by mollymarie 18 Jun 2008

I love my membership and would recommend it to everyone. no more waiting for the ones you want..


by auntbaba 18 Jun 2008

I love my membership too. The designs are great, and not having to wait to get the ones that I want is terrific! It's quite a bargain too if you consider all of the designs and fonts that you get immediately, not to mention the ones that will come in the future.

by shirlener88 18 Jun 2008

MM, isn't that the great thing about a membership such as this - that you can download when and if you want and you don't have to wait for the voting - but that you can vote and help those that don't have a membership? I love it. *4U

by lbrow 18 Jun 2008

It is great being able to DL anything you want isn't it *4U