by gerryvb 26 Aug 2014

DAILY QUOTE august 26: "Nobody cares how much you know, until; they know how much you care."T. Roosevelt


by lbrow 26 Aug 2014

This is so true

by graceandham 26 Aug 2014

This is something I always believed in when I was teaching. When you look back on your teachers, the ones you remember and reminisce about were those who treated you with kindness, respect and love. You probably don't care any more about what you did or didn't learn in their classrooms so much as the person they helped you become.

by crafter2243 Moderator 26 Aug 2014

One thing I know that you my friend care a lot.
Have a great day. Hugs

by gerryvb 26 Aug 2014

hope your day will be a day filled with lovely moments. Take care, hugs Gerry