by Redfeline 23 Jan 2015

What is the best fabric to use for hand embroidery blocks for quilting? And what is the best size to cut them to? Thanks!


by pacmp 23 Jan 2015

I am another that would say 100% cotton and the size would depend on the quilt design you have in mind plus the size quilt you wish to make. With the ability today to shrink or enlarge not only the pattern being stitched but also the design of the quilt blocks themselves the sky is really the limit as to what people can do. If you are just wanting to make up squares that could then be used later then just choose patterns that you enjoy. I can not think of any hand stitched design size that could not be used in any size quilt. If these will be for you to make the quilt once the embroidery is complete then you can either decide on the embroidery first then choose a quilt pattern you think compliments the embroidery or else choose your quilt pattern first and then choose embroidery that you think will go with the design. Most important is to have fun!

by dragonflyer 23 Jan 2015

Hi and Welcome to Cute...I agree with Sue and would use to the depends upon the size blocks you want in your quilt...I would cut them bigger by at least one inch so after they were embroidered, you could square them up before you sewed them together...

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by muflotex edited 23 Jan 2015

Welcome to cute!
agree with Sue I too would stick to 100% cotton and cut the block you need about 1- 2 inches bigger to handle better and fuzzy edges in the working process. after the embroidery is done cut them to the "right" size.

by spendlove Moderator 23 Jan 2015

Welcome to Cute!
I think it depends what kind of hand embroidery you plan to do. Personally, I would want a softer, more loosely woven fabric than the usual quilters cotton. I would stick to 100% cotton. As to size, mine would have to fit in an embroidery hoop so I could work with both hands.!