by mad14kt 18 Jun 2008

Daily Word.......MORE


by shirlener88 18 Jun 2008

Thank you - Monica - *4U

by jrob Moderator 18 Jun 2008

thank you Monica!;)

by lbrow 18 Jun 2008

Thank u Monica! this is a very wonderful & thoughtful ministery u have taken on yourself here. Blessings on U *4U

by mad14kt 18 Jun 2008

MORE.......His Way
(Isaiah 30:15)

A Danish author tells the story of an old peasant who made an unusual request of his son as he lay dying. He asked his son to go into the best room of the house every day and sit there alone for half and hour. The son agreed to the strange request and promised his father he would do what had been asked.

After his father’s death, the son kept faithful to his promise. He did this unusual thing spending a half hour alone each day. At first the time of quiet and solitude was uncomfortable. He became restless and anxious for the time to end. But over the weeks, that half hour of solitude grew into a cherished and even transforming habit. The son looked forward to this brief quiet period each day and even began to thrive on it. He began to experience deep and calming changes within himself.

Are you willing to be alone for fifteen or thirty minutes each day, preferably when your mind is not overtired? Are you willing to take an adventure of expectant faith, not looking for a predefined experience, not seeking an emotional high, but asking Jesus to come to you in His own way?