by kiki31348 13 Dec 2014

Hi Cuties. My sister asked me to make a football patch for her to sew on a had she knitted for her grandson; I have the design would like advice as to what to embroider it on so she can apply it to the hat. Once I cut it out, how would she apply it to the hat? She wants to hand sew it on. Would that be alright or would she or I have to machine sew it using a satin stitch?


by gerryb 13 Dec 2014

If you use a cotton material, be sure & prewash and dry it so it won't shrink so much. I think if you have a satin stitch around it already, hand sewing is fine. I made patches for baseball caps, cut a little away from the satin stitch, fringed them, then zigzaged them onto the hat with same thread as the satin stitch. If she used the same thread, the hand sewing will not show at all.

1 comment
kiki31348 by kiki31348 14 Dec 2014

Thank you sooooooo much,.