by joaniessw 19 Jun 2008

OK, ladies. Reason why My comp is not up and running.... I had to move due to certain cercumstances. Things at home were not good at best of times. I hate to say things just don't work out all the time. That is all I can share right now with you. I am staying with a lady whom I am helping out. That helps with my room and board right now. As for my personal bills, I dont know what I will do or how I will get them paid. Hope to be online more soon. I am so discombobulated that I don't think I could reall work much right now. Blessings and flowers to you all. I miss you all very much.


by colmag 20 Jun 2008

Hope things work out in the future, just remember we are all in there for you, been there & done that, the say there are better fish in the sea than what has already been caught * 4u

1 comment
joaniessw by joaniessw 21 Jun 2008

TY. I have also heard, "Then why are they all so slimy?" LOL We shall see what happens here. *4U2 and all u ladies

by joaniessw 20 Jun 2008

Thank you so much my lovely friends, my lovely family. If I could, I would send you all real floral bouquets. Love you bunches and thanks for the support. Hugs and flowers.

by bikermomfl 20 Jun 2008

been there, done that, actually slept in my car with a sign that said "Kill me if you want please don't hurt my cat", stayed that way for a while then things began to fall into place and they will for you also. The old saying 'what doesn't kill us makes us stronger' is oh so true. When times get to you get on your chopper and ride, it always clears the cobwebs from your brain and helps you cope with what life has handed you. I'm here if you need me, hang tough. A warm florida hug to help you feel better.

by cindy12 20 Jun 2008

Oh Joanie, I'm so sorry to hear that! I will be praying for you. A big HUG and a flower for you, dear! Cindy

by colonies1 20 Jun 2008

Stay postive and know better things will come. It took me three tries before I found the right one. All the others (2) were stepping stones to get me where I am. As they say three is a charm and that he is. You will be in my prayers hugs and plenty of flowers.........*4U

by shirleysisson 20 Jun 2008

So sorry to hear that things are not going so well at the moment. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. *4U

1 comment
shirleysisson by shirleysisson 20 Jun 2008

I thought you might get some strength from this. 'Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.' Your Cute friends will try to be there for you.

by meganne 20 Jun 2008

I think Ezzemi has said it all. Stay positive, keep your faith, better things are yet to come. It took me 55 years to find the "right" partner and when i reflect on my past relationships/experiences, both good and bad, i see them all as making a contribution to me (hopefully) being a better person. Keep your eyes on the horizon and never look down and remember there is truth in the saying "every cloud has a silver lining" Hugs, love and prayers, Meg

by ezzemml 20 Jun 2008

You know as one door closes a new always opens we just have to breath in nd take it on as a new adventure a new chapter a new life we are still all here and it is great to see that you havent forgotten those that do car and love you. Things do get better.i've been where you are now and i know how hard it can be. God bless.

by loish 20 Jun 2008

So sorry to hear you are having a rough time. Will be thinking of you and saying a prayer. You will have lots of us here doing the same. Please do keep in touch from time to time. We miss you and hope you can be back with us soon.
All the best to you.

by simplyrosie 19 Jun 2008

We'll get through this friend, okay? ;-) Love you bunches! Keep your focus... xoxo Teri & Jim

by katydid 19 Jun 2008

I'm sorry you are having trouble. Please try to remain positive. I hope you could move you machine. We have to protect our best friend. Best wishes to you and keep us posted. Love, Kay.

by lbrow 19 Jun 2008

Sorry Joanie, Hurry back when U can. Ur missed *4U