by PetiteTexan 28 Aug 2014

well... I have all these beautiful squares that I have embroidery using embroidery software from . And I have decided I want to make a quilt using these beautiful items. But here is my predicament. I have not sat down to a sewing machine since I was a freshman in high school. So therefore I feel like a fish out of water.

The sewing machine picture here is the one my mother used to make my baby clothes. It has not run in many years. So I've spent the past 3 days cleaning, oiling, greasing and buffing little metal parts. And I have it running like new.
So here I am asking all of you wonderful cutie for your help. The only thing I have ever created on a sewing machine is Barbie doll clothes. So any tips or information you can share I would greatly appreciate it. I have no clue as to how to proceed.


by PetiteTexan 31 Aug 2014

I got the new feet ordered for my sewing machine and some more fabric order also. Now I have to be patient. And patience is not my strong suit. So as I'm trying to find something to do. My oldest son comes over for a visit. I showed him what I got done so far. And he informed me he wants a manly blanket with the same designs.
Now one thing you can't tell in these pictures is these are done with Mylar therefore it looks like I have use metallic thread. So I proceeded to ask him what would make it a manly blanket. He says make it with browns and creams in all of those rustic colors. So I asked him if he wanted it without the shiny stuff. And he informed me he wants the shiny stuff because "Metal is manly".
So I guess it's not going to be difficult for me to stay busy. This is what I've done so far. Do y'all think this is manly enough. Lol. My son cracks me up.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 31 Aug 2014

I DO! and if he doesn't approve, I'll take it, Texan or not!-lol

by toogie 30 Aug 2014

Oh,I love all your blocks! Makes me wish I was from Texas!-lol- (I have a few relatives that live there) These designs are so nice, all relative to Texas. I can't wait to see your finished quilt._Toogie

by sjbrower 29 Aug 2014

This will make a most adorable quilt!!

I am a quilter who came to machine embroidery... sounds like you are coming into a new hobby from the other direction. I think that you have some very good suggestions so far, and I have one more to add.

When I start a quilt project, I almost always have a picture in my head of what I want to do. So I start with making a quick drawing of the placement of key elements, so that as always have a visual to refer back to. I'm no artist with pen/pad, so most of these drawings are really really rough, but I like having them to refer to. For those with many colors/fabrics, I color in my rough drawings to see how it flows.

Good luck with your quilt! This is going to be fun!

by mysew1325 29 Aug 2014

these will make a beautiful quilt.... when you have finished the quilt top, you can always have it quilted by a quilt shop.. they do amazing jobs and there are lots of quilters listed on the internet.. I have all my quilt tops done by Coties Machine Quilting.. she is in Kansas

by jofrog2000 29 Aug 2014

Hello! For some great help, first join charmingstationchat yahoo group. On the charming station home page, scroll down about half way, and the link is on the right-says messages posted by all. In the files section, there is a folder called quilt lessons with numerous pdf files that will walk you through everything you want to know about making a quilt. Gig has written very clearly all about it. The group has quilt challanges where anyone can make and show pictures of that style of quilt. As well as have great designs at her site, and she is a very active participant in the group.
Quilter's cache has a zillion patterns to see and also a lot of information and help.
You've made some great looking blocks, love your material. Good luck

by dragonflyer 29 Aug 2014

Hi and welcome...I see you have some great comments...I would definitely invest in a walking foot and free motion embroidery foot...easily found for almost any machine...all you really need to know is high shank or low shank..any sewing machine dealer can help you with that information if you don't know and a generic feet should work just fine for you...also, I recommend checking out the books and videos from Eleanor Burns...Quilt in a Day...she is fantastic! Very easy to follow and quite specific about how to put a quilt on the link below to go to her official website...check out the Television and Video tab to watch..lots there to see and learn...also you can go to YouTube and find tons of videos on learning to quilt...or go to your local quilt shop...most would be happy to help you get started and most will let you use their classroom when it is not in use to get you going...keep us posted!

by sewilso 29 Aug 2014

What a lovely group to be sewn together, TX is where my first granddaughter was born. Your project looks amazing so far. Beautiful work!!! Love the fabric you've chosen so far.

sewilso by sewilso edited 29 Aug 2014

Nice old machine, they are probably better to sew with than most new models out today. Being all metal, no plastic parts to wear out, be sure to always keep that.

PetiteTexan by PetiteTexan 29 Aug 2014

I will keep it and pass it down to one of my grand kids. How ever I don't have a walking foot or a darning foot for it. So I'm not sure about quilting with it.

by noah 28 Aug 2014

#1 step is to make all the squares the same size.
#2 do the borders next around each square.I like to cut 3 inch stripes
#3sew stripes to top and bottom, oh boy this might get confused try to see elnorna burns on quilt in a day .I love her site,books etc. and have made all them once at least hugs carolyn

PetiteTexan by PetiteTexan 28 Aug 2014

Step one is done they are surgered at 10 inch by 10 inch squares. The final product will end up at 9 inch by 9 inch squares. I will lead three and a half inches between the squares. But I am not sure how to make the squares meet at hence my saying I may add some red fabric in and make little squares at the end of my borders.
I will definitely check out Elnora Burns. Although it is called quilt in a day I assume it will take me longer than that. Thanks for the information.

jerrib by jerrib 29 Aug 2014

You should never serge your quilt blocks, so I have been told.

by PetiteTexan 28 Aug 2014

This picture shows the fabric I have chosen. However I'm considering buying something in red to help give it some interest

by barba 28 Aug 2014

If you go to youtube and search quilting, several videos will show you how to quilt from start to finish. Best of luck in your new found sewing project. Hugs, Barba

1 comment
PetiteTexan by PetiteTexan 28 Aug 2014

I have a feeling I'm going to need lots of luck and lots of patience. Haha

by lbrow 28 Aug 2014

Before you begin to sew. I would suggest you purchase a book that tells you all the steps you need to go through to create a quilt from start to finish. One that has good picture illustrations that can take you through step by step. I know some of the Cuties can probably give you the name of some books. You can go to a Library and probably find some books there also. You need to decide how large you want to make it, you also need to decide on some fabric that will compliment your squares, I would take them with me to a fabric store and lay some on different fabrics untill you find what you want. this will get you started. When the actual sewing begins, then there will be some here to help you along the way. I can't wait to see what you come up with . Most important do not get discouraged most quilts are not made in a day. I hope you'll love doing it. Lillian AKA LBROW

1 comment
PetiteTexan by PetiteTexan 28 Aug 2014

Thanks so much. I have already chosen the fabric it has cowboy hats bandanas and ropes on it with a blue background. I am going to make it to fit a twin size bed. I would love to get some reference on books that I might either download or purchased in paperback

by graceandham 28 Aug 2014

For about $35-65 you can make it mostly on your embroidery machine! Go look at Anita Goodesign catalog at the Mix n Match quilting items. Find the shapes you want to use. When you get your designs surrounded by quilt design, you straight stitch together the squares into columns, the columns into rows and then put the back on by making it like a pillowcase, straight stitching 3 sides and part of the fourth, turn inside out and stitch closed, either by hand or machine. Try it! Makes it so easy.

PetiteTexan by PetiteTexan 28 Aug 2014

Thank you. I will definitely check Anita Goodwin's catalogue. And I have a feeling it's easier said than done. For instance not sure how to keep the batting from getting all curled up inside when you put it in the washing machine. Like I said I am a fish out of water.

marianb by marianb 29 Aug 2014

when you quilt the layers together this stops it from shifting, remember take you time, measure twice and cut once.. Good Luck..