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by rescuer Moderator ( edited 04 Dec 2015 ) 26 Nov 2015

Thank you dear Cuties for showing your appreciation to Ms. Veronika for all the gifts she gives us. She has earned our support, our respect and our gratitude!

I am wishing and hoping that more of us will show our gratitude for this website and all the designs she gives for free.


by justonlyme 29 Nov 2015

I don't often visit any embroidery sites anymore, since my machine bit the dust just over a year ago. But every once in a while, I have to stop in to see what is being made and the amazing creations that have materialized between visits.
I must say that this site is one of the very best sites of all that I view with any frequency. There is a family atmosphere here, which is generally very welcoming and warm. That sure didn't happen on its own! It took a lot of work to build a community here.
Through the assistance of others, I've been able to learn a great deal about better embroidery, and have been gifted some amazing designs to those techniques out.
And then there are the holiday specials that occasionally grace these pages. It takes a special person to be able to manage all of the above, and Ms. Veronika has done an exceptionally good job of creating exactly what people need!!
Now, as far as those who "expect" or "complain", maybe they would prefer to browse away from this little embroidery wonderland, in favor of freebies instead of hanging around here with their whiny or ugly words. THANK YOU for such a wonderful, all-inclusive, embroidery haven!!! Your generosity is positively amazing!!!

by PeggyJ 28 Nov 2015

Thank you for all you do to keep this site up and running. It takes a great deal of time to keep it running smoothly, and we do appreciate your work. This site is like a family that we can pop in and say hello when we have some free time. As an added bonus, thank you for the free designs.

by grannycowpuncher 28 Nov 2015

Thank you Veronika for the lovely gifts, this site and a very friendly "meeting place". I've learned so much from Cute Embroidery, it's so versatile and there is always so much to enjoy looking at, so many, many talented people here. I'm sorry that some think they need more, those people you just have to pray for, they certainly need prayer, and maybe a good dose of "manners" too.

by embquilt 28 Nov 2015

That's horrible. Such ungrateful people

by Patricia109 27 Nov 2015

Thank you Veronika for all the freebies you extent to all.
If I have ever expressed a wish for another freebie, please do not take it to heart. I always say things badly, but mean it well.
Love the community that you have established here on Cute.

by Leaha 27 Nov 2015

Thanks for this site, the people, the friendships, the beautiful designs, help and creativity as well as everything else I forgot to mention. It has filled a need in so many hearts. :)

by anssmile 27 Nov 2015

Thank you Miss Veronica for the wonderful sites you have. Thank you for the care taken with the beautiful gifts we receive, and for the reduced membership gifts. Thank you for giving us the Cute community, which is like my family to me, and where we can share fun and heart break and enjoy constant support.

Please ignore those who do not appreciate your generosity with giving us gifts, and beautiful gifts at that, and wonderful sites to enjoy. I believe there are more of us who are grateful than those who are not. Youir sites have enriched my world since I discovered them in 2010.

Please accept my heart felt thanks for the joy you bring to many lives.

Hugs (if I may)

by sdrise 27 Nov 2015

Thank you Miss V for this wonderful site ... Thank you for all you give to us . You are so generous. this site is a family of creative people with huge hearts. Thank you for the family we can come o to ask questions, tell our joy and sorrows to, and for all your hard work. Thank you!!

by mrskiki 27 Nov 2015

Thank you Ms Veronica and AMEN to all the previous comments here. I love this site and the community is provides as well as the free designs given to us. May you have ver Happy Holidays and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Hugs. Nan W

by lolly3 26 Nov 2015

Thankyou Miss Veronika for that you do and give us all everyday. Wishing you and your family a Safe & Merry Christmas. xxxx
Regards Lorraine
South Australia

by basketkase 26 Nov 2015

I can't even imagine anyone not being grateful for anything one receives when given a is beyond my comprehension......that said, I thank God every day (yes I do) for Veronika's website and generosity...... without cute I would not have such a big extended family.....Thank you, Veronika for keeping us all connected!!

by dragonflyer 26 Nov 2015

I, too, thank you, Miss Veronika...but not just for the free designs you so graciously give...but for the world-wide community you provide for all of us around the world...never did I imagine that I would have friends that provide support and guidance to me and all who come here to Cute every extended world-wide family to turn to in joy and is a very special place you have given us...thank you does not seem like enough...

