonflyer 25 Feb 2016

Congratulations and good luck with the move!

by meganne 25 Feb 2016

Want to wish you well, have been expecting this for a long time and fully understand, if I had daughters I would want to live near them.
my eyes are leaking again

pacmp by pacmp 25 Feb 2016

HUGE (((hugs))) for the sadness you are feeling and hoping you have Skype to stay in close contact. Of course you understand why she is moving, to be closer to the children and grandchildren, but you are still hurting and I grieve for you and the loss you are feeling. More(((hugs))) Pam

kezza2sew by kezza2sew 25 Feb 2016

Hey Meg, Pauline and I will be about 20 mins drive from each other..I know she will never forgot you, you have been one of our (Cute Friends) like forever. Hope you are doing Kerry

by kezza2sew 25 Feb 2016

your heading my way yea!
Oh Pauline such a big decision huh but I do believe Family is the most important...I can imagine our darling Meg missing you. And Chris also.
At least you can still catch up on here...
love you, Kerry
Hope all goes well for the move...

by pennifold 25 Feb 2016

Hello darling, thanks for the SMS on the weekend. I SMS'd Meg, but didn't speak to her till this evening. Been so busy with other things and she understood that. She also told me that she was devastated about your move, but that she was expecting it. I see Pam has suggested Skype, I've got Skype and I'm sure Meg would have it. We had a good laugh about my visit today with the Rheumatologist and she felt a bit better. She said "Well at least you are not that far away and I'm definitely closer than where Pauline lives". I also hope your move goes smoothly and how wonderful you'll be closer to your girls. I wish you every blessing Pauline and I'm sorry to say I won't be able to come down and see you before you go. I need to strengthen myself first for long car trips!!!!! Love Chris

by pacmp 25 Feb 2016

Check to see if skype is available in Australia, it works like a phone call through your internet connection and the camera of your computer projects your picture to your friend and your friends to you. You will see the person speaking to you and what is happening around them. Skype has a free version here in the states and when our daughter had moved out of state, it was skyping regularly with our daughter and grandson that helped us all stay in contact. Our daughter carried around the lap top throughout the house giving me a tour of not only the inside of the house but the yard and a bit of the neighborhood also. We also could watch our grandson doing his headstands or jumping on the trampoline and would still read him stories and show the pictures across skype. Hopefully you also have skype available to you so you can stay in close contact with Meg, even though you will be far apart. Hearing and seeing the person as they share their life with you makes a world of difference. Maybe this can help you continue to share with your friend. Good luck with the rest of the move process. Pam

by lidiad 25 Feb 2016

Good luck, Pauline! It's always hard to leave but you won't regret it!
Best wishes and hugs, Lidia

by sandralane 25 Feb 2016

I wish you good luck with your move and hope that all goes well for you and your family. It is such a stressful time, leaving friends where you have lived, but bright days ahead when you get settled. Can always visit back to N.S.W. I hope that your new home fills all your desires, and that you shall be happy. Sandra.

by marianb 25 Feb 2016

Wonderful news for both of you, you will be missed down here.

by airyfairy 25 Feb 2016

Enjoy your new home. How far will you be away from Meg?

1 comment
nonna57 by nonna57 25 Feb 2016

aprox 1400klm :((

by graceandham 24 Feb 2016

This means you and your friend get to plan vacations together - to her house and to yours! (Or between.)

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nonna57 by nonna57 24 Feb 2016

Thankyou can only hope this will be the case :)

by 02kar Moderator 24 Feb 2016

Congratulations. It's always so hard to leave the friends you love. But it will be wonderful to watch your grandkids grow. Hope and prayers for a smooth move.

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nonna57 by nonna57 24 Feb 2016

Thankyou Karen :)

by babash 24 Feb 2016

Wow sold in 2 weeks. That is a sign your move was meant to be. Have you decided on an area in Qld? Country or city?

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nonna57 by nonna57 24 Feb 2016

Barbara we had put a deposit on a home in the country, In the Sth Burnett. So looking forward to the layback lifestyle of our small town to be, :)

by lbrow 24 Feb 2016

Congratulations Pauline. So proud for you. I know you will be sorely missed by our beloved Meg/Lillian

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nonna57 by nonna57 24 Feb 2016

Thankyou Lillian, Thank goodness for the telephone :)