by bevintex 07 Jul 2015

I have a question for the moderators, When we post our projects and someone asks as they always do "Where did you you get that design" What do we tell them, is it better to answer them in a pm, I'm just not sure so that is why I am asking. A lot of the time I see something someone has made and think I would love that

design but is it ok to ask?


by cfidl 09 Jul 2015

Good question! Thanks!

by 02kar Moderator 07 Jul 2015

I'm glad you asked this question. I get so confused myself. I'm glad that I went through websites myself looking for designs and freebies. I didn't depend on others to tell me where they were. I love saying thanks to those that look for them, but to be honest, I very seldom collect many freebies any more. I do love to hear about the sales and I wonder if that is OK too.

1 comment
Smokey12 by Smokey12 07 Jul 2015

Thank you for asking.

by rescuer Moderator 07 Jul 2015

Sure, you can ask -- as long as they were not the ones that digitized it. This website was not set up to provide free advertising and unfortunately many think otherwise. This website has to be incredibly expensive to maintain and provide the "room" for all the posts and pictures...
Also, some sites have been banned for various reasons. I am afraid it is something of a mess! There is no list as it is always changing.

Just know that if you do not get an answer about the website -- then it is possible that one should not be given.