by gerryvb 28 Dec 2014

DAILY QUOTE december 28:

"Just because the past didn't turn out like you wanted it to, doesn't mean your future can't be better than you've ever imagined...


by lbrow 28 Dec 2014

I am living proof of that. thanks Gerry/Lillian

by Leaha 28 Dec 2014

Perfect and oh so very true. After the darkest night usually comes the brightest day.

by markus 28 Dec 2014


by crafter2243 Moderator 28 Dec 2014

I also have to admit, that I never thought that my life would be as pleasant and full as it turned out to be. Now I look forward to every day. One day at the time. Thank you for reminding me about the obstacles in the past that I was able to overcome. Hugs and have a great day

by sdrise 28 Dec 2014

So true! thanks!! Suzanne

by 02kar Moderator 28 Dec 2014

Thanks I have to say, my present is a whole lot better than I expected it to be as a 20 year old. Have a pleasant day

by gerryvb 28 Dec 2014

hope your sunday will be great!! will meet yoiu here later, hugs for now :)

1 comment
Leaha by Leaha 28 Dec 2014

YES, who me??????