by gerryb 13 Nov 2014

I know someone has discussed this before, but I can't find it. Has anyone embroidered on lunch bags with that silver stuff inside? I don't have a pro machine thus can not embroider on just the outside pocket. I know it will stitch the pocket shut, which is ok, but don't want to cause the silver lining to start shredding! Tks!


by greysewist Moderator 15 Nov 2014

Is there way too much stitching that you'd need to unpick to get to the part you want to sew on? Otherwise maybe you could do a separate badge type design and hand stitch or glue it on?

1 comment
gerryb by gerryb 15 Nov 2014

Yes, lots of stitching & am afraid I'd never get it back together in the same holes! I have thought about the badge type. He'll be in next Sun...I'll let him decide!

by katydid 13 Nov 2014

Are you referring to insel bright or the ironing board cover fabric or the bought ready made lunch bag? Kay

1 comment
gerryb by gerryb 13 Nov 2014

The bought, ready made lunch bag. Not thirtyone brand, but like that. He wants a 3 letter monogram & I know there's a lot of stitches to that & wondered if it would rip the silver inside stuff.