getEdited - SELECT
by wandamostad ( edited 22 Jul 2014 ) 22 Jul 2014

Warning for credit card users on embroidery sites:

I just wanted to warn people about buying things online with their credit cards. For the past year, I have been freely buying designs online, making sure that there is a safety lock on the site. Today, my credit card company called with a fraud alert, informing me that my card had been used to buy things at Staples in Pennsylvania for $289, and I have never been anywhere near that state. Upon reviewing other purchases on my card, a $650 purchase was made at Staples last week. Luckily my card company detected this, and I am not sure what the answer is, but I have definitely learned my lesson. Credit card purchases online are just not safe :(


by justsew 23 Jul 2014

I am sorry to hear this, I too use Pay Pal, but when I have finished I always look at my Pay Pal account to see if I am logged out , many times I am not.
Hugs Pam.

by killiecrankie 23 Jul 2014

a few years ago my credit card company sent me a letter from their fraud squad.Of course I thought this was a joke ,so I got my husband to ring them because I was going to be away.The only answer he got out of them was I had to speak to them .They had cancelled my card because someone from an architects firm had made 2 small deposits on my card like pay pal does when you open an account with them to check if it the account number is correct.They were not sure if it was a mistake or not so I was issued with a new credit card.Nice to know that the company was on the ball.This card had never left the house.

by sewist1 22 Jul 2014

It is simple to use PayPal. You can use your credit card still but have the protection of PayPal.

killiecrankie by killiecrankie 23 Jul 2014

Hate using pay pal because I always feel that I am being diddle by them on currency conversions ,my credit card doesn't charge for currency conversions.

sewist1 by sewist1 24 Jul 2014

I am in Australia and I just checked my Paypal account. The conversion from Aussie to US dollars means we pay a little more according to what our dollar is worth on the day of the transaction but they don't charge a conversion fee.

by rescuer Moderator 22 Jul 2014

I wonder if it was a embroidery site ...if it was the embrohome you posted issues with months ago. Cuties, embrohome and embhome are 2 different sites. One is safe the other is not!
That said, it is much more likely that your information was stolen at a restaurant or a local place. With the ease of taking pictures a worker could easily snap a photo of your card (front and back) to use for the future.
In my area, a worker was fired from a theatre for stealing credit card information from several customers. Going to see a play was a lot more expensive that it should have been.

I use Paypal online.

by cfidl 22 Jul 2014

If you see the cashier, run a ticket twice, and slipping a piece of paper in her pocket, she is probably gone off with your information. Sad but true, I have seen it twice.

by 02kar Moderator 22 Jul 2014

So sad the world has come to this.

by sewmom 22 Jul 2014

Your card info could have been stolen in many other places besides online embroidery sites. Remember even Target and Neiman Marcus had their customers info stolen. Maybe yours was one of them. You hand over your card at restaurants and the waiter/tress could copy it. There are so many possibilities!

awesome1 by awesome1 22 Jul 2014

Exactly right! When my debit card was used to shop in France, the CC company told me that the info could have been stolen up to 6 mos. before using. The thieves wait so you cannot trace back to when it might have happened. I don't shop on line unless I can use Paypal--well...hardly ever!

wandamostad by wandamostad 22 Jul 2014

I only use this card online at embroidery sites actually, so I know the restaurant situation didn't occur this time, although it could. I think the prepaid card is the way I am going from now on . . . it costs something to get them but definitely well worth the cost when considering the amount that can be charged to a credit card before I find out. I am fortunate the card company was alert and notified me and I will be checking carefully to make sure no other charges were made! Crazy that we have to deal with this :(

by airyfairy 22 Jul 2014

Every time I use my credit card I am immediately notified on my cell phone, also an e mail. I would pick up straight away if something was not right. Can a card be used without notification? I am so sorry to hear that you have had this happen.

1 comment
sewmom by sewmom 22 Jul 2014

You can also choose to get an email every time it is used.

by stock 22 Jul 2014

you should use a prepaid credit card much safer I just put $100 in , not so much too loose...wendy

1 comment
irenewayne by irenewayne 22 Jul 2014

I use this method as well ( mines really a debit card) but I only put in $50.00 when I know I'm going to spend. The bank is only round the corner, so handy it's if I need to put more in.