getEdited - SELECT
by graceandham ( edited 06 Jun 2014 ) 06 Jun 2014

6/6/14 Cats and Rain. We have had a non-stop downpour for two-and-a-half hours (so far) and my hill is washing down my hill. I put all my water buckets out and finally put my wheelbarrow out, too, to collect all that gorgeous rainwater. "Second day rain" (from the buckets) is my secret to more flowering. Nature is so cool! I was working in the yard and sweating out of most of my pores just before the rain (probably 99.8% humidity and about 83 degrees) and here comes my cat Sugartoes calling to me. He lures me around to the back of the house and cries at "his" door into "his" room. So, I let him in and stepped into the kitchen door to get a sip of water and outdoors started pouring and went black like night at 3:00 p.m. Cats always know! He's my alarm for going to the basement in tornado weather because he gets very vocal when the air pressure changes. So, I am a grateful cat mom for the heads up!

UPDATE: five and three-quarter hours of rain, with one good pause! I'm guessing we might be at 5-7 inches. Get ready Georgia!


by justonlyme 07 Jun 2014

I wish we had big storms like that in western WA. Instead, we just get heavy rain and earthquakes. I used to live in Texas, where I truly enjoyed the thunder and lightening (and warmth!!). I've been considering putting rain barrels at my downspouts to collect water for the dry periods between rain in the summer. But I'm also seriously thinking about selling my house and moving to a warmer climate, so I'm wracked with indecision. Fortunately we are on a natural spring well; the same source that Talking Rain water is bottled from.

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 07 Jun 2014

Make sure to move to an area with less earthquakes...

by 02kar Moderator 06 Jun 2014

Enjoy the rain and hope your flowers enjoy their treat too. What a smart cat you have. I'm glad you listen to him.

1 comment
graceandham by graceandham 06 Jun 2014

I don't know... tonight we heard on the news that an animal shelter about an hour away took in 35 cats today, mostly kittens and DH said he heard the cat say he sure missed Dubba and needs a new play buddy. I'm not ready, but Sugar has always had Dubba beside him to sleep with and run with and play with. They used to sleep in a PILE.

by crafter2243 Moderator 06 Jun 2014

Send some water this way. The earth is parched and we are on water cut backs.

by asterixsew Moderator 06 Jun 2014

There is supposed to be very heavy rain in my bit of the UK tomorrow. The last downpour and hail caused a blockage somewhere and the back of the house flooded. I have noticed a pump in place - just in case its needed. My cat is now demanding her supper so I better go and feed her. Where would we be without them?

graceandham by graceandham 06 Jun 2014

Nobody to talk to who REALY understands?

justonlyme by justonlyme 07 Jun 2014

Good one!! :)

by cfidl 06 Jun 2014

Wow It must be very green and lush. It is illegal to collect rain water where I live. Water is a commodity that is sold to neighboring states. If we use a gallon over their limit the price almost doubles.

pennifold by pennifold 06 Jun 2014

I can't believe that it's illegal to collect rain water - after all it falls freely from the sky! We have rainwater tanks here as mandatory for all new homes. We had rain all day yesterday and it was lovely. Love Chris

gerryb by gerryb 06 Jun 2014

Where do you live? We have rain barrels in TN. Now all this rain barrel talk has me singing "look down my rain barrel, slide down my cellar door..." anyone else remember that song?

justonlyme by justonlyme 07 Jun 2014

You must live in Colorado. There was a huge news story about that recently. How terribly unfortunate. I would sink rain barrels below the ground surface, and then use a siphon to remove the water when needed.

vickiannette by vickiannette 07 Jun 2014

Both Chris and myself live in Australia, but many thousands of miles apart. We catch our own rain water, using shed and house roofs for catchment area. It is stored in large tanks. It is the only drinking water I have, although Chris lives in a town and would have reticulated water as well.

Janus48 by Janus48 07 Jun 2014

I am puzzled also....where and why is it illegal to collect rain water?? I always have 8-10 full rain barrels near my garden every summer....just in case. And I do cover them tightly so we don't collect mosquitos.