by lidiad 13 Aug 2015

S from Berry font on my table mat.

Design from Cute embroidery. My frame. I have used the Auto repeat function in my software to create this table mat and I love it.
Hugs, Lidia


by marianamin2003 15 Aug 2015

This is really beautiful. I had to look closely to see the letter. Amazing.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 15 Aug 2015

Thank you, Mariana.
Hugs, Lidia

by gougousse 14 Aug 2015

Hello Lidia,
This is another great achievement due to a duplicate of the same pattern. It is very motivating to play with the design as well. Very nice, thank you for sharing.
Hugs, Céline

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 15 Aug 2015

Hello Céline,
You are right, it's motivating and a lot of fun as well.
Thanks for your comment.
Hugs, Lidia

by lbrow 14 Aug 2015

Absolutely gorgeous!/Lillian

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 15 Aug 2015

Thanks you, Lillian!
Hugs, Lidia

by toogie 14 Aug 2015

Now who is the creative one! Who would'a thought? Very, very nice.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 15 Aug 2015

Thank you, Toogie.
Hugs, Lidia

by robertahilde 14 Aug 2015

Very cute and very "S"mart!
Hugs, Roberta

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

He he he.... thank you, Roberta!
Hugs, Lidia

by mops Moderator 14 Aug 2015

No-one would guess this was a letter. I love the effect. The small circle of berries is a lovely addition. Great work!

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

Thank you, Martine :)
Hugs, Lidia

by Patricia109 13 Aug 2015

I need to come visit with you Lidia and pick your creative brain. :-)
I am stumped when it comes to figuring out ways to put things together and you always do such a fabulous job.
You are a great inspiration to me and I should imagine to others too.
I do not have software, but thanks to a lovely teacher, I know that I can do this with my bare basic embroidery machine too. Just lots of re-hooping. The frame would have to be done on my sewing machine as my biggest hoop is only 5" x 7".
thank you for the exercise I have had this morning in working out how to do this on my machine.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

Lots of re-hooping is time consuming and I wouldn't do it. I prefer (and enjoy) to spend time creating layouts in my software so it becomes easy to embroider every project.
Thanks for your comment.
Hugs, Lidia

by noah 13 Aug 2015

Lovely work as always hugs

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

Thank you, Carolyn.
Hugs, Lidia

by Ossineu 13 Aug 2015

Ganz toll geworden! Welche Software verwendest Du?
Viele Grüße

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

The software I'm using is Embird. Thanks for your comment, Angelika.
Hugs, Lidia

by Dodi2012 13 Aug 2015

You have good ideas. It is looking beautiful.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

Thank you for your comment, Dodi.
Hugs, Lidia

by jerrib 13 Aug 2015

Another beautiful table mat. What software do you use that has the auto repeat function.

mops by mops 14 Aug 2015

Husqvarna/Pfaff (3D through 6D) has a function called Encore; Embird has Auto-repeat, and other software suites offer the same function called by different names.
You usually have a choice of the form the repeats will take, circle, line, rectangle, and the number of repeats, 3 to 12 or more. When using the linear repeats you can in some software add placement marks - useful when you want to create long borders.

lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

Hi Jerri,
I use Embird Basic for combining the designs and use their Auto-Repeat function which is a great feature.
Thanks for your comment.
Hugs, Lidia

lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

Thanks, Martine!
Hugs, Lidia

by sonjapotgieter 13 Aug 2015

Wow!!!That is outstanding work done....Gorgeous

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

Thank you, Sonja!
Hugs, Lidia

by pennyhal2 13 Aug 2015

Fabulous use of that letter. I like how you put the berries in the middle. I always think mats look better with something centered on them. And, of course, I am consumbed with envy of your ability to make such perfect borders.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad edited 15 Aug 2015

I agree with you that the circle in the middle improves the total look of the mat. To get well-made borders, just follow the instructions given for the applique. Thanks for your comment, Penny.
Hugs, Lidia
P.S.: Regarding your question about the berries: In my software, I have separated the two colours that stitch the berries out, then I have selected two of them and used the Auto Repeat function to repeat them six times in a circle and placed them in the middle. All done in my software.
Hugs, Lidia

by graceandham 13 Aug 2015

Beautiful all year long and especially in winter.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad edited 15 Aug 2015

You are right, Betsey, this mat is usable the whole year round. Thanks for your comment.
Hugs, Lidia

by tlp22 13 Aug 2015

What a beautiful mat..Wish I new more about my software to do this.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

It's never too late to learn, Theresa. Thanks for your comment.
Hugs, Lidia

by peafarm 13 Aug 2015

Lidia-you have quite the creative mind--This is so beautiful.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

Thank you.
Hugs, Lidia

by sewtired 13 Aug 2015

Exquisite and quite clever.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

Thanks you.
Hugs, Lidia

by lilylady 13 Aug 2015

very clever and pretty!

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 14 Aug 2015

Thank you, Sandy!
Hugs, Lidia

by sjbrower 13 Aug 2015

How clever you are! I looked at that design and saw an "S" (my initial), but you saw so much more. Thank you for sharing your work with us! --Sharon

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 13 Aug 2015

Thank you, Sharon.
Hugs, Lidia

by Sandi9999 13 Aug 2015

Really cute. Would love to give this a try but have questions. What fabric is this stitched on? Did you sew anything on the back to hide the stitched? Thanks. Sandy

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad edited 16 Aug 2015

Hi Sandy, welcome to Cute Embroidery. I have embroidered this table mat onto strong felt with soft cut-away underneath it, and both have been placed (not hooped) on top of the hooped water-soluble Vilene. I didn't sew anything on the back. Thanks for your comment. Hugs, Lidia

by decojo 13 Aug 2015


1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 13 Aug 2015

Thank you, Joyce!
Hugs, Lidia

by NancyBT10 13 Aug 2015

Love your frame and how you used the letter "S" on the mat and the little berries in the center. Your coffee cup is quite the little model lately:)

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 13 Aug 2015

Thank you, Nancy. Maybe I should buy a new cup....
Hugs, Lidia

by laffma1 13 Aug 2015

Very pretty, and a wonderful way to use the font. Certain letters do make terrific elements for creative designs. You've done a great job.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 13 Aug 2015

I agree with you, certain letters are great to be used this way. Thanks for your comment, Maureen.
Hugs, Lidia

by jrob Moderator 13 Aug 2015

Very nice. I love your way of thinking. (I'm adding the link for those interested)

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 13 Aug 2015

Thank you, Jerrilyn.
Hugs, Lidia

by PIGNADA 13 Aug 2015

A very ingenious way to use the font! It is super. Congratulations for the idea and thank you very much for sharing. Amitiés de France.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 13 Aug 2015

Thank you!
Hugs, Lidia

by pennifold 13 Aug 2015

That looks wonderful. Well done, love Chris

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 13 Aug 2015

Thank you, Chris.
Hugs, Lidia

by jenne 13 Aug 2015

I like the way u used the berry font, neat.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 13 Aug 2015

Thank you, Jenne.
Hugs, Lidia

by judyoake 13 Aug 2015

Adorable!! Very pretty and inventive!!

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 13 Aug 2015

Thank you, Judy!
Hugs, Lidia

by marfa 13 Aug 2015


1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 13 Aug 2015

Thank you!
Hugs, Lidia