by zoefzoef 27 Apr 2015

Need advise ; what is the best way to fix following : my daughter got a nice purse; however the button (magnet) is so strong that you tear the -weak- fabric inside. I have removed the button, but what is the best trick to support (make better/harder) the magnet on to the fabric ? -hope you can understand it better with the pictures)


by clancy7 13 May 2015

Is it possible to first put the snap on a small piece of leather or something strong, then sew it on the bag. Sew it on with a diamond shape. On the outside, sew another diamond with maybe a decorative button on that one. Would not have to rip anything out that way.

1 comment
zoefzoef by zoefzoef 13 May 2015

what a nice idea.. unfortunately I have already opened the seam and putted stabilizer behind it and then closed it again. Will try to remember it next time.

by pldc 12 May 2015

I agree putting a heavy stabilizer in behind is the way to keep it strong, maybe a fusible would do the trick

by zoefzoef 28 Apr 2015

thanks for the tips ! I will open a seam at the top and put a stabilizer behind it and see what that gives. Will keep you all updated

getEdited - SELECT
by pacmp edited 28 Apr 2015

Depending if you could open an internal seam which would allow you easier access to the snap area... if so then I would add iron on stabilizer to the lining and also would add the heavy vinyl or suede like wider57 and daily laundry recommended but would do a piece the size of the flap to give not only stability but you also do not want to see any difference between where there would be the additional support and areas that would not have this support. Then when you remount the magnet, make small slits in the suede or vinyl and fold the magnet tabs over those extra layers.

If you do not have a seam that could easily open up then would carefully open up one of the tears, with a small slit (under 1/2 inch or even less if possible) and cut a piece of heavy weight Iron on stabilizer the shape of the flap, roll it up tightly so you can slip it through the hole and be sure to pay attention to how you are inserting the stabilizer as you will want to have it adhere to the lining, if you could get another layer of support in there in the same way then it would be even better. You just want the stabilizer to then seal up that extra slit you had to make. Because the slit is in the middle and if the stabilizer is almost the full size of the flap once you roll that up tightly to fit through the hole it will take some fiddling to get the full length in plus then to get the tip of the flap then lined up and pin the tip while you manage to unroll the material then iron to bond it all together will take some patience. It would obviously be far easier if you could open an internal seam if at all possible. Good Luck and hope some other ideas come in also. Pam

by rachap 27 Apr 2015

Ask Toogie!!!Her bags are suburb & I'll bet she knows what you should do.

by dailylaundry 27 Apr 2015

I would put a piece of Marine Vinyl (just a small square) behind the lining that ripped. Then install the magnetized snap. I am just not sure how to reinstall that type of snap. Let us know how it works out!! Hugs, Laura*

by wider57 27 Apr 2015

I will often glue in a piece of heavy vinyl or thinner leather (like suede) to support this. Extra thick interfacing works well too.

by CymbleneJones 27 Apr 2015

You might try using some extra thick iron-on interfacing, by opening the seam.