by mad14kt 08 Jun 2014

6/8/2014 * Why am I so sad??? I moved my embroidery machine from one area of my U-shaped Desk to another area of it. So why am I sad??? I am trying to reclaim my cutting space which I really need!!! I have one more machine to relocate and I guess the sadness continues :( (I am trying so hard to not put it back to where it was, LOL) Sometimes change is so hard to do....FIESTA ANYHOW ;D


by katydid 13 Jun 2014

What is your progress? Keep us informed. Kay

by 02kar Moderator 09 Jun 2014

I am in your corner. We just moved back to our house after living elsewhere for almost 5 years. My room now has a totally different layout than it did before we left. And that includes 3 new shelving units. But my muscle memory remains intact so I am very likely to reach where I reached before and takes steps to where something was located before. But we will both manage and adjust with some time. In the meantime, rejoice in the new cutting table. I am still not able to stitch yet. My room still has tables and floor piled high with things that need to be put away.

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mad14kt by mad14kt 09 Jun 2014

My heart feel you :) I hope that you will be up and running sooner than you expect!!! I did have fun finding me a piece of fabric to cut out a dress. I have it laid out on my cutting space, waiting on my return. Now to find a place to put my Coverstitch Machine :( FIESTA ANYHOW ;)

by cfidl 08 Jun 2014

I totally understand. I am having a hard time getting my room together. my table cutting board is outside, under plastic and tarps. We had sunshine all week and I was busy, however today it is raining. I can't bring it in until I get some things out. I do not want to get rid of one table that is in the way, so what do I do? I will work it out tomorrow, today was rest and bird watch day. lol!

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mad14kt by mad14kt 08 Jun 2014

ROFL!!! I know you enjoyed the beautiful birds ;) I have to reorganize my fabric now....I am getting tired just thinking about it...FIESTA ANYHOW :)

by graceandham 08 Jun 2014

I can't even move my trash can. I know right where it is under my left hand without looking. Many of us are getting to a stage where we are set in cement. Another way to say it is we really know what we want and what we don't want, what we will put up with and what we won't. Congrats on your new endeavours and best of luck in the "retraining" phase. Sometimes I think I've just got to clear that bed (in the sewing room, and when I finish, all I did was shift things and pile it higher!

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mad14kt by mad14kt 08 Jun 2014

Thanks GAH :) I still have space I am looking for to put something else in. So I know too well what shifting is, ROFL ;D I am trying to live and have a clutter free sewing room :) FIESTA ;D

by Leaha 08 Jun 2014

If you quilt could you look at this transition like you laying out quilt block, to see if they meet with your approval? You can always change it to some other way later. I do know not to try and do it all at once, leave it set and come back in a while preferably over night...ask me how I know. :-P

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mad14kt by mad14kt 08 Jun 2014

Thanks Leaha :) I am enjoying being able to cut out my garments. I am about to cut out a top. However; I keep eying my machine, LOL I just have to get use to it being relocated, if I want to be able to cut and be happy in one room :)

by decojo 08 Jun 2014

Change can be hard, but there is always something good that comes from change. My sewing room is a cheerful mixture of early garage sales, so I am always changing something. When one thing goes in sometimes two things have to come out. It usually works out. Let us know how it turns out.

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mad14kt by mad14kt 08 Jun 2014

Thanks Decojo :) I have used my cutting section today but I still keep eying my machine being in a new area (thinking) will it go back to it's old spot. However; I am enjoying cutting my garments out, once again...FIESTA - CHANGE is winning ;)

by jrob Moderator 08 Jun 2014

Aw, don't be so sad friend. Just pretend you are going into the stitching place of a buddy who layed everything out with a bigger plan than you had thought of. Now, you are going home to copy her and her master plan! You will get used to it eventually, but I understand the fight against change!

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mad14kt by mad14kt 08 Jun 2014

Thanks!!! :)

by rescuer Moderator 08 Jun 2014

Change is hard for me too. I moved my machines two weeks ago and now I am still "lost" in my own sewing room! I will get used to the new way soon -- I hope. The new way makes much more sense -- but I am stuck in the way I liked it before -- even though it did not make any sense.

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mad14kt by mad14kt 08 Jun 2014

LOL....this is why I am trying to make sure I can find what I move but I know Murphy's Law will show up uninvited :)

by katydid 08 Jun 2014

Be happy!!! I use my dining room table for my cut out out table with all kind of pads and cutting mats. I will admit there will be no meals served in the dining room as long as it is used for this purpose. Lucky me, I have a breakfast room. Also, I do not have an ironing board in my sewing room. Lucky me, I have a laundry room. This frees up a lot of room for my sewing room. I know you will find a placement for your machines. Kay

1 comment
mad14kt by mad14kt 08 Jun 2014

Thanks Kay :) I started cutting in my spare bedroom but then last cutting got down :( I really need to re-organize my furniture but that is a topic itself, LOL Now to find me another clip on lamp since my other one broke...FIESTA ANYHOW ;)