by Trish56 26 Nov 2015

If it wasn't for this site and the people that come here everyday, I would have given up on my machine, I appreciate everything about this site and the other sister sites, I have had to learn my machine from the book, the cuties here have been my tutors, mentors and friends, although I don't personally know the people I feel as if they are a part of my family, I rejoice with their good times and I feel their pain in the bad, This site is more than a site to get FREE DESIGNS from, Ms Veronica has made it a site for friendships and mateship... sooo, a great BIG AUSSIE THANK YOU, MS VERONICA FOR MAKING THIS SITE AVAILABLE TO US ALL, and shame on those few ungrateful people who are never happy no matter what anyone does for them, . TRISH.

by draco 26 Nov 2015

There is something here that is more valuable than free designs. The new friends we have met and respected for many years. And more important is this site that Veronica has provided for us at no charge. She didn't have to do this. But she has and we should be grateful for her generosity. Thank you Veronica, you are a Fantastic woman. Hugs!

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by tlp22 edited 26 Nov 2015

I am very thankful. Times are rough at the moment so if it weren't for Her generosity and other digitizers like her I would be in a sunken boat for sure. God bless you for all you do. I was able to purchase 6 of the designs I was missing from Amazing today. For all the helpful ideas and prayer warriors.Thanks

The piggie

by kingmar 26 Nov 2015

I do not post often but please be assured that I am most grateful for any freebies but more than that it is the kindness, helpfulness, generous support that is evident daily here.
As our mothers always taught us when a gift is given you accept it graciously... do not criticize it, do not ask for more or something else a simple Thank You is what is called for.
Soooo Miss V Thank You! (and all the moderators also who work so hard to keep the site current... and the frequent posters who share their knowledge and talents)

by katydid 26 Nov 2015

I have been here almost from the start and I know many are grateful over the years that Veronika has provided us a wonderful site to buy quality designs and share out projects and get answers for all our problems. We have always had a few disgruntled trouble makers and I choose to ignore them. Just look what they do the the free voting. Always trying to sabotage it. Just ignore them! Kay

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by sebsews edited 26 Nov 2015

From me I send a heart felt THANK YOU to Ms. Veronika for this wonderful site. This site has been a great help to me, especially emotionally. No other site offers that. Thank you Ms Veronika, moderators, and Cuties. Suzanna

by bevintex 26 Nov 2015

I want to say Thank you also. If you read some of the complaints and complainers you will notice these people never participate in the group unless it is for a freebie. They don't post projects, don't give anyone helpful advice or even a kind word. Some of the names I did not even recognize but did notice they have no flowers besides their names, They have come to expect a free design that they may or may not ever use. That to me says it all. If it's not free they don't want it and if it is free they want even more. This is just my thought on this subject, Others may feel different. I am almost certain you will find them on other sites seeing if they can get what they think someone owes them.

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basketkase by basketkase 26 Nov 2015

Amen, Bev!!

by PIGNADA 26 Nov 2015

Thank you Miss Veronika for all you have given us. I am grateful for all work you realised for us, the designs you digitize because i love to collect them day after day, for the opportunity to connect and exchange with people around the world you offer with Cute Embroidery . Thank you very much and I wish for you, for Cute team, and the big family Cute embroiderer all the best for Christmas.

by Smokey12 26 Nov 2015

I would like to say thank you to the owner of this site, Miss Veronika, and all the moderators that keep an eye on it and keep it safe. I don't go to the free design of the day often and usually don't download it when I do. I love the community chat rooms and projects page. So much info to learn and great projects to see. Keeping up this website is a full time job and I am thankful for it. I have learned so much.

by fabricfairy 26 Nov 2015

I couldn't agree more with your wonderful words , we are so lucky to have this wonderful site to come to .
I learnt many years ago when I was about 12 my Mom asked me what I would like for Christmas , and I was so excited I ask for a new dress something no one else had ever worn , I had five older sisters and always had past me downs , my dear Mom sat at her old treadle machine for hours and made me the most beautiful dress you have ever seen , I loved that dress to bit and cried when I had grown so much it didn't fit anymore , I so wish I had kept it because I now know she went without a thing for Christmas so she could afford the fabric for that dress , it was sewn with a great deal of love . The best gifts I ever get now is something someone had made for me because I know it has been made with love .
The same as our free designs made for us by someone not many of us will ever meet but give with love . We are so Lucky .

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PeggyJ by PeggyJ 28 Nov 2015

Beautiful memory you have about giving from the heart.

by Zinobia 26 Nov 2015

Thank you Veronica. This platform you have provided is an invaluable world of knowledge, experience freebies and last but not the least a great sense of belonging to community where we all are sitting in different corners of world but still are just a message away from each other when we need any kind of help. It means so much to me where I have no one with same interest and no access to embroidery related stuff too (forget education).

God bless you with the best of health and success. Keep it going on..

by gerryb 26 Nov 2015

How thankful I am for all the designs...from all your sites...that you so freely give. And I sure do love the cardinal gift today!! May you be blessed in the coming days, months, years...

by barba 26 Nov 2015

Thank you for your kindness and thank you Miss Veronika for everything you do to keep the cute family together. The designs are awesome but the fact that you open this site to us is fabulous. We get to laugh together and cry together, we get to learn from and help each other. We get to explore sewing rooms and enjoy the creations of our cute family. We get to see families grow with new life. This website is a blessing and I greatly appreciate all you do for all cuties. Hugs Barba

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graceandham by graceandham 26 Nov 2015

I agree totally. What a great place to come each day, relax, chat, learn, and see lots of pretty all over the site.

by jid53 26 Nov 2015

A big thank you for all that you do for us Miss Veronica. A gift is received and appreciated not ever expecting makes it great when received.

by shirley124 26 Nov 2015

I am most thankful for all the gifts we receive from our dear Veronika. She is most generous. I love this site. I consider it part of my family. Thanks and Hugs Shirley

by noah 26 Nov 2015

Well i for one am THANK_FULL for all my blessing big or small ,and with God's help we can keep on giving to each other **We are very thank-ful for this site .hugs Carolyn

by pennifold 26 Nov 2015

THANKYOU FOR ALL YOU DO MISS VERONIKA. May God continue to bless you and your family. Have a blessed Merry Christmas and a prosperous and happy healthy new year. Love Chris

by gerryvb 26 Nov 2015

I'm very grateful for everything Miss Veronika does for us, so we are able to have beautiful designs, and are able to make beautiful friends all over the world. Where would we be without dear Miss Verronika, yes we have to be grateful and thankful:
Thank you miss Veronika, for everything!

by 02kar Moderator 26 Nov 2015

Thank you Miss Veronika for the best gift ever. And that is this website called Cute and all of its sister sites. I can only guess at how many lives have changed for the better thanks to you. I know your gift of Cute has meant the world to me during so many tough times. When my husband was experiencing a bad deployment, last year and this year while he was so sick and when I was feeling down, scared, worried, there were always Cuties there to pick me up and to pray. And that is thanks to you!

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katydid by katydid 26 Nov 2015


by sandralane 26 Nov 2015

And my thanks to all who keep this site going, all the hard work and hours they freely do. Help has always been available when i have asked something, and for that i am very grateful indeed. Sandra.

by lbrow 26 Nov 2015

Ms. veronika is one of the kindest, generous people I have ever known. Cute is her, we are an extension of cute when we are members. Without Cute I would be a very sad person. Loyalty is certainly Ms Veronikas'due. Thankfulness for her generosity is certainly due her. She doesn't have to give us anything but her heart is big. The old Adage " don't bite the hand that feeds you" is certainly true. Be thankful she gives what she does and let her know it/Lillian

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katydid by katydid 26 Nov 2015

Yes, I meet Lillian, my dear friend, through Cute. Kay

by aleene 26 Nov 2015

Thank you Miss Veronika for all you for all the designs you have given us, I for for one am enjoying all of them. May never live long enough to do all of them. I love to collect! Aleene

by zoefzoef 26 Nov 2015

thanks for giving without asking...

by crafter2243 Moderator 26 Nov 2015

Thank you Miss Veronika for all you have given us. I am grateful for all the designs you digitize, for the opportunity to connect with people around the world, sharing happiness and sad occasions. Thank you and I wish for you and your family all the best.

by kathymourie 26 Nov 2015

I hope everyone who comes to this site will read you note. I don't always thank you for the designs, but I am thankful for all that this site does. Thank you Ms. V for all you do on this site. I hope you and your family have a safe and blessed holiday season. I love this site and all Cuties! I have also hooked one of friends on it to. She has her alarm on her phone set every night so she doesn't forget...
Thanks again Cute Family,

by joannemccue 26 Nov 2015

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I often forget to thank those of you who share so much with us. I appreciate this group and your helpfulness

by mad14kt 26 Nov 2015