by pldc 07 Oct 2014

I guess Miss Ava is the only one of my grandkids that does not have a Halloween bag made from me. Must have been due to the surgery although the youngest Mr. Grayson has one. I am afraid I don't remember what size of bag a child of 5 should be so as not to be too big to carry. I remember that adult bags have a 22 inch strap so I am guessing that a child's strap should be a short one since they most likely won't carry it over their shoulder? so maybe 16" but as for the size of the bag?? I am hoping that someone can guide me in the right direction. I have to make it today since she has called to ask me when I would be making one for her since her brothers & her sister have one but she does not. She was very put out too! Of course I told her I would get right on it lol


by pennifold 07 Oct 2014

Of course you'll make it - you are such a good grandmother! I'd make it about 10 x 10 inches. Good luck Loralye, love Chris

1 comment
pldc by pldc 07 Oct 2014

thanks Chris I have gone with 12 x12 so pretty close~hugs~

by pcteddyb 07 Oct 2014

Can you ask her mom to measure one of the other kiddles bag - that will give you an idea of where to start?

1 comment
pldc by pldc 07 Oct 2014

I would except I made them all different sizes lol