by fabricfairy 18 Oct 2014

After weeks of not being well ( Small stroke and Pneumonia ) I finally feel like sitting at my sewing machine , I am so far behind with Christmas things now I don't think I will ever catch up . Cathy


by pldc 19 Oct 2014

Cathy I am happy to hear that you are on the road to recovery, take it from someone who knows: all in good time. Don't rush things or you may have a set back. You do what you can when you can & the rest (no pun intended) will follow. ~hugs Loralye~

by Leaha 19 Oct 2014

Prayers for you to remain calm, prioritize and put all in God's hands. The most important thing for Christmas has already been spared and delivered....YOU :-)

by dragonflyer 19 Oct 2014

So glad you are feeling better...what a wallop with pneumonia and a stroke...take it one day at a time...and take care of yourself first...

by sdrise 19 Oct 2014

One thing at a time. Just concentrated on what is in front of you. It will all get done. Maybe not as fast as you want it to go but it will all get done. Just give out IOU's people will understand. Suzanne

by 02kar Moderator 19 Oct 2014

I'm so sorry you have been through so much, but very happy to see you back with us. Don't be afraid to talk with your friends and family to tell them some gifts will be late. They are happy to still have you with them and will be supportive of you. So take it easy. Others of us have had to give late gifts. It will be OK

by grandmamek 19 Oct 2014

Cathy, glad to hear you are feeling better. You have been very sick so take it easy and do not overdo. Just try and do one thing at a time and don't fret about what does not get done. Your body needs to recuperate fully. Am glad to hear you are getting back at your machine. Hugs, Mary

by eggyannie 19 Oct 2014

if what you are making are for gifts then i feel sure that your friends will understand if there is a delay in them recieving them. just get better as it takes a while for the body to fully recover
May i sugest that if you feel low that you make an oxo / meat stock drink and have some taost fingers to dip into it.
Often we forget that the body also needs salt to help recover. We all know we need suger for energy but in this day and age of low salt we do sometimes neglect it totaly .
I hope you make a full recovery in time to enjoy the festive season

1 comment
toogie by toogie 19 Oct 2014

Annie, I didn't know this about salt,but I can tell you this. Last year when I had fever for a month (101-103) when I finally got well, I could not get enough salt. It's like I craved it, and I am not one who adds salt normally.

by pennifold 18 Oct 2014

Dear Cathy, I'm so sorry to read of your illnesses. Take it slowly and one by one you will achieve the things you want to do. So glad that you are feeling better. God bless you as you continue to heal. Love Chris

by jrob Moderator 18 Oct 2014

Put your list in order of importance, then just work on one at a time and don't worry about anything else. You will feel a great sense of accomplishment when you can mark through a project. It will happen whether you are ready or not, so give yourself a break, you have been very sick. I'm glad you are better.

by dino 18 Oct 2014

Glad to hear you are feeling better. I, too, had an illness that put me behind. So, I made a list and have started one project at a time. Hope to finish all the Christmas items I plan to make. Take it easy and don't push yourself. We pray that you will continue feeling better.

by toogie 18 Oct 2014

My goodness..each one in itself is more than enough to have, poor you. I had Pneumonia in both lungs, a few years ago and know how bad that was. I can't imagine a stroke too. I am happy to hear you are feeling better and want to get back to your machine. Don't push yourself too hard though, I know it leaves you weak for a while. Take care and may God bless you-Toogie