getEdited - SELECT
by christracey ( edited 19 Sep 2014 ) 15 Sep 2014

Well please keep me in your thoughts as I go in tomorrow to have surgery on my varicose veins. I'll be in o/night but out of action for a while. I had it done about 11 years ago but luckily I don't remember I do remember having to wear those lovely white stockings though!

Well I'm home again. As far as I know the operation went well. I see the surgeon again next week. I have to keep my legs elevated whilst I sit but can walk around a bit for now....will need to do more walking soon though.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts & prayers. I have given you all flowers....


by rescuer Moderator 15 Sep 2014

I do hope all goes well for you

by cfidl 15 Sep 2014

Best wishes in your recovery. Keep in touch please.

by crafter2243 Moderator 15 Sep 2014

I will keep you in my thought. When you feel better come back and let us know how you are doing.

by jrob Moderator 15 Sep 2014

You are in my prayers for great success in getting rid of those annoying and painful veins.

by pennifold 15 Sep 2014

Hope it all goes well Tracey, and you'll be back up and running around real soon, love and prayers Chris

by joansatx 15 Sep 2014

Praying for you and the medical team. Feel good soon!

by lbrow 15 Sep 2014

My daughter had this done recently, Her varices were deep inside and not visible outwardly valves were leaking , causing her much leg pain, they did by laser as outpa tient and she didn't even have to wear the stockings. Went back to work in just a few days. Hope it goes as well for you, will be thinking of you and praying everything goes well/Lillian

by sdrise 15 Sep 2014

Prayers coming your way! THe best to you! Suzanne

by 02kar Moderator 15 Sep 2014

Best wishes for a successful outcome. My prayers are added to too.

by susiesembroidery 15 Sep 2014

Good luck with your procedure and take god care of yourself afterwards.

by nonna57 15 Sep 2014

Tracey hope all goes well and you come out with Barbie legs :